Hot Buns (Part 1)

Meanwhile, somewhere else on the trading center...

"Huh? Don't make me repeat myself. That kid was f**king trash! He cannot even tame s**t without using his own skill. Pfft!" Felix, on of the beast tamers that wanted to cause trouble for Jay, was currently with 4 young ladies who were also students of the academy. And in front of him was Hot Buns. They were also surrounded by a big crowd. There was even an Elder watching them from afar.

"F**king trash? You and your family are the ones who are f**king trash!" Hot Buns trash talked Felix.

After that, Hot Buns rushed towards Felix, wanting to punch his face until it swelled up to the point he looked like a pig.

"Tssk. Even his so called friends can't control themselves. Useless. Golden Phoenix guild? What rubbish! Get the f**k of this academy!"

Felix gestured the girls who were with him to move away for a bit as he awaited Hot Buns' punch. The moment Hot Buns punched him, he did not even dodge. He just took it head on.

"Huh? What is this?"

Hot Buns suddenly got drenched in sweat and felt like he was infected by some kind of disease.

Not even having a chance to retreat, he suddenly felt Felix grabbing his head and heard something before losing consciousness.

"Tell that chicken bastard to leave this academy. As for you, you can go ahead and wait for him 30,000 meters below the academy."


A moment back in time, just before everyone split up to buy their own stuff...

Hot Buns was currently strolling around trying to look for some refreshments since he really needed a drink. Luckily, he found a little boy named Mitch who was selling something called 'Fizzy Lemon Pops', a fancy name for a lemonade. Mitch was not wearing the academy's white robe uniform, but rather, he was wearing a maid costume for unknown reasons.

"Fizzy Lemon Pops! Only 1 Academy Point! One swig of this baby and you will be relaxed for an entire day!"

Mitch was trying to promote his product but due to its outrageous cost, no one wants to buy it. But unlike the rest of the students who were poor right now, Hot Buns immediately approached him and bought one.

"Hey there, can I just pay you with gold for now? Just convert them to Academy Points later on. Please? I really need a drink." Hot Buns asked since he was not sure if Mitch would sell his goods if he used his PP card.

"Oh sure. Here you go. One Fizzy Lemon Pop!"

After buying that, Hot Buns went and looked around for a shop catered for Brawlers. Just as he was looking around, he overheard a strange conversation. And the people having the conversation was getting closer to him.

"Hey Felix, did you watch the latest beast class promotion? It was f**king trash!"

"Watch your mouth young lady. You may look good, but no one will want you if your mouth is that vulgar. But I got to admit though, that chicken s**t was trash! He is a disgrace to beast tamers!"

"What was his name again, Jay? Chicken Jay?"

"Tssk. Too bad that kid hid really fast. If I ever see that trash again, I will show him how a real beast tamer acts. Or better yet, why not just put him in his place and make sure he never tames another beast again? AHAHAHAH!!!"

Hot Buns cannot take it anymore since he knew these guys will just keep getting in his nerves if he just let them go so he confronted them, then the rest of the stuff happened.


Just as Felix was going to deliver the final blow, Mitch, the kid who was selling the lemonades with the fancy name, suddenly walked towards the crowd.

"All of you, disperse. As for you Felix, put him down right now." Mitch was pretty calm and composed when he said all of this, making it seem like he did not carry any threat with his words. Due to that, no one listened to him and just focused on Hot Buns.

"(*Sigh... Kids these days.) Then, don't blame me for getting rough on you guys. Just remember I warned you."

After that, he suddenly attacked everyone.

"What the hell! Get that kid!" Someone from the spectating crowd said before he felt something cracking between his legs.


Just like that, the males got punched on their bottom part. As for the ladies, they felt a karate chop at the back of their necks before losing consciousness. All of this only happened a few seconds after Mitch started moving.

After he dealt with everyone, only Felix was left.

"So, do you want to let go now? Or should I do the same to you? By the way..." Mitch suddenly removed his maid costume and wore his white rob uniform. He also pinned on his academy emblem which showed that he was an Elder of the academy.

Felix suddenly lost his strength and let go of Hot Buns. He started sweating crazily as he knelt down.

"I'm sorry Elder. I did not realize that it was you. Please forgive this stupidity of mine."

"Nope. No chance I will forgive all of you for not listening to me. Hmph!" Mitch looked at Felix and everyone else with disgust. He then offered all of them a punishment.

"Felix, for the offenses you've committed, you are banned from using Academy Points until further notice. As for the rest of you, for not listening to my commands, I will deduct 70% of your Academy Points."

The male students thought their lives were over when their eggs between their legs got crushed, but when they heard the punishment, they did not know what was wrong with them for actually offending Mitch earlier.

As for Felix, he was even more shocked of his punishment. He only injured a student of the academy so he should have received the same punishment as the rest. So he wondered why and asked.

"Elder, why is my punishment worse?"

Mitch looked at Felix with even more disgust as he replied, "You don't know? First offense, you did not listen to my command. Second offense, you badmouthed a special guest of our academy. Third offense, you injured a student of the academy. Fourth offense, you disgust me. Fifth offense, your existence is a mistake..."

Mitch just went on and on, where only the first 3 offenses was the truth and the rest of the offenses he told was something related to how he felt at the moment.

After talking for a long time, Mitch got tired of it and carried Hot Buns. He then teleported himself together with Hot Buns somewhere else, leaving this poor group of students broken. As for Felix, after hearing all those insults from Mitch, he felt rage and pity for himself at the same time.

"You f**king s**t! Just because you're an Elder! Just wait until my father burns this nation of yours to the ground!" Before slumping down and wanting to close his eyes, Felix remembered a certain flag and a certain face.

The flag of Holtheim and his father, the king of Holtheim, King Arturus.