Chief Warrior of Wildergreene, Morris

A few kilometers away from Ulruk Village...

"Pathetic. Are you really the famous Bloodfang I have been hearing about these past few days?" A guy who is probably a knight said as he was disappointed. He had a complete set of shiny steel armor, and painted on it was the symbol of Wildergreene, an odd looking tree that looks like a treant. As for his weapons, it was a warhammer(a hammer with a very long handle). He was currently looking at his fellow knights kill of some bandits, and in front of him was Bloodfang.

Bloodfang was on his knees while using his sword as a support to stop him from falling down. He then shouted a few words before passing out.

"DAMN IT! At first there was that kid, and now the chief warrior is here. AAAAAHHHH!!!"

If Jay was here, he will be really surprised since this man in the shiny steel armor was the Chief Warrior, Morris. And together with him are some elite soldiers of Wildergreene.

Chief Warrior was a title given to the strongest general in the Wildergreene Army. As for the Wildergreene army, it was made up of 3 divisions; the Generals, the Soldiers, and the Trainees. Obviously, the higher the rank, the stronger. And for titles like 'chief warrior' and 'special elite',

it depends on how strong a person is.

After Bloodfang and his cronies were dealt with, the soldiers (knights) with Morris reported to him.

"Sir, all of the bandits have been killed. But there is something strange that we've discovered."

Morris kept his weapon in whatever storage item he had on him and asked his soldiers for more details.

"Sir, we discovered that the nearby village, Ulruk, was the direction the bandits came from. One of our scouts reported that there are no death reports so far. The only damages the bandits dealt was the two sentry towers that was set on fire. But the strange thing our scouts discovered was that the bandits were fleeing from something."

"Interesting. Everyone, gather up and let us head into the village." Morris said as he led the way while his soldiers followed.


Ulruk Village

"Young Master, thank you! Thank you, thank you..." Villager after villager went up to Jay and the rest of the members of Golden Phoenix while showing thanks and giving them random gifts like food, water, coins, etc.

But even though that sounded nice, Jay told them that they do not need it. The villagers keep on insisting though.

To settle the matter at hand, the village chief asked everyone to keep silent and told them, "Our young masters here doesn't want it. But, if that is the case... Prepare a feast! A feast for our young masters! Butcher 50% of the livestock we have! Everyone will celebrate from dusk till dawn!"

The villagers got excited as they all ran to their homes and started preparing. At first, Jay asked the village chief if they can help with anything, but the other party refused.

"Alright then." Just as Jay was going to tell everyone to relax for a bit, everyone heard some heavy footsteps coming towards the village.

"No way. They came back?" Almost everyone had the same thought. But just as they thought that the gods abandoned them, they saw knights riding on horses. They even had a banner of Wildergreene lifted up.

"The army is here! Thank the gods! Everyone, forget saving the livestock! Butcher them all! We will feast until everyone is contented!" The village chief said while smiling widely.

Everyone, may it be the villagers or the people from Golden Phoenix, relaxed after that. But Jay, he had a really, really weird expression on his face.

"What the hell is he doing here? If my guess is right, he should've encountered Bloodfang's group. Crap... I just hope Bloodfang did not tell anything about me being a follower of Count Griscar the IV... S**T!"

While Jay was thinking as such, the knights arrived at the village and unmounted their horses. Morris then approached the group.

"Youngsters, may I know who your village chief is?" Morris asked Jay and the rest, mistaking them for villagers.

As for Jay and the rest, they had a weird smile on their faces and thought, "Are we really looking that poor just because of the leather armor set we have?"

When the village chief sensed the awkwardness happening between the two parties, he immediately faked a cough and said, "My lord, those are the young masters who saved our village. But anyways, since my lord and his fellow knights are here, why don't you join us later at the feast?"

Morris finally understood that the situation. Just as he was about to refuse the village chief, one of his soldiers said, "Thank you village chief. We will very much like to stay!"

Morris face-palmed himself since he already sensed this happening. He then told everyone to go do whatever they want at the meantime since he wanted to ask Jay and the rest on how they were able to drive out the bandits.


Inside a random house...

Jay told everyone from the guild to let him do the talking with Morris. So everyone went on their business while he and Morris had a little chat.

"So, how did you manage to drive out the bandits? It's impressive that there wasn't even a single casualty." Morris said as he scrutinized everything about Jay.

Jay replied, "I gave the leader, Bloodfang, a gold coin. As for what he did with it, I do not know since they left after that."

"I see. Thank you for saving this village. The kingdom of Wildergreene is in your debt." Morris said. Just as he was about to leave, Jay suddenly stopped him and asked...

"Can I please have a moment of your time, chief warrior."

At first, Morris thought that Jay was just probably going to ask him for some sword training, but Jay took out an amulet. A very, distinguishable amulet.

"That amulet! Why do you have it?" Morris suddenly tensed up, grabbed Jay by his shoulders, and looked at him seriously.

"Jackpot!" Jay thought in his mind and said "Frallia gave it to me. I had a fateful encounter with hear and the treant, Fellis."

Just as Morris was going to ask some more, someone knocked on the door of the house.

"Young Master! My Lord! The village chief requires your presence. It's time to celebrate!"

After that, Morris lets go of Jay and told him that they will continue this talk later.

"Come on kid. Let's talk it over while drinking some beer."

Jay nodded and both of them left the house.