Fellis' Seed

--- Golden Phoenix Guild Hall ---

When Jay, Heda, and Nuggets returned to the guild hall, Jay was a bit surprised with what he saw. Jay did not expect the guild hall to be this grand in appearance.

The moment the three of them entered the courtyard which now had the garden setting, two girls suddenly rushed towards Jay. It was Queen Auburn and Princess Auriel.

"Jay!" Princess Auriel exclaimed happily and suddenly hugged Jay.

"Auriel!" Queen Auburn pouted since she wanted to be the one to hug Jay.

As for the people who saw this scene, may it be the ones who belonged to the caravan the queen traveled with or those who belonged to the guild, they were speechless. Some even cursed Jay while the princess kept on hugging him.

"Umm... princess? Can you let go of me now?" Jay said nervously even though he enjoyed getting hugged by Princess Auriel.

Then suddenly, Prince Frederick and Princess Hailey appeared and apologized to Jay before dragging Princess Auriel away from Jay. Prince Frederick even dragged Queen Auburn along.

"Mother! Sister! Please refrain from doing this in public, especially you mother. We are still the royal family of Wildergreene so please hold yourselves back?" Prince Frederick said softly while he led their group away.

"Hihihi..." An old man in brown robes and had a walking stick suddenly laughed and approached Jay. As for his facial features, the old man had a stuffy white beard and black hair with a topknot.

"Good morning guild master. My name's Kokori. It's a pleasure to meet you." The old man, Kokori said as he reached out his right hand gesturing Jay to shake hands with him.

"Oh. Hi there." Jay said as he shaked hands with Kokori.

"Guild master, can I talk with you about something?" Kokori asked.

"Why don't we talk inside the guild hall?" Jay said as he led Kokori, Heda, and Nuggets inside. Jay was also having thoughts about telling Queen Auburn about his encounter with Prince Alfred, but decided to do that after he was done with the guild related stuff he wanted to talk about.


Hub Center, first floor of the guild hall...

"Umm... let's find a more quiet place..." Jay said the moment he stepped inside the guild hall. The people were just too active and really noisy.

"As you wish master." Heda said as she teleported the group to the library on the third floor.


Library, third floor of the guild hall...

"Free movement teleportation? Impressive." Jay said as he looked at the ring Heda used to teleport their group here.

"Oh, good morning miss Heda." A young girl with long red hair and a fitted gray dress spoke up the moment the group arrived. This young girl was Laelette, the guild's librarian.

"Master, this is Laelette. She is our guild's librarian." Heda said and introduced the young girl to Jay.

"I see."

After Jay exchanged pleasantries, he led everyone to a table and everyone seated on the couches around it.

"Alright. I suppose the core members of the guild is out doing guild quests so I just have to take someone else with me later on. Or should I just wait for them?" Jay said as he thought of the abandoned mines located somewhere under the Nix River.

"Heda, before anything else, can you give me a detailed report about the things you managed to do in the past month?"

"Ummm... (didn't I tell master already through the guild emblem during his trip?)" Heda thought to herself but just decided to repeat the things she said.

"The hunting outpost on the northwest area has a population of 200. They are in charge of providing the guild with raw supplies from monsters. As for the meat of the monsters they hunt, it is up to them where they want to use it. Some of the hunters sell it to the nearby towns and villages, some give it to us, and some keep it for their own.

The harbor town on the east was named as Golden Bird Harbor by the locals who built the place. Of course, they also work for our guild. The population count of Golden Bird Harbor is around 300 people when I last checked. Most of them are fishermen. There are also some mercenaries who work for us that lives there. Golden Bird Harbor are in charge of providing the guild with marine resources like fish and salt.

The six farming villages in the southwest has a population of 800. Some of them are farmers, and some are people we saved from guild quests. They are in charge of supplying crops and other agricultural products to our guild. And of course, because of the command you gave master, they will also give chickens to you every month.

As for the three trading centers on the northern area, the one we own is called Hedge Trading Center, which is named after me since I am the one who built it. The other two trading centers belong to a dwarf called Blackiron. Most of the items created by guild members who have auxiliary classes leaves the marketing problems of these items to the trading centers. And also, a 12 year old kid named Elton Grayrock managed the Hedge Trading Center for me since I am busy with secretarial work for the guild."

After that long and detailed report from Heda, Jay thought to himself, "If the guild is already this successful in terms of economy and territory stuff, if added to the benefits the abandoned mines will give..." Jay grinned as he thought of this.

"What about our guild members? Besides the core members, give me a report about them." Jay said to Heda.

"Master, among the 80 guild members we recruited over the past month, only three of them are noteworthy. Laelette, our guild librarian who also has the Sage class. Kokori, who is a Druidmaster. And Elton who I believe had 4 different classes. The rest of the guild members we recruited mostly have auxiliary classes, and besides the three I've mentioned, only 10 of them have fighting classes."

Heda said as she read a book she used to keep track of the things in the guild.

"You're a druidmaster?!" Jay immediately exclaimed with a happy tone as he looked at Kokori who was sitting beside him.

"Hihihi... is it really surprising guild master?" Kokori said as he laughed in a weird way.

For some reason, when Jay thought of the Druidmaster class, he suddenly remembered the item he got from Murkwood Passage after clearing the legendary quest, the Fellis Seed. So he took it out of the storage orb and showed it to Kokori.

"Kokori, since you are a druidmaster, I think you should hold on to this and figure out what its uses are." Jay said and gave the Fellis Seed to Kokori.

Kokori was not sure of the thing Jay handed him since it just looked like a perfectly-shaped brown circular stone. But the moment he held it in his hands, he immediately noticed what it is and was shocked.

"A Treant Seed! This is a Treant Seed! Guild master, may I ask where did you get this?" Kokori suddenly went crazy with happiness as he looked at the Fellis Seed in his hands.

"A treant named Fellis gave it to me." Jay said casually and told Kokori to start his research about the Fellis Seed since Jay saw the old man grinning and was almost to jump from excitement.

"Don't worry guild master. Give me a week and I will show you the greatness of this seed!" Kokori said happily before leaving the library, he was so happy that he even dropped his walking stick but still walked normally. It was as if his walking stick was just for appearances.

"Alright. Now then..." Jay took out Craidsnir's Tome of Knowledge and gave it to the librarian, Laelette.

"Laelette., since you are a Sage, I believe this book will be beneficial to you. And before I forget..." Jay said before activated the tome. When he did so, the book glowed in a reddish light and a black snake-like tattoo crawled up his right arm. After a few seconds, two dark elves were summoned.

The two dark elves wore the exact same outfit Bloody Harvest was wearing, an epic set of Assassin armor. The assassin armor set was split into five parts; hood, robes, gloves, boots, and cloak. Every piece of the armor set was jet-black, as if the shadows merged with the armor set.

"My lord." The two dark elves said in unison as they knelt to the ground.

"You two, follow me until I say otherwise. Do not kill unless necessary." Jay said as he looked at the dark elves. After he said that, the two dark elves saluted and disappeared into the shadows.

"Guild master, are you sure you want to give this book to me?" Laelette said, unwilling to accept the book. The reason why was because she was just a normal guild member but Jay suddenly gave her this nice present.

"Don't worry. I will just let you borrow it for the meantime." Jay said as he smiled at Laelette. After that, he looked at Heda who was carrying Nuggets.

"Alright. Now that's done, Heda, tell me if a core member of the guild returns from the guild quest. (I should first prepare some stuff and dump some items I have onto the guild storage.)"

After Jay said and thought of that, he left the library and went to the Monster Index room, which was also on the third floor. The reason why he went to this room was to check on the Purplescale Frost Python and its 5 eggs.

Bawk!?? ("Aww... I wanted to spend some time with Jay...")

Nuggets said softly while she pouted. But even though she said this, she knew Jay has something important to do, so she just let Heda carry her as Heda returned to the Hub Center of the guild to to her work.