Nuggets' Skills


The monsters kept dying one after another as Krudge kept killing them. But some of these monsters, like the Demon Bats, tried to retaliate and started attacking Krudge.



Small amounts of damage appeared on Krudge. Then after all the monsters got killed, Krudge only has around 60% of his health remaining.

Jay then dashed over to Krudge, but this time, instead of attacking the back, he quickly lowered his body and aimed for Krudge's feet.


"Crap... NUGGETS! Stop watching and use that skill of yours! That egg bomb thingy! Hurry up!"

But no matter how much Jay begged, Nuggets still watched angrily.

"Oh boy... I wonder how long this will take..."

Jay then kept on slashing and stabbing Krudge at random places while dodging Krudge's attacks that are kind of slow.

59% health...


"Damn it! This is just too slow even if I keep on using Flicker Blade! I wonder if this will work..."

Jay then went to Krudge's front and hugged it.

"Crap! This is probably the most disgusting plan I have made in my whole life!" Jay thought while he was hugging this pile of flesh.

When Krudge saw Jay hugging him, he got really, really angry and tried to use his cleavers to stab Jay. But then, Jay immediately released his hold on him and climbed over his head.

Then what happened next was 'magical'...


"Holy s**t! What kind of damage is that! Good thing I did not get hit! Well, sucks to be this guy... But seriously... DISGUSTING!!!" Jay thought as he saw that the area where Krudge stabbed 'himself', random pieces of guts kept flowing out.

Krudge then said a few words...


Jay then climbed higher onto its head and started stabbing and slashing again.

Then after 30 minutes later...

"NUGGETS! ANY MINUTE NOW! PLEASE HELP ME!" Jay shouted since he was starting to get fatigued due to doing everything by himself.

"NO!" Nuggets replied angrily.

Due to this moment of distraction, Jay fell off the abomination's head

"Damn it Nuggets!" Jay shouted furiously as he crashed hard into the ground.

"Ouch! My legs... F***!"

When Krudge saw Jay, it suddenly had a wide grin on its face and grabbed the cleavers stuck to its body. When Jay saw Krudge about to attack, he racked his mind for ways to dodge, but his legs were injured right now and might not make it if he tried to dodge.

So he decided to use 'Indestructible' and targeted himself.

[Jay used Indestructible (Tier V-Protection Spell)]

Just as Jay activated the spell, Krudge started to release a barrage of attacks on him. But, due to the sheer amount of strength from this abomination, even though Jay is under the effect of Indestructible, he still felt the shock that occurred from the cleavers.

"OUCH!!! NUGGETS! PLEASE..." Jay shouted since he knew that the spell's effects will only last a few seconds.

But suddenly, something weird happened... A small egg came flying towards the abomination...

"What the f***!" Jay cursed in his mind. Then just as about he was going to give up hope...

The egg came into contact with the ebomination's head and exploded. Then a big chunk of the abomination's health got removed...


"WHAT!? WHAT KIND OF SKILL IS THAT!? Wtf..." Jay was shocked and did not know why it even did that much damage... "How can a small egg deal that much damage..."

Due to this damage, the abomination stopped swinging his cleavers and tried to look for the one who attacked him. Then he saw a golden chicken showing its backside to him...

Krudge then started rushing towards Nuggets and ignored Jay.

Then another egg came out of Nuggets and she kicked it towards the abomination. Another massive amount of damage was dealt to the abomination.


"Nice one Nuggets!!!" Jay then stood up, unequipped the dagger and switched it with the flintlock pistol. He then started using 'Double Shot' and 'Double Penetration' every after shot.




The moment the abomination reached Nuggets, Nuggets jumped and used 'Forked Lightning' on the spilling guts of the abomination. And for some reason, the disgusting green ooze which is probably the abomination's blood, was a great conductor for electricity...



Due to this massive damage again, the abomination stopped moving, fell over, and dropped its cleavers. But sadly it was still not dead.

Jay then approached it and activated Chicken's Fury. He then went crazy and did everything he can just to damage the abomination. Gunshots, dagger thrusts, dagger slashes, he even threw in kicks once in a while.

As for Nuggets, for some reason, she collapsed after she landed from her jump.

"NUGGETS!!!" When Jay saw Nuggets, he went even crazier and faster with his attacks. As for the abomination, it was in some kind of 'paralyzed' state, probably due to Nuggets' last attack.

Then after a few minutes later, Krudge died. Jay then received a few notifications but he was just too tired to even look at it as he lied down beside Nuggets.

[Jay cleared 'The Mysterious Crack' Dungeon.]

[Cleared on Normal Difficulty]

[Jay solo-cleared 'The Mysterious Crack' for the first time]

[Jay is rewarded with 100 Silver Coins]

Then he and Nuggets got teleported out of the dungeon. Just as Jay and Nuggets got out of the dungeon, Krudge's body suddenly twitched and started transforming and gathering magicka at a very fast rate...


Outside the Mysterious Crack, Murkwood Passage...

"Nuggets, what was with that skill you used earlier? If it was so overpowered, why didn't you used it sooner?" Jay asked Nuggets while he was lying down.

Then Nuggets started to make crying sounds...

"Waahhhh!!! I HATE YOU!!! WaahhH!!!"

Jay did not know how to respond so he just patted Nuggets on her back and slowly stroked her feathers. Nuggets then said a weird thing...

"I murdered my fellow chickens... WAAAAAHHHH!!!"

Jay then realized something... "Wait... Didn't those eggs came out from Nuggets... Then aren't those eggs supposed to be her future babies... Oh s***!"

Jay then quickly apologized to Nuggets...

"NUGGETS! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I WON'T LET YOU USE THAT SKILL AGAIN!!!" Jay was supposed to kneel and bow in front of her, but his body was just too sore ate the moment due to his final barrage of attacks.

Nuggets then stopped crying.

Just as they were having this little drama of theirs, an enormous red and fleshy hand appeared from the depths of the mysterious crack and slammed down. Then an earthquake occurred, as if something was trying to climb out of the mysterious crack...

"No... Why now..." Jay said helplessly while crying since he knew that the Demonic Abomination finally appeared. But he was not in any condition to run or fight anymore...


"Nuggets... RUN!!!"