Meeting The Queen

--- Common area castle, Greengarden ---

After the blue haired lady dragged Jay inside the castle, they both arrived at the castle's throne room.

There was nothing strange about the throne room. It was pretty normal. A carpet running through the center, a throne near the back area, and knights standing on the sides. And sitting on the throne was Queen Auburn, who looked like a little girl.

The queen was wearing a blue colored exquisite dress, a golden crown on her head, and had purple short hair. She was even hugging a teddy bear.

Jay and the blue haired lady walked down the aisle and the both of them knelt down.

"Mother, this commoner claims that he has news about aunt Frallia." After saying that, the blue haired girl stood up and went beside the queen.

The queen had a weird look on her face. She asked Jay to lift up his head since she probably want to check Jay's sincerity of the matter. After that...

"Please, follow me. We will talk somewhere else." She then tapped something on her throne, and a hidden door in front of her appeared.

Jay stood up while he followed. As for the blue haired lady, she just waited in the throne room.


--- Greengarden, Common Area ---

"Heda, want to walk around town?" Nuggets asked Heda, who was currently carrying her.

Heda refused Nuggets. "But Jay told us to wait outside of the castle. I cannot disobey my master's orders."

"Then suit yourself. Bye!"

Nuggets suddenly jumped out of Heda's arms and ran off.

"Waaah!!! Bad chicken! Come back here!"

Just like that, the both of them ran off.

--- Shopping District, Common Area ---

Both the chicken and the little monster girl arrived in front of a restaurant. There, they saw people eating different kinds of delicious looking food.

"Woah! Hey Nuggets! Look at all this food!" Heda exclaimed out loudly while controlling herself or she might start drooling over the food items she saw.

"Heda, do you have some skill to steal those? Hehehe..." Nuggets said mischievously.

Just as the both of them were planning to do such...

"Ehhh? A golden chicken? So cute!"

Three people arrived and encircled Nuggets and Heda. Two of them were elders. One of the 'elders' even had an arm missing. As for the the one who said Nuggets was cute, it was a boy. These three people wore matching sets of white robes that had an emblem pinned on it. The emblem looked like a golden feather.

Bawk Bawk!

Of course, these people cannot understand beast language, so the boy just picked up Nuggets and started cuddling her.

"So cute! Elder Fang, can I keep it? I promise to feed it everyday."

The elder who was missing an arm just nodded and the three of them went in the restaurant while the boy was holding Nuggets.

At first, Nuggets wanted to break free from whatever these people planned to do with her, but when she saw that they were heading inside the restaurant, she took a glance at Heda and winked.


After they went in, Heda did not know what to do. She even went furious when she saw that mischievous look on Nuggets' face.

"Should I follow them or should I wait here? Aaah!!! Bad chicken! Bad!"


--- Common area castle, Greengarden ---

While all of that was happening, Jay and the 'queen' who was holding her teddy bear arrived at a small bedroom.

The bedroom only had a single bed, a desk, and two chairs. The queen gestured Jay to sit down. After the both of them were seated, the queen started to speak.

"First of all, let me ask you this. It is clearly your first time meeting me, but it seems like you do not even have any questions what's up with how I look?"

This question threw Jay a bit off guard and thought, "Oh. I forgot to put on a questioning face earlier..." and he said, "My queen, I have traveled through many lands and have seen a lot of surprising things. You looking like a child is just one of them."

The queen nodded her head and smiled to show her understanding. She then asked Jay to tell whatever news he had on Frallia.

Jay was not sure where to start since she saw the queen looking at him creepily, as if she wanted to 'eat' him, so he took out Frallia's amulet. The moment the queen saw it, she thought Jay was playing tricks on her and she started to look at Jay angrily. So Jay gave her the amulet to prove his innocence.

After the queen settled down a bit, he began telling the story of how he met Frallia and Fellis back at Murkwood Passage.

The queen just listened to Jay carefully while having an unreadable expression on her face. After Jay was done speaking...

"So, did you activate the amulet? You should probably know by now that this amulet grants you a random wish."

Jay nodded and told the queen that he became a Sage due to activating the amulet.

"I see." After saying this, the queen took out a letter from whatever storage item she has.

"Take this to the Royal Armory that is located at the luxury area. This letter will allow you to pick 5 different weapons of your choice."

She then stored Frallia's amulet and told Jay that he can leave now.


--- Outside the castle ---

After Jay left the castle, he tried looking for Nuggets and Heda since his business here was done. He was actually planning to go to one of the class academies and spend all of his gold coins to get a 'Class Promotion' to further improve his power. He was also planning the same thing for Nuggets and Heda. But... where the hell are they?

"Oh boy. I just hope they did not cause trouble..." Jay thought to himself not knowing that those two already caused trouble...