
Hey guys! Long time no see! Hope everyone is doing fine during these crazy times...2020...ummm. So i decided to write a few details on this page, such as realms, tier (weapion, inscriptions, pills...etc. Its gets confusing at times, so everytime we level reach a new realm, i'll write the details here, just a heads up to those that still behind,,,


Body Transformation (BT) (7 stages) .

7 levels/steps (whatever fits)

1-3 levels are geared toward developing the internal structure of the human body, i.e Bone's blood

4-6 is geared towards the middle layer's of body. i'e. skin and muscles structure

7th outer surface.

Core-creation (CC) (4 stages)

Outline: can be consider a psudo(false) layer of the Core-creation. Think of an outline of a drawing, its an outline. it's not perfect, you still have to add stuff into it and fill it up. This is the outline realm, its the starting foundation. Not much stronger than 7th level of BT

1st level or quater filled core: One can start absorbing the energies or Heaven and earth (affintiy) into the core, But is limited to quater of their core feeling.

2nd level or half filled core: core's filled at the half level

3rd level or competed core: core completed, one has excess amount of affinity and are have to call upon the power's of there affinity.

Sky Lord (TBT)