Miner's Sleeping Quarters?

--- Section II, Abandoned Mines ---

"This is so weird. Who the hell would sleep in here?" Abby asked herself since the section II of the mines was actually some kind of sleeping quarters.

Beside the walls were stone beds that was too small for humans to sleep in. There were even some pieces of cloth that looked like what the people who slept here used as blankets. As for how spacious the area was, Abby was still not sure since there were stairs that led further below.

But just like section I, the place was still lit up by torches and a few Azurite Crystals were scattered around.

"So this is the blue pebbles Jay asked us to collect." Abby said softly as she stored the Azurite Crystals scattered around. After doing that, she descended from the room.


Section II, 2nd Floor

Just like the first floor of section II, the place looked exactly the same with the stone beds. Some Azurite Crystals scattered on the floor, etc. And it looks like the stairs even led further deep underground.

Since this was the case and nothing interesting was in this floor, Abby kept on descending floor after floor until she reached the 10th floor of section II.


Section II, 10th floor...

"Woah. The temperature of the room suddenly dropped. But this is really weird... is this section only filled with stone beds and those blue pebbles?" Abby said to herself as she saw the same thing over and over again.

But this time, just as she thought nothing eventful will happen...


A golden mouse that was a bit larger than the average mouse suddenly appeared. It also had red streaks of fur on its back. The moment it saw Abby, it quickly fled towards the stairs and descended further down.

But what was probably eye catching about this mouse was that the moment it ran, after a split second, a streak of lightning followed its trail.

"Woah! What the hell was that!?" Abby almost shouted since she feared rodents.

"Screw it. I'm going to follow it. I might find some treasures if I reach the last floor of this section." Abby thought to herself and descended even deeper.


11th floor...

12th floor...


18th floor...

This was the last floor of the section. Abby also realized that as she kept descending floor after floor, the temperature dropped drastically. But this did not really affect her that much thanks to the special class she had thanks to Lissandra's training.

"Finally. I found some good stuff..." Abby said as she tried catching her breath since it was just tiring to keep on walking down the stony stairs.

Just like every other floor, the place looked like the sleeping quarters of whatever creature worked at the mines. But in the 18th floor, there was a steel gate at the far end of the room and on top of the stone beds, a lot of treasure was just scattered around. Gold, equipment, items, etc.

Abby was about to store some of the treasures in her storage ring when the golden mouse suddenly appeared in front of her and stood on it's two legs.


After that screeching sound it made, sparks of lightning appeared around it and a lightning bolt was hurled at Abby at a really fast speed.

'Cryo Sphere!'

Abby exclaimed as she used this skill. A ball of freezing air appeared in her right hand and it expanded until it covered her entire body. The moment the lightning bolt reached her, it dissipated into thin air since the air around her was just too cold.

Just as she was about to prepare and give that golden mouse a good beating...

~Rumble, rumble...

Rumbling sounds of rocks came from above and she saw that the stairs leading up to the other floors were suddenly blocked by small-sized boulders.


The golden mouse took advantage of this distraction and suddenly ran away. It was just too scared of what was about to happen next and hoped the human in front of him survives.

"Damn. I should ask for help from someone later on if my magicka runs out." Abby thought to herself since if she decides to freeze those boulders and shatter them, she knew it will consume a lot of her magicka. And she did not want to do that at the moment since she was in an unknown place and did not want to die miserably.

Just as she was about to use a spell and finish off the golden mouse, she noticed that it disappeared again. And that was the least of her worries now...

The room's walls suddenly shook and kept on expanding. The stone beds and the treasure suddenly got covered in mud and granite and was absorbed by a weird mouth-looking thing that popped out of the ground. So now, Abby found herself in a wide cave-like area that had gray stony walls all over. And in front of her was a gigantic monstrosity.


[Giant Crystal Golem - Special Elite]

Health: 5,735,000/5,735,000

Monster Description: A humanoid puppet made out of stone. After its creator died off, it went into deep sleep. Due to the magicka disturbances within the place and the stones the humanoid puppet is made of, it turned into the gigantic monstrosity it is now.

Physical Appearances: Imagine a gigantic humanoid puppet covered by gray-colored rocks. There is also some long and spiky crystals growing out of its shoulders and its back.


"This is really, really weird..." Abby thought to herself since she was pretty sure she encountered a somewhat similar kind of monster during her training with Lissandra. The only difference was that during her training, she was so scared to move. But now, it was different. This was just a piece of cake for her.


Rumbling sounds came from the Giant Crystal Golem as it moved slowly and smashed its gigantic stone fist towards Abby.

"As expected... it is exactly the same..." Abby did not know what kind of joke this was. She was already bored of fighting stone golems over and over again. So she decided to end this quickly.

The color of the clothes she was wearing suddenly turned into a dark blue color and a helmet made out of ice appeared on her head.

'Cryomancer Armor'

Abby exclaimed as she activated her armor set. Cryomancers was an advanced class that sorcerers can upgrade into if they have a great affinity with the ice element. The downside of picking this advanced class was that sorcerers will lose all of their affinity towards all of the other elements, but instead, their affinity with the ice element will increase by a lot. And of course, the effects of ice-elemental spells will increase.

'Frost Python!'

This spell Abby used was a Tier-4 Destruction Spell. It basically creates a snake made out of freezing air that had varying sizes depending on the user. And when the user desires it, the frost python can solidify or can also explode into smaller ice fragments. The user can also control the frost python in any way they want. The reason why this was only a tier-4 spell even if it sounds too overpowered was because the frost python only lasts for 5 seconds. But since Abby was a Cryomancer, the power and duration of the spell doubled.

Due to her mood right now, Abby went all out and the Frost Python she created was just as big as the Giant Crystal Golem in front of her. And just as its slow and gigantic stony fist was about to slam down on her, the Frost Python moved and slithered around its arm.


Cracking sounds from the golem's arm was heard as it got frozen solid and was shattered after Abby used a Tier-0 spell, Ice Spike on the frozen stone arm.

Not even giving the Giant Crystal Golem a time to attack a second time, Abby moved the Frost Python and made it constrict the golem before solidifying it.


Abby shouted as the Frost Python suddenly exploded at blank range since it was constricting the golem.

The Giant Crystal Golem was frozen solid after that and Abby just fired Ice Spike over and over again until the golem shattered completely into icy dust.

Then after a few seconds later, the room suddenly returned back to the way it looked like, sleeping quarters. Of course, together with it was the treasures, and the golden mouse.


The golden mouse suddenly looked at Abby with awe. But just as the mouse was about to approach her...

"Stay away from me!" Abby immediately shouted since she was really afraid of mice. She cannot even cast spells the moment the golden mouse got closer and closer.

Just as she thought it will kill her with a random lightning bolt, she saw it hugging her leg while its beady eyes sparkled. It even smiled at her.

"Cute..." Abby said as she blushed and looked at the golden mouse. Of course, she was still afraid of it but since she saw that it was not harming her in any way and just kept on hugging her leg...

"Help me!" Abby activated her guild emblem and screamed. She just stood still as the golden mouse hugged her leg happily.