How One Becomes A Divine Being

"A dream is just a dream. It won't come true..." Jay thought to himself as he calmed himself down and walked outside of the boy's dormitory to breath in some fresh air.


Outside the boy's dorm...

"Jay, what's going on?" The Chicken Lord asked since this was the first time he saw Jay lost his casual attitude. It was true that he saw Jay worry about minor things once in a while, but he never saw Jay getting like this, as if Jay was under great pressure and had a sense of fear within him.

"Nothing much. Just had a really strange dream. I want to get it out of my thoughts, but I just cannot do so." Jay said while he sat down near a tree beside the dorm.

"Hey, why don't you tell me those things you have to tell me. It might help me forget all about the strange dream I had."

When the Chicken Lord heard this, he immediately went on and explained the things he knew. The first thing he spoke of was the Origin Core that half-Divines or Divine beings had.

"First of all, the Origin Core that we Divine beings possess. Jay, let me ask you, do you know how something or someone becomes a Divine Being? Do you know what a Divine Being is?" The Chicken Lord started off with a question to know the things he must speak of since some things might be too complicated for Jay's understanding.

"One must be at the max level of 543 and has an advanced class at the 9th tier if I remember. But since the level system was removed because of the changes, I am not too sure about it. As for Divine Beings, there is only a 1% chance of them appearing due to reasons I do not yet know of. There is also a difference between Divine Beings depending on what they were before becoming a Divine Being. Humans may turn into monstrosities, monsters may turn into humans, objects may turn either into a human or monster. The difference between them is that the different skills, abilities, or magic they can and cannot learn after becoming a Divine Being." Jay answered based from his 10 years of experience in the game.

"Well, I am not sure what that 'level' is you are talking about, but let me clear out your thoughts. Most of the things you said is correct, especially on the latter part. But on the former part about how one becomes a Divine Being, let me explain it better to you." The Chicken Lord said confidently since he was a Divine Being himself before he died more than a thousand years ago and his soul mysteriously found its way onto Jay's armor and his soul after some events.

"The first thing you need to become a Divine Being is forming your Origin Core. An Origin Core is something that looks like this." After saying this, the Chicken Lord asked Jay to focus on observing him as his body started to become invisible except for a bluish fire that looked like a chicken head. This bluish fire was located on the Chicken Lord's chest area.

"This right here is my Origin Core." After showing it to Jay, the Chicken Lord returned his body to normal and this origin core disappeared.

"An Origin Core is actually made out of a part of your soul. Before becoming a Divine being, I had to split my soul in half. If done carelessly, the other half of your soul will instantly vanish and you will experience a weakened state for months, or worse, years. In order to create my origin core, I need to continuously pour thousands of Fate Particles on it. After that, I need to stabilize it with a lot of magicka. Then the last step to finish up the Origin Core is that I have to mold it into a certain form that matches with my body."

Jay was shocked to hear that forming the Origin Core was just the first step of becoming a Divine Being. It already had a lot of long and tiring processes, then what about the rest of the things he needed to become a Divine Being?

"Chicken Lord, about that last step in forming the origin core, what is it for?" Jay asked since he thought the last step was just for aesthetic purposes.

"Remember the part where you said that humans turn into monstrosities, etc. The reason behind this is because those Divine Beings you thought of did not form their origin core properly and caused all of that. The form of your Origin Core must be at least identical in some way to what you look like. I also know of some Divine Beings that changed their original bodies and succeeded. For example, the God Wolf Fenrir. He was once known as the strongest beast tamer in the Fatelord Plane during my time. The moment he transcended into a Divine Being, he turned himself into a gigantic wolf."

Jay finally understood after he heard this and asked the Chicken Lord the next step in order to become a Divine Being.

"Alright. Since the first step of creating your Origin Core is done, the next thing you need to do is quickly gain power so that your body can easily adapt to the changes that will occur. If this second step is not done properly within a year after forming your origin core, you will explode due to the immense power your Origin Core holds. As for the power you need, it depends on you. Do you want to focus on your strength and be able to punch through mountains? Do you want to focus on your agility and run faster than the wind, or whatever is faster than you? Do you want to focus on your Vitality and become an immortal? Do you want to focus on your Intelligence and become a know-it-all when it comes to magic? Do you want to focus on your Endurance and...ummm... I'm not to sure about this one, let us skip this. Do you want to focus on your Luck that even gods cannot change your fate?"

Jay was a bit overwhelmed with all of the things he heard about this second step since there was so much that he can choose from. But he thought to himself, "Seriously? Why did you skip the Endurance part? Well, not picking that one anyways when the time comes..."

After thinking of that, Jay asked the Chicken Lord if there are any other steps involved in becoming a Divine Being.

"The last step is that you must enter a state of Utopia for 48 hours, or 2 days in short. What I meant by utopia is that you must rest for 48 hours after improving your body and not let anything or anyone disturb you. If you get disturbed during this time of rest, you might have to repeat the second step again. But if this last step is successful, then congratulations, you are now a Divine Being. As for whatever Class or Advanced Class you have, those are just bonuses to your fighting prowess when you become a Divine Being."

Even though all of this looked like it took so long for the Chicken Lord to explain, it was just actually 10 minutes since Jay sat down near the tree. Since Jay still had plenty of time, he decided to process all of this information first before the Chicken Lord continued telling him about stuff he knew about the Fatelord Plane and other planes.

"I wonder what everyone else is doing right now..." Jay had a random line of thought before he started processing the details he learned.