A Shady Group of People

"I was really surprised dude. I never thought they would actually let us work for them." A guy who had a muscular physique and was wearing a hunter's attire said while walking. Together with him were 10 other hunters, 6 men and 4 women.

Just as they were about to proceed as Heda instructed them earlier, to build their hunting outpost on the nearby forest to the northwest area nearby, a red haired lady who looked really hot gestured them to stop.


"Hey, what's up?" Roselia asked, wondering where these people came from and why they came here.

"Oh..." One of the hunters told Roselia about how Heda let them work for the guild and in return, the guild will offer them protection. The best thing was that Heda even gave them a small plot of land on the northwest area to build their hunting outpost. Heda even told them that they can create a village if they want.

"I see. Thank you for your time. Nice meeting you." Roselia said as she waved goodbye to the group of hunters and went towards the guild hall


Hub Center, 1st floor of the guild hall...



Loud snoring sounds were heard throughout the 1st floor of the guild. The one causing it was Boras, who was sleeping peacefully on the bar counter.

"What the hell?" This was the first thing Roselia thought of the moment she stepped in. She saw Boras on the bar counter asleep while dozens of empty bottles scattered around him.

She then heard Heda's voice talking inside her head.

"Welcome back! Everyone is kind of busy right now if you're wondering why the guild hall looks so empty...but anyways, welcome back!"

Since there was nothing else to do at the moment, Roselia decided to look around. She then saw the Request Board beside the bar counter and saw a lot of papers placed on it.

"Well, since I've got nothing to do, I will just do some quests I guess." Roselia thought before picking a random quest posted on the request board. The moment she grabbed the paper that contained the details about the quest, her guild emblem suddenly glowed with a golden light for a few seconds.

Then after a few seconds later, she suddenly heard a robotic female voice in her head and realized that the voice was just reading the things written on the paper she picked up.

[Guild quest accepted.

(Recommended: 5-10 people)

Details: Clear the 'Twin Towers of Valkor' on Normal difficulty. If not cleared within 3 attempts, the quest will result as a fail. (Location of the Twin Towers of Valkor will be imprinted on your mind.)

Tower clearing in progress (0%)

Quest rewards:

100,000 Gold coins

Random Iron/Common armor set x5]

"Woah. Its been a while since I've heard this robotic voice." Roselia thought to herself since the same female robotic voice was the one speaking to the players when everyone still had the Fate System.

"But this quest, isn't it a bit too easy?" Roselia grinned and just as she was about to leave, Boras suddenly woke up and grabbed her by the shoulder.

"Hey, you doing a quest? Mind if I tag along?" Boras asked while still feeling a bit of a hangover from drinking.

"Sure...(Damn, he really stinks. Just how many bottles of beer did he drink?)"

After that, Roselia and Boras left the guild hall.


Few hours later, around nighttime, a group of people in black hooded robes arrived in front of the guild hall. There were only 6 of them. One of them was the tall man from Sherwood City, James.

Just as they were about to request an audience with whoever is in charge, Bloody Harvest suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Need something? Isn't it a bit too late for you to be wandering around here?" Bloody Harvest said while he gripped onto the handle of his sheathed dagger.

"Relax friend." James said as he removed his hood. After doing so, he continued speaking.

"I am an envoy from Sherwood City. I just want to talk to your guild master, or maybe an important figure in your guild if your guild master is not available."

"Sherwood City? Never heard of it. Besides, I saw you guys come here from the east." Blood Harvest replied in a serious tone and slowly unsheathed his dagger.

"I'm suppose I won't be able to talk much. This guy is just really suspicious, can't let him know we are from the kingdom of Holtheim. " James thought to himself and said, "Sorry for the trouble friend."

After saying this, James threw a smoke grenade on the ground and his group disappeared. And on the spot he was standing on from before, he left a scrolled letter.

"Who were those guys?" Bloody Harvest wondered before picking up the scrolled letter. Of course, since he was bored at the moment, he decided to read what was written on it.


If you are reading this letter, it means that I was not able to properly negotiate with you and your guild. I just want to remind you that the moment your guild sides with the Wildergreene Kingdom in the future, our kingdom will have a negative relationship with you. And if you decide to choose our side, we promise that there will be a lot of benefits that comes with it. King Drogon and Count Morvain wishes you well in your future endeavors.


"*yawn... I should probably let Heda or Roasty check this letter out." Bloody Harvest said before disappearing into the shadows.


The next day, Bloody Harvest handed the scrolled letter over to Heda who just finished up with filling up the storage room.

"Where did you get this letter? Strange..." Heda told Bloody Harvest after she was done reading it.

"Some shady looking guys came last night. They said they wanted to talk about something but I really felt a weird and dangerous premonition from those guys." Bloody Harvest said before yawning and disappeared into the shadows.

"I should just let Jay handle this matter the moment he comes back. But if I was the one who will make the decision, I believe that staying neutral and not bothering with the feud between the kingdoms will be better." Heda mumbled softly before cleaning up the mess Boras left.