If You Won't Let Me Out, I'll Force Myself Out.

"Oi, should we just leave him here?" Bloody Harvest asked as he saw Jay collapse and lose consciousness.

"Guys, this guy is just really weird. First he hugs me while naked and now he spouts some kind of random nonsense before collapsing. Is this guy really a player?" Hot Buns asked as he felt some weird premonition coming from Jay's actions.

[Roasted Boar dropped Normal Clothes]

"Geez, he did not even accepted the clothes before collapsing. Let's just leave him here. I feel the same way as Buns. Let's just leave the GMs to deal with this. Might be a bug." Roasted Boar said as the four of them left Jay alone.

Around nighttime...

"Huh? Where am I?" Jay asked himself. He then saw the Normal Clothes that his 'other self' dropped and he then remembered everything that occurred before he collapsed.

"Fate, how do I log off?" Jay asked the system since he at least had a little bit of hope that there is a way for him to leave the game.

"Unknown error detected. You cannot log off the game due to certain reasons. Sorry for the inconvenience." The system replied to Jay while Jay gnashed his teeth as he picked up the clothes and wore it for the time being.

"Fine. If you do not let me leave this game, I'll just break the game. No more 'Mr. Nice Guy.' I will just force myself out the moment I ruin everything in this game." Jay said softly. He then went towards a nearby inn.

Drunken Rooster Inn (Owned by NPC)

Before Jay entered, he already heard a lot of commotion in the inn so he thought that it must be pretty lively inside.

"Time to enjoy for now I guess. I won't have time to enjoy and relax after I set my 'grand plan' to leave the game in motion."

Jay then entered and immediately shouted:

"Hey boss! A jug of ale and a piece of bread please." He then sat down at a stool located near the drink counter.

The bartender then replied: "Coming right up... Ehhh... Sorry kid, I do not serve ale to kids. Tell you what, I will let you try my new product instead! Honey Lime Juice!"

"Okay then." Jay then waited. As he waited, he tried singing with the drunk people performing their weird song.

Over the hills, I met a lady named Matilda

Then we went to her house and met a Panda

We then watched the Panda roll over and over the hill

La la la la la...

The drunkards just basically repeated this weird song over and over. But for some unknown reason, it made a lot of the inn's customers laugh, including Jay. While Jay was enjoying himself...

"Here you go kid. Honey Lime Juice with a piece of bread." the bartender said as he handed over Jay's order.

Jay then gave the bartender 2 Silver coins and said:

"Boss. One silver coin for the meal and for a nice room. As for long how I will be staying, i do not really know. The other is for my other meals that I eat while I am staying here."

To Jay, 2 Silver coins might be cheap due to him considering many things, but as for the bartender, who never even saw a Silver Coin in his life, it was just like Jay handed over a gold mine.

The bartender then started treating Jay with more respect and introduced himself and told Jay many benefits that he will provide him. "Thank you sir! You can use any room you wish. By the way, my name's Salador, and if you have any needs in the future when you stay in my inn, the Drunken Rooster, just call me anytime. Cheers!" The bartender then grabbed a bottle of ale and drank it while joining the drunkards have fun while singing.

La la la la la....

Before heading to a room, Jay asked Salador for some writing materials like papers, ink, and a feather.

Drunken Rooster, 3rd Floor

Jay entered a room at near the stairs and decided that it will be his base of operations while he is in the vicinity of Murkwood.

He then entered the room. Before he did anything else he first checked the entire room since he was feeling a little bit of paranoia. After checking that besides a table, chair, bed and a single window in the room, he placed the writing materials he got on the table and started writing some stuff.

"Now, I should try to remember every place in Murkwood that contains treasure, where dungeons and towers are located, NPC and monster spawn points and locations, etc...."

Jay muttered to himself as he started writing many things that he remembered. After he did that for more than an hour...

"I should first do the Legendary quest Fellis, the Great Treant gave me and clean Murkwood Passage of every treasure it has then head over the nearby 'Ruined Tower' in Murkwood Forest. But first, I should look for an NPC Class tutor tomorrow."

Jay then went to sleep as he finally put his 'grand plan' in motion.