Soul Space

"Oi! Jay, wake up!" Princess Auriel exclaimed as she slapped Jay over and over again. Ever since Jay drew a weird circle with triangles on his forehead, he suddenly shouted and slumped down to the floor. It was as if he was a corpse. And beside him was queen Auburn, who was also in the same situation as Jay.

"Sister, be right back. I'm gonna call for help." Princess Hailey said while she quickly rushed off the room.


--- Jay's Soul Space ---

After casting a soul gathering circle on himself, Jay immediately went to this place deep within his soul to wait for the fight about to happen here.

"Didn't think it would actually work..." Jay told himself as he looked around his soul space.

'Soul Space' was the term used to describe what players see when they try to meditate to peek into their souls. It is also where special classes that needs to nourish souls go to train themselves or the souls they collect. When one enters the soul space, the only thing that can be seen is a black room that stretches for who knows how many miles. The only reason one can see when they are in the soul space is because of the light being emitted by their soul which comes in a form of a white flame. And again, for some special classes, they can change the shape of their souls in order to improve their skills, abilities, etc.

As for Jay, his soul space was different from the rest. His Soul Space looked the same as the mind room of the Fate System. The only difference was that there were no such things like maps, orbs, or shelves in here. And the reason why he can talk or switch bodies with the Chicken Lord whenever he wants without entering the Soul Space is probably because Aisleen tampered with his soul before to save his life from the event that happened the past month.

Jay looked around and saw the Chicken Lord beside him, a small white flame, and a floating eyeball. A floating human eyeball.

"Yo! How did you manage to enter this place without meditating ore something?" The Chicken Lord asked Jay.

"I used a soul gathering magic circle." Jay replied, forgetting to explain what it is since he was disturbed by the eyeball appearing and disappearing every time he looks at it.

"Chicken Lord, what's with the eyeball? Was it always here or did you do something again?" Jay said while he kept on trying to catch the eyeball.

"Oh that... In truth is, I do not know what that thing is either. I also tried catching it the first time I saw it but it is just too fast. In the end, I gave up and just let it keep on staring at me." The Chicken Lord said while looking at Jay running around the place trying to catch the eyeball.

"Jay, stop trying and just focus on those souls about to invade." The Chicken Lord reminded Jay since he saw that Jay was not giving up at all and kept going after the eyeball. Then just a few seconds after he said that...




Ghosts that had human figures appeared in Jay's soul space. Hundreds of them. Every time one of them entered, an eerie sound came with it. They also came in different colors for some reason.

"Huh? Where am I?" One of them who was wearing tattered rags as clothing and a golden crown on his head exclaimed as he looked around and saw an unfamiliar place.

"King Arlon, is this your daughter's soul space? It looks really weird and bright."

"King Venn, what was that thing that sucked as in? It looked like as if we were eaten by a gigantic beast."

The ghosts kept on talking to each other casually as they looked around. Then they saw a muscular guy in a chicken suit and a small boy running around. As for the eyeball, for some reason, they did not see it at all.

"Hey you, the one in the chicken suit. Where are we and how do we get out of this place?" The one who the ghosts were calling Queen Velvetta shouted at the Chicken Lord who was looking at them strangely.

"You are in that kid's soul space." The Chicken Lord pointed at Jay and continued speaking, "He is the one who gathered you all here since you were trying to kill queen Auburn. As for why that kid wants to save her, go and ask him."

The ghosts all had different expressions as they heard the Chicken Lord's explanation. One of them even got enraged and immediately attacked Jay.

"You dare gather us here?! Who do you think you are?" This ghost that was red in color shouted as he rushed towards Jay and opened his mouth widely.

'Fire Breath'

~~Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle


Jay dodged the fire breath with ease and saw that his 'guests' have arrived. Just as he and the Chicken Lord were about to retaliate and fight...

"<>$@#<><>...??? Voice check, voice check..." A weird voice spoke up. Everyone paused whatever they were doing and tried to find where it came from.

"Hostile entities detected. Warning, hostile entities detected. 10 seconds until Cleansing."



The weird voice started counting while everyone was confused on what was happening. As for Jay and the Chicken Lord, they were even more confused since they suddenly saw that the eyeball turned into a bald man with white robes. He looked exactly like what a monk looks like. He was the one who spoke up with the weird voice.



The countdown continued as the monk looked at the ghosts with hostility and anger. But for some reason, the ghosts cannot see him. Only Jay and the Chicken Lord can see him. Due to this, the ghosts ignored the countdown and prepared themselves as they were about to attempt to leave this place by killing or knocking out Jay and the Chicken Lord.

Just as they were about to rush up to them, the countdown of the monk finished and a gigantic dragon made out of flames came out of his palms and swooped down on the ghosts.


The ghosts screamed as they were burnt and felt as if they were slowly vanishing. Just as they were about to completely die off...

"Necromancer Tactics. Thousand Soul Tempering." The monk said in a soft voice and all of the ghosts that were burnt to a crisp were compressed together in a medium sized white ball and flew directly to Jay's soul.


"He looks familiar... where did I see him before..." Jay pondered over his thoughts and after a few seconds, just a few seconds after his soul absorbed the white ball, he finally remembered who the monk was.

"Hellson!? What the hell is he doing here?!" Jay shouted out loud since this monk looked exactly like Hellson. He remembered this because the moment he received the Fate System after the changes happened, he saw this exact same guy who suddenly turned into a white flame and 'burnt' him and Nuggets.

"Oh? You remember me young man?" The monk said as he approached Jay and the Chicken Lord.

"Wait, you are the Fatelord Hellson? What is happening?" The Chicken Lord exclaimed because he really did not know what was happening anymore and was lost in his own thoughts ever since Jay used that soul gathering circle.

"Yeah. I suppose you can call me that. But set all of that aside for now. Jay, let us talk again sometime after you get strong enough." Hellson, the monk, said as he suddenly disappeared and turned into the annoying floating eyeball again.

"More and more questions needed to be answered... *sigh" Jay thought to himself and deactivated the soul gathering magic circle so that he can leave his soul space.

"Jay, make sure you explain all of this to me later on." The Chicken Lord pouted and said this to Jay.

"Sure. I believe you also have stories to tell me. Let me just finish up a few things and then we can talk." Jay replied as he slowly vanished from the soul space.


--- Graycastle, 2nd Floor, Queen Auburn's Bedroom ---

The queen's room was already repaired by the time Jay 'woke' up. He was currently lying down on a bench while Princess Auriel let Jay's head rest on top of her legs while she stroked his hair, waiting for him to wake up.

As for Queen Auburn, she was lying down on a single bed with red sheets, sleeping peacefully while Prince Frederick and Princess Hailey stood by the side of the room.

"Huh? How much time did that take?" Jay opened his eyes and unconsciously stretched his arms. He then felt a soft sensation. He also recovered his sense of smell and a fragrance he never smelled before entered his nose.


Jay suddenly heard a loud scream and got pushed down to the floor. After getting up and regaining his senses, he saw Princess Auriel blushing and looked as if she was about to cry.

"Princess? How's everyone doing? Is the queen fine now? How much time have passed?" Jay immediately blurted out question after question oblivious to the fact that he just touched princess Auriel's boobs.

"Hey, don't you have anything to say besides that? How about an apology?" Prince Frederick suddenly appeared behind Jay and held a dagger to his throat.

"(Wait... what happened?)I'm sorry?" Jay immediately apologized even though he did not know what he was apologizing for.

"Alright. I will let it slide for now. Let us talk somewhere else and let mother have a good rest." Prince Frederick said as he sheathed his dagger and led Jay outside the room. Jay also noticed that it was just a few hours before nighttime and realized that only 2 hours have passed since he entered his soul space. So he decided to talk with Prince Frederick first and left the room before dealing with the other matters he had on his mind.