Night Sky and Azure Storm

--- Tournament Area ---

Jay was currently walking around since the arena where most of the events are held was still being fixed. Of course, most of the people already knew him as the 'Balls Crusher' so they avoided Jay whenever they passed by him.

"Jay, you joined the sword fight event right? But I remember that you don't have a sword with you. So, what are you going to do about that?" The Chicken Lord asked while Jay walked around.

"I was hoping to borrow a random person's sword during the event. But it seems like it's not possible now since almost everyone avoid me..." Jay was also thinking deep about this matter.

"Should I buy a sword or not? Well, screw it! I'm rich anyways." After thinking of this, Jay immediately went and hurried over to the nearest blacksmith shop.


"Swords made out of fine steel for sale! Longswords, shortswords, rapiers, and many more!"

A young girl with black, braided hair shouted out trying to attract customers to the blacksmithing shop she was working for.

A group of men wearing a mix of leather and steel armor suddenly came over. One of these men grabbed the young girl by the shoulder and asked, "Little girl, you look like you need some rest. Want to come with us and have fun?"

The young girl was not stupid and knew what these guys wanted from her. Just as she was about to take action and take out a small knife from her pocket...

"Hey, move it!"

Jay suddenly pushed his way through the men blocking the shop and entered. And while the men where distracted by getting pushed by Jay, the young girl pushed the one holding her and she ran inside the shop.

"Damn b**ch. Screw it. Come on guys, let us look for other girls we can have fun with."


--- Grayrock's Blacksmith Shop ---

The shop was a bit small since it was just a temporary establishment. The only thing that can be seen inside the shop was the stone walls that covered it from the inside, a smithy, and a dwarf who was currently hammering a sword.

The moment Jay entered the shop, the dwarf stopped whatever he was doing and greeted Jay.

"Oh, welcome good sir. Let me just finish this up if you need any repairs or anything forged. If you are here to buy finished products, go ahead and buy it from my assistant." After saying this, the dwarf went back to hammering the sword he was forging.

Jay was a bit surprised to see a dwarf here. The dwarf had black, long hair and a messy long beard. Just as Jay was going to ask where the dwarf's assistant is, he heard the door of the shop getting slammed and he got pushed by somebody.

"Hey, watch it!" Jay said as he looked at the person who pushed him. He then saw the young girl from earlier.

"Sorry mister."

Just as Jay was going to ask the dwarf again where his assistant was...

"Molly! What in blazes are you doing now? I told you not to slam the door!" The dwarf shouted as he kept hammering.

"I'm really sorry grandfather. Something really scary happened to me outside." The young girl bowed her head and looked like she was about to cry.

"Tssk. Those perverts again. Don't worry, after I am done with this, I will ask someone from our family to take care of those a**holes. And return to your work! There is a customer in front of you!" After the dwarf shouted, Molly, the little girl, realized that Jay was standing there silently as he watched her getting scolded by her grandfather.

"Umm... Welcome to Grayrock's blacksmithing shop mister. May I ask what services you need from us?" Molly asked Jay while she regained her composure and stood up straight.

"(She is the assistant the dwarf was talking about?) I want the best sword you have for sale. It does not matter what type of sword it is, I just want the best there is." Jay said while having a smug look on his face.

The moment the dwarf heard this, he stopped his hammering and looked at Jay seriously and said, "The best sword? Are you sure you can afford it?"

Knowing that dwarfs are a bit materialistic when it comes down to things like this, Jay immediately took out a gold crystal from the silver storage ring and showed it to the dwarf.

"Molly, go ahead and show him 'that'. It depends on 'that' thing if he can control its power or not."

After the dwarf said this, he went back to his work.

As for Molly, she took out a longsword. The longsword she took out was really strange. It's blade was jet black in color and glowed with a golden light. It's hilt was made out of wood, had a silver color to it, some intricate patterns and designs, and an orange gemstone attached to the center. As for the pommel, it also had the same type of gemstone on it.

"May I ask what the name of this sword is?" Jay asked while he inspected the longsword Molly was holding.

"The name my grandpa gave it is 'Night Sky.' The reason why is because of it's dark color and golden glow. And as you can see, this longsword has two gemstones attached to it. The gemstones are actually an alchemy product. A Light elemental Magicka crystal was fused with a fire elemental magicka crystal to create these two gemstones."

Jay was impressed with the longsword and knew he hit the jackpot this time around. Then a random thought appeared in his mind. "Since I am just going to use this sword for the Sword Fight tournament, I should give this to Abyssal Angel or Roselia later on since they are the ones who are more interested in using swords."

He then said to Molly, "I'll buy it. Name your price."

Sadly though, when Jay thought he will just end up using a single gold crystal...

"The price for Night Sky is a bit high. We will only sell it to you if you give an item of equal value. Any form of currency is not included." The dwarf said as he stood up and finished working on the sword he was forging.

"*sigh. It looks like I have to buy something else then." Just as Jay was planning to do so, the Chicken Lord spoke up.

"Jay, go ahead and trade that Elven dagger of yours. Trust me on this one."

Jay was not sure what the Chicken Lord was planning this time, but he knew it was for a good cause because during the 3 days training he had, he already improved by a lot thanked to the Chicken Lord. So not hesitating any further, he took out Leah's dagger and presented it to the dwarf.

"Is this good enough?"

Jay said as he handed over the dagger.

"An ancient Elven dagger?! Kid, where did you get this from? No, I am afraid this is just too much. Night Sky is not even on par with it." The dwarf said in shock and trembled as he held the dagger, carefully scrutinizing it.

"Then, why not thrown in a few other weapons with good quality? (It really hurts parting with the dagger I spent most of my time with... Screw it! I hope the Chicken Lord knows what he is doing.)"

When the dwarf heard Jay's suggestion, he did not hesitate any further and took out 9 other weapons from his storage ring. 5 of them were swords, 2 were spears, 2 bows, and a crossbow.

These weapons were of really good quality and probably somewhere between (Gold/Common) and (Gold/Rare) rating. But the one that caught Jay's attention was the crossbow.

It was larger than the average crossbow. It was made out of Azure Light Diamonds, the same material Graycastle was made out of.

"Oh, interested in the crossbow kid? That right there is a masterpiece forged by one of my grandchildren, Elton. I am not really sure of what he was thinking when he used a very expensive type of material just to forge it. But that crossbow right there is the end product of his hard work. I believe he called it 'Azure Storm.' As for the bolts it fires, it is enchanted with a Tier 3 spell which causes it to return back to your quiver after it hits a target."

After the dwarf said all that, he completed the trade and kept the dagger. As for Jay, he stored all of the weapons, together with Night Sky, in the silver storage ring.

"Thank you for your time. I will take my leave now." Jay said as he left the shop.


After Jay left the shop, he checked the arena if it was already fixed. The moment he arrived, he saw a really large and grand arena in front of him. The arena had a ring shape on the outer area which is probably where the thousands of spectators will watch, and on the central area where the events will take place, it had a rectangular shape.

Just as Jay was looking around, one of his tournament tokens glowed. It was the token for the Sword Fight event.

"Nice! I was just planning to try out the longsword I bought. Night Sky was it?" Jay thought to himself as he and almost all of the people around him went towards the arena.