The Fatelord Plane

While Lydia and co. was enjoying their trip towards the Nix River, Jay was having lunch somewhere at the academy while the Chicken Lord kept on talking to him endlessly about things. He knew some of the stuff the Chicken Lord was saying, stuff like how tier-0 spells can be reconstructed and turned into tier-9 spells or legendary spells, etc.

"I am not going to tell you much about spells since I am not an expert at that field. So why don't I tell you about the Fatelords now?"

Just as the Chicken Lord was about to do so, Lord Tygon suddenly appeared out of nowhere and approached Jay.

"Jay, I need to tell you something important. It is something related to that demon you were fighting back at the tournament."

Jay stopped eating since he knew that Lord Tygon won't just teleport in front of him if there was nothing important to discuss. So he nodded his head and Lord Tygon teleported himself and Jay to his 'cozy' stone house.


--- Lord Tygon's House ---

"Just sit anywhere you want. This talk of ours might last very long." Lord Tygon said while taking off his blindfold and sitting down on his stone bed.

Jay sat down on the stone bench carved onto the walls, which was opposite of Lord Tygon's stone bed.

"Let me first ask you a question. Why do you think I always wear a blindfold even if I am not blind?"

Lord Tygon thought that he can start off the story he was going to tell by telling Jay that he wears a blindfold because no matter what he does, he can see through anything, he can even peek into a person's soul unconsciously. He can peek through walls, objects, and even clothes. And his eye skills further improve and develop his great eyesight.

Sadly though, Jay already knew all of this, but he still pretended to not know and shook his head.

"Let me tell you the reason..."

While Jay was listening to Lord Tygon blab about his 'overpowered' eyesight, the Chicken Lord continued speaking with him about stuff he needed to know about the Fatelord Plane.

"As you may already have known, the world, or plane we are in now is the Fatelord Plane. The reason why it is called us such is because of the Fatelords that created and ruled over this plane for more than a million years now. It was these Fatelords that maintained the balance of this plane. And the reason why they are called as such is because unlike the rest of us, may it be mortals or the Divine Beings, these Fatelords have another power that they can rely on besides using magicka or skills. They can control the Fate Particles that are scattered throughout the plane."

Jay was already used learning a lot of things he did not know about and did not show any kind of shock this time. And at the same time the Chicken Lord finished up saying the introduction of his lengthy speech, Lord Tygon also finished up bragging about his eyes.

"(This is weird... why is he not impressed at all?) *cough, Jay, let me now get straight to the point. I know you are pretty strong already, but I believe you already know that you still are not even one of the strongest people out there. I believe you know that there will always be someone who is stronger than you right?" Lord Tygon reminded Jay before taking out a large scroll from his storage ring.

"This here is the map of the world we live in. The Fatelord Plane. The small dots you will see is just the large factions in this plane." After saying this, Lord Tygon unfurled the scroll and made it float in front of Jay.

When the Chicken Lord saw the map, he was surprised since it was really accurate and told Jay to listen to Tygon first since Tygon might just repeat the words he will say.

The Fatelord Plane, when observed from a bird's eye view, had six continents of varying shapes, hundreds of different islands scattered around, and a vast ocean that divided the Fatelord Plane in half.

Lord Tygon started off by setting up an Archive Formation and showed Jay a lot of information about the map. The information even looked like how info is shown in the Fate System.


[Fatelord Plane (Map)]

Continents: 6

Islands: 8, 199

{Left Side of the map: (Lunarias)

Northern Continent (topmost)

- Looks like a gigantic shard of broken glass when looked from a bird's eye view. A very cold place where winter happens throughout the whole year.

Izumi's Abode (middle)

- A continent named after the one who created it, the Fatelord Izumi. It is shaped like a slime with a smiley face on it. Mostly filled with forests, plains, and mountains.

Southern Desolate (bottom)

- A continent that is filled with chaos and strife. It had a shape of a wriggling fat worm. Only the bravest souls dare to set up their towns and cities here.}

{Right Side of the map: (Solarias)

Archon's Solitude (topmost)

- Shaped like a flickering ball of flame. This continent is the home of the Archon race. Archons are an experimental form of humans through the Fatelords' experiments. The only difference they have from normal humans was the varying number and design of wings on their backs, and their immense strength.

Darkhaven (middle)

- Shaped like a broken sword, this continent is inhabited by monsters and cursed objects who gained the ability to think rationally like humans. This continent was also once called 'home' by the Fatelords.

Sacred Song Isles (bottom)

- This continent is the main base of operations of the Fatelords who rule over this plane. This continent connects them to their 'Creation Space' and 'Soul Space' that lets them manage the plane. Shaped like a nacho chip for some reason, in simple terms, a triangle.}

{Ocean of Purgatory - this ocean divides the plane into two sides. Lunarias, the left side, and Solarias, the right side. This ocean is so vast and wide even though it just looks like as thick as an arm when seen through a bird's eye view. They say that this ocean was a huge mistake the Fatelords mad when they were splitting up the continents and islands.}

{Rivers of Nix - rivers that stretches for hundreds and thousands of miles, which only ends when it reaches the Ocean of Purgatory. There are 6 of these rivers existing on the Fatelord Plane. One on each continent. Some say that this rivers will one day connect Lunarias and Solarias together.}

{Plane Overseer's Outpost - a special place that is located somewhere the Ocean of Purgatory. No one knows if it is an island floating above the water or if it is within the depths of the ocean. This place is rumored to be able to let you go to other planes.}


"Done reading kid?" Lord Tygon asked while he saw the amazement within Jay's eyes while he made sure to look through every detail he saw on the Archive Formation and the map.

"Hahaha... I take back my word that this map is accurate. The Plane Overseer's Outpost is not marked on the map. Hahaha..." The Chicken Lord said mockingly and got Jay's attention, who was trying to commit everything to his memory.

"Then, I suppose you know where it is right?" Jay asked the Chicken Lord while he waited for Lord Tygon to speak.

"See those things called Nix Rivers? Divine Beings can actually see something else when looking at those rivers. It is what we call the Nix Current. By following this current, you will be dragged to a hidden place deep within the Ocean of Purgatory called the 'Fortress of Nix.' Hundreds and thousands of mysterious items, monsters, and so on, can be located here. And deep within the fortress is where the Plane Overseer's Outpost is located. Another bonus thing you should know, a Fatelord is the one in charge of teleporting someone to other planes."

After saying this, the Chicken Lord saw Lord Tygon looking at Jay and knew he was about to talk so he stopped telling stuff to Jay for now.

"Jay, that demon whom you fought with in the tournament, that demon came from another plane. Do you know how grave the situation is?" Lord Tygon said and became serious.

"No. Is it something related to the balance of this plane?" Jay asked and had a hunch that demons from other planes appearing is not a good sign.

"Yes indeed. In truth is, I once met a Fatelord. She taught me many things and even helped me become a Divine Being. She also told me that for the past thousands of years, a great catastrophe was heading towards the Fatelord Plane and it can arrive at any moment. It is what she called the 'Hundredfold Planar Invasion.' Just like you, I did not know what it meant during that time. But she told me that hundreds of different planes filled with demons, gods, or any other mystical beings, are going to invade the Fatelord Plane at an unknown time. Do you see where I am heading with this?" Lord Tygon asked while he closed his eyes, as if trying to pray that this catastrophe he was talking about is not yet going to arrive.

Just as Jay was about to say something, the Chicken Lord broke out in cold sweat and told Jay a disturbing conclusion of what he thought of the matter Lord Tygon was talking about.

"Impossible... no... this cannot be..."

"Jay! You have no time to waste! I won't let you slack off on your training anymore. Once this catastrophe arrives, I will have to control your body by force and leave this plane if you are not strong enough by then."

Jay also panicked when he saw the Chicken Lord acting weird and asked what's up with him.

"No one might have realized it. Beings from other planes are actually forbidden to step into this plane unless a Planar Invasion is happening. The worst thing that worries me is what Tygon said. The Hundredfold Planar Invasion. The Fatelord Plane will totally disappear if that happens."

Jay was still not sure how grave the matter was since he thought that the powerhouses during that time, may it be players or NPCs, can just fight back normally.

"You don't understand. A Divine Being in the Fatelord Plane is just the same as any ordinary soldier from the other planes. In truth is, if the planes were ranked according to power, the Fatelord Plane is ranked #999. The second from the last place. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW!?"

When he heard this, Jay finally started sweating and panicked. As for Lord Tygon, he was not sure if he should also react the same way since he did not know that the planar invasion was already happening.