Murkwood Town

"Hey look at that! What the hell is up with that enormous chicken? Why is it carrying a golden chicken?"

A player named 'Monster Overkill' asked his friends beside him as he discovered a human-sized 'chicken' walking towards the town.

"Who knows what that is, maybe just a bug. Come on! We still have to join the others for the Tower Raid." A player named 'Drunken Caesar' replied.

10 minutes earlier...

"Cuckooo... Bawk Bawk... Meoooww? Woof Woof? (How the hell do you even comfort a chicken?)" Jay tried doing animal sounds as he was worried about Nuggets since the moment they left Murkwood Passage, the moment Nuggets respawned, Nuggets was acting strange and was not running off anymore. Jay was afraid that Nuggets will 'die' in a random way again when he just leveled up.

Jay gave up when he saw Nuggets staying still even when he did a lot of embarrassing acts while wearing the 'Chicken Armor Set'. Jay then thought of something great "But wait, if I carry him while he is like this and when I finally buy a rope in Murkwood Town... Hehehe..." Jay then grabbed and carried Nuggets as he was feeling elated from the great plan he had in his mind.

Back to the present...

"Damn it! I attract to much attention. Better hurry up and ask someone to dispel this 'curse' I have. I should just ask Barton later when I hand over Giron's letter." Jay said to himself as he saw people looking and talking about him being a 'human-sized chicken'.

Jay then tried remembering every detail he can about Murkwood Town.

"If I remember correctly, Murkwood Town is the only safe area were level 15-20 Players can go to when grinding monsters in Murkwood. Murkwood Town has a lot of high leveled NPCs so it is not a good idea to start a fight in this town. If I remember correctly, when a player attacks another player or NPC, they will be chased until they are either captured or killed. The town has two NPC powerhouses: Barton, a level 200 Tier 3 Mage and the other one is disguised as a beggar named Bolin, a level 200 Tier 1 Brawler. There are also 'NPC Class Tutors' available here that costs 1 Silver coin each..."

Jay knew that his brain will explode from 'too much remembering' if he tried to think about the basic stuff like shops, guilds, etc. so he did not have to go into detail with those and just tried remembering the important parts...

"As for the town's history... I think it goes something like this..."

Murkwood Town was built during the Warring States Era that is owned and used to be managed by Lord Vald Grayhammer, a vassal of Queen Auburn, the queen of Wildergreene. The town has a small population of around 10,000 - 15,000 since the town's function before was an outpost in order to harvest lumber from the numerous trees found in Murkwood. Most of the structures are obviously made from wood. But after some time later, it turned into what it is today, a bustling place full of Players and NPCs. Even the old wooden structures are slowly being rebuilt in concrete. Ten years have passed since the town was built and there is no one left in charge of the place since Wildergreene's forces are stretched too thin from the ongoing wars. But the reason why the place is still orderly even without someone in command is all thanks to Barton, who decided to build his mage tower in the town and ensured the town's peace.

"Whew! Thinking all about that game lore drained a lot of my 'brain juices.' I guess I better head to Barton now and ask him to cast 'Dispel' magic on me and complete Giron's quest." Jay then started walking to the nearby mage tower.