Goodboy The Master Blacksmith

The moment Jay approached the map, he first tried touching the yellow dot on it again.

"Just how big is this map? It has to zoom in more than 10 times in order to show my current location..." Jay thought to himself when he observed the map the moment he touched the yellow dot.

Jay then tried to observe the map more closely to see anything else marked besides where he is. Then he saw some blue dots and some red dots marked on the map.

So just like before, Jay tried touching these dots.

When he touched the blue dots, it showed him areas he previously explored like Murkwood Passage and Kagruu Plains. As for the red dots, it was the Slime Royalty Dungeon he recently visited.

"I see... Then what if I touch these dots again?" Jay then tried tapping the blue dot marked over Murkwood Passage twice.


Murkwood Passage...

"Holy s***! Isn't this map function too overpowered?" Jay said to himself as he looked around and confirmed that he is indeed in Murkwood Passage right now.

"Crap! I do not have my weapons with me right now. I should return before some random monster spots me." Jay then went back to the Fate System Room or what he now calls his 'mind room' and went back to Murkwood Town using this 'godly tool' he had.


Drunken Rooster Inn, Jay's Room

"This fast travel function just takes the thrill out of traveling... I should only use it in emergencies." Jay thought to himself while he grabbed all of the stuff that got dropped from the previous Fate System he had.

"Chicken armor set, Leah's dagger, Flintlock Pistol... I guess that's it. Time to try that storage orb."

Jay then went back to the mind room and stored all of his stuff at the storage orb.

After he did that, he checked if Nuggets was already fine and ready to move out since the armor he requested from Goodboy's Blacksmith Shop must already be ready by tomorrow.

"Nuggets, are there any changes that occurred to you due to that white flame?" Jay asked Nuggets using bestial language.

Nuggets then shook her head to show disagreement.

"Why do I feel that you do not want to talk to me anymore after I gave you the sparkybeans?" Jay helplessly said as he looked at Nuggets.

Nuggets then replied without even looking at Jay "Talking is tiresome."

When Jay heard this, he became even more helpless so he decided to just let it be. Just as he was wondering what he should do for the rest of the day, Salador came knocking on his door.

"Young master, a master blacksmith named Goodboy is looking for you."

When Jay heard this, he immediately prepared himself and went down the inn.


Drunken Rooster Inn, 1st Floor

"Master Goodboy, I heard that you were looking for me." Jay said as he approached a teenager with brown hair wearing smithy clothes.

"Ah! What a surprise! I never thought anyone will know me based on my appearance. But anyways, I heard that you want me to craft you an armor set for this." Goodboy then tossed Jay a gold coin.

"Yes indeed. But let me guess... there's a bit of trouble with this request of mine so you wanted to meet me right?"

When Goodboy heard Jay, he immediately felt goosebumps because he was starting to think that Jay planned all of this along.

He then replied "Correct, there is indeed some trouble with your request. The armor sets that I can create is only up to Iron to Silver rank. As for the rarity of materials used, I am afraid it only has a rating of Common or Rare. So the final product I will be able to produce won't even be worth 300 Silver Coins. I am afraid that..."

Just as Goodboy was going to ask to reduce the remuneration, Jay gave back the gold coin and said "Then, let me just change my request then."

Jay then took out Leah's Dagger and presented it to Goodboy.

"I want you to raise the quality of this weapon of mine. If not possible, then..."

Jay then took out the Chicken Armor Set.

"Same thing, I want you to try and improve this armor set as best as you can."

But as Jay said that when he took out the Chicken Armor Set, he started cursing withing his mind "!@#$... Screw it! Just screw it! This is the only armor I got anyways. I just hope its trash rating will get removed."

When Goodboy saw the dagger and the armor set, he immediately said "I guess it's possible for me to improve the dagger. But for the armor... I haven't seen anything like this at all! But since that is your request, then I should do whatever I can."

Jay then asked "Master Goodboy, may I know how long it will take you for this request of mine?"

Goodboy then started to think for a while then replied "If you help me with a certain errand, my workload will be lessened and I can finish this task within the day."

When Jay heard the time it will take, he was a bit excited so he just decided to help Goodboy with whatever errand he needs.

Goodboy then said "I just need you to help me and my party distribute some weapons I crafted recently to the shops around the town. Nothing much. Just around a few hundred swords and whatnot."

When Jay heard Goodboy say 'a few hundred' he immediately felt he made a very, very bad choice.

Before Jay left with Goodboy, he asked Salador to feed Nuggets her lunch and dinner if he is still not back during those times.

Both of them then went to Goodboy's blacksmith shop and Goodboy gave Jay a list of the shops where he is supposed to deliver the stuff. He then showed Jay to the basement of the shop where Jay saw hundreds of weapons stored.

"Oh no... Why did it come to this..." Jay cried as he saw the number of weapons he was going to deliver.

So for a whole day, Jay just went around the town delivering weapons. Since he had to deliver around a hundred weapons, he decided to motivate himself by thinking it was all part of body training.

After he finished, he returned to Goodboy's Blacksmith Shop and went to the smithy to see if Goodboy was there.

"Master Goodboy, I am done with the task. I suppose my armor set and dagger is already done now?" Jay asked when he saw Goodboy just sitting at a worn out chair near a desk.

"It is indeed finished. But for your 'chicken armor set', I kind of requested help from a friend of mine since there were a lot of tiny magic runes engraved on it. It is really strange though, with that many magic runes on it, why do I feel like it still has a rating of trash?"

Just after Goodboy finished talking, a stunning and gorgeous lady showed up and asked Jay to step aside.

"Move it kid. We have important business here. Go on. Scram... why are you looking at me like that?"

When this lady thought that Jay was having weird thoughts in his mind as he looked at her, there was a completely different thing in Jay's mind right now.

"Huh? Why is she here?" Jay thought as he remembered an NPC that looked just like her.

"The Level 100 Enchanter and Seeress, Aisleen Bellaflor"