

A bright light blinded Yu Lie as he enter the transportation array. Once the brightness vanished, he slowly opened his eyes to see his surroundings. To his astonishment, he saw an ancient battle field in front of him.

Ancient Structure were seen everywhere, some remained intact others collapsed. Broken Statures were seen everywhere. In the central were multiple battle stadiums.

He wasn't the only one that was surprised, many youths that entered had the same look as him.

"look at these city pumpkins! "a certain youths from one of the bigger clans started to looks at these surprised youths with disdain and arrogance.

"see these are ancient building left here by our great ancestors, do you know what that means" a snotty youth asked the surprised youths.

This was a youth that came from one of the great clans, the Lin Clan, due to this fact, since childhood he would look at those under him with disdain.

Yu Lie heard that this young Youth was name Ji Lin, he was the only son of one of the great High Elder in the Lin Family, he naturally was spoiled by the family. Even though he was spoiled and showed arrogance and disdain, he had strength to back up his talk, he was ranked just out side of the top 10!

Suddenly, Ji Lin made eye contact and walked directly towards him.

"Who in the Astral World, do you think you are? Do you feel a few accomplishments in your life being close to our Water Goddess?" Ji Lin directly got in front of Yu Lie and attacked him with words

Yu Lie Snorted right back at him, "Who am I? why should I tell you who I am? What coalification's do you even have to come talk to me?"


Just than another figure came up and join in with Ji Lin. Yu Lie knew who this figure was, it was the same young youth from the lunar Sect that released the killing intent against him.

" Brother Ji calm down, we do not to worry about such small fries, I've heard form the higher ups that he's just a childhood friend of our Goddess, and even if he does have any feelings for her it does matter, she's in another world compare to him and she engaged to our highness, hehehe if He angers our highness than is entire family will suffer"

Hearing to these remarks, Yu Lie was driven by angered, at this moment he was ready to chop someone's head off! Talking about his family? This was it for him.

Just as Yu Lie released his killing intent, another figure came into the fray.

"Fellow brother, these two idiots do not deserve your wonderful lecture. Those that have to hide behind greater beings, are just a waste of time to even teach. Come Brother, just being next two these idiots are ruining my face and mood" this was the same young youth that Yu Lie met when he was entering this array. At that time Yu Lie believed that this person was too mysterious.

Yu Lie did not leave at that moment either, he stared at the duo, and released a much greater killing intent than before

The mysterious youth looked at Yu Lie and a smile pop up, "Brother why don't you wait until the start of the tournament to take your anger out against them. If you cause problems now, every single elder here would attack you!"

Still starting at the duo, Yu lie slowly walked away, but his killing intent increased! The Duo's started to shudder when they felt this.

It wasn't the duo's that noticed the killing intent, every single person in the ancient stadium felt it! On two separate corners of the stadium, the devil opened his eyes and looked at Yu Lie and he started laughing, while his Highness opened eyes and looked at both Yu Lie and the mysterious youth and then closed his eyes again.

In a room, in a secret spot in the stadium, a few figures where seated. One was a middle age boy, another was an old elder, and the last was female.

After a while, the middle age man spoke. "What strong and savage killing intent, do any of you know who or where this youth came from?"

"No!" both the Elder and Female replied gently. Just from this reply one could notice who was the master and who were the servant.

The mysterious youth and Yu Lie talked for a bit, Yu Lie discovered that his name was Sheng! No last name just Sheng. Eventually the duo separated and started cultivating.

While cultivating, Yu Lie felt a delicate figure coming towards, with a simile he said" Fairy Maiden, your causing to many headaches for me, even your beloved's goons are after me. After I beat you, you can than me follow me, don't worry I'll let your beloved know that I won't touch you"

"You idiot, really! I came to check on you and you still have the guts to tease me! Bastard if I knew I wouldn't have come. Hump and you'll be the one following me on your Knees!" with Liane angrily went back to the Lunar Sect's area and directly went to the Youth!

Yu Lie could only cry when he saw that, he knew that everyone saw this. Out of curiosity he looked over at the person dressed in golden and to his surprise he saw that this person wasn't worried about anything.

"Hehehe, at this rate she may not be yours"

Just than that person opened his eyes and looked right back at Yu Lie. Using a bit of soul force, he transferred an message to him.

" Only the strongest, deserve to stand on my side, she's doesn't suit this great once taste, out of respect for the old once, I've agreed but don't worry, once I've played with her, I'll leave and you can have her, Soon I shall be continuing my journey and I shall find the perfect match in heaven and this small continent is not the place"

These few sentences had just started a war against each other, Yu Lie looked coldly at this person, while the person in front stared back.

Finally Yu Lie replied, "Just a toad, trying to eat a sawm. Just you wait, I'll show you who what real power is! We'll find out who the king is and who the servant is." With that he left to go find Liane.

The duo met and talked about many different opponents and best way to prepare for the fights to come.

Eventually the middle-man entered the Stadium as well and began this began the start.

"alright can I have all of your attention" Yelled the middle age man

" When you all finished registering, we gave each and everyone a small ball, now I want all of you to apply a small spiritual force and break that ball. In that ball there will be a number, there are in total 200 cultivator that are here to compete, and the number you have is your identity"

Yu Lie slowly poured in a small bit of spiritual force and bank the ball split open and a carving with a number showed up. Number 9, looking over at Liane's number he discovers she was number 195.

Liane looked over as well and when she saw the number she cracked a smile.

"You already got scared, really getting number 9".

"What's the big deal"

" oh, it's a huge deal, those with a lower number will be placed in a different bracket compared to us, since most of the weaker youth come early to register they are in this group, while those that are stronger will be placed in a different group. Eventually towards the end these two groups will fight, that's if you can make it to me!"

Listening to her explanation, YU Lie could only sight to himself.

"Alright everyone has popped their balls, it's time to start, in front the stadiums, there are two different groups, listed by number, go to the number that you're on number falls under" with that the man went up to the stadium.

Soon enough everyone separated, just as Yu Lie and Liane were going to separate, a figure in golden robes showed up.

The figure directly looked at Liane as told, "Liane I know that he is your childhood friend and all, but in the future please be respectful, I am engaged with you"

Liane angerly revolted back, "Shen Luan! I have not agreed with this marriage and do not tell me to be respectful either, I will respect those that should be and those that shouldn't be!"

Shen Luan coldly snorted and left, he also left a spiritual message to Yu Lie, " A piece of shit like you, who's in a weaker group dares to stand in my way. You won't even reach my level in any of your lifetimes!"

" hey! What did he say"

Yu Lie became surprised, this girl could sense that that Spiritual message had occur. "Nothing"

"Nothing? Fine your always like this, just be careful from him. I'm heading over too"

" hehehe, You do not have to worry about me, soon enough you will be my maiden, in the future when I have kids, I'll let you clean them up! And heres my good luck charm" Yu Lie quickly grabbed her waist and hugged her in from of everyone!

" AH, You bastard" Finally being released, she ran to the other side with a red face.

Yu Lie watched her and then turned to face Shen Luan with a smile and then went to his group.