Jay's Prowess

--- Section V, Abandoned Mines ---

"Guys, be careful. The lord-ranked monster is just behind those rocks blocking your way." Roselia reminded everyone the moment Bloody Harvest shouted.

"Guys, before we fight it, give me a quick rundown about how strong you are." Jay immediately asked everyone since besides knowing everyone had improved over the past month, he was not sure by how much.

"Tier 5 Cleric. All spells of the 4th tier and below that I use have its effects doubled or tripled." Annie immediately said and took out a plain looking wand. It looked like a random piece of stick.

"Tier 6 Assassin, tier 2 Gunner, and tier 3 Thief." Bloody Harvest said casually.

"Tier 4 Cryomancer." Abby said while stuttering because the golden mouse was still following her around.

"Woah. Just what did they go through to manage to improve this much? Are the Elders back at the Golden Moon Academy that formidable?" Jay thought to himself and said to the team, "Alright. Here's the plan. Abby, before we blast the rocks blocking the way, freeze the ceilings and the walls so that we do not have to worry about Section V caving in. After that..."

Jay was about to tell them that he, Bloody Harvest, and Roselia will be the ones who will take the Plague King head on and Annie and Abby will be in charge of supporting them, the Chicken Lord suddenly spoke to him.

"Jay. Perfect timing. Why don't you try soloing that lord ranked monster? Just find out how strong you are with the three different forms you have."

The three different forms the Chicken Lord was talking about was actually Jay in his chicken form, human form, and the Moon Warrior form.

The Moon Warrior form was the final thing Lord Tygon taught Jay. In this form, the only skills Jay can use were the five skill sets Lord Tygon taught; Tempest Sword Dance, Illusory Moon Blade, Lunar Winds, Frozen Eclipse, Twilight Body. In this form, a grayish-black set of scaled leather armor will appear on Jay. His eyes will also glow in a grayish light and Jay's stats will be doubled.

The downsides of this form was that Jay cannot use the skills he got from the Creation Orb or the chicken skills, and only lasts for an hour. And in order to activate it again once the one hour duration is up, Jay needed to be bathed in moonlight for an amount of time.

"Fine." Jay agreed to this request of the Chicken Lord.


"Alright. Change of plans. Besides the part where Abby freezes the ceilings and walls of the cave, everyone can just watch me deal with the lord ranked monster." Jay said as he flexed his arms and legs.

"What?! Jay, don't screw with us! You just told us before that we cannot deal with the lord-ranked monsters in the mines and now you want to solo it?" Bloody Harvest said loudly.

"Don't worry. I just want to test out how strong I am. I will still rely on you guys to kill it just in case I mess up." Jay said before gesturing Abby to go on with the plan.


--- Section V, Smelting Room ---

"... and that's how it is." Bloody Harvest explained the situation to Roselia through her guild emblem.

"Jay wants to solo the lord ranked monster??!" Roselia was shocked the moment Bloody Harvest told her about Jay's crazy plan. Then suddenly, she suddenly felt that the room's temperature dropped.

The walls and ceilings of the area suddenly became frozen in ice, then suddenly...


The Plague King suddenly screeched loudly as it was sent flying back to the smelting room. Then after that, Jay and the others came out from the cave-like passageway.

"Roselia, over here!" Bloody Harvest immediately shouted and Roselia went towards the group. All of them watched at the sides while Jay approached the Plague King.


"Alright. If I remember it correctly, the Plague King is really annoying to fight. Even though it does not have a shield health and has only an average amount of health for a lord ranked monster. The Plague King only has three active skills; Rat Wave, Plague, and Self-destruct. As for its passive skills, it has Greater Regeneration and Demonic Vision." Jay thought of this while he immediately went into his human form and equipped Night Sky.


The Plague King recovered from that blast it took and stood up. It then looked at Jay who was in front of him and laughed before using its tail as a whip to attack Jay.

"Jay, watch out!" Bloody Harvest shouted since the tail was just too fast. But then, he and the others suddenly saw Jay turned into a blur and suddenly appeared in front of the Plague King.

'Shadow Phase Rush'

'Flicker Blade'

'Instant Shatter'


'Future Instincts!'

Jay immediately used these five skills as he kept slashing the Plague King with Night Sky.

Shadow Phase Rush made him fast enough to dodge the whip-like tail of the Plague King that kept on attempting to hit him. Flicker Blade and Instant Shatter allowed Jay to quickly deal a lot of damage. As for Alertness which boosted his reaction time and Future Instincts, a new skill he got from combining Sage's Wisdom and Alertness in the creation orb,.

Future Instincts is a passive skill that allowed Jay to sense different possibilities that may happen 2 seconds in the future. It might not sound that great, but it is actually an overpowered skill for melee fighters.


After Jay repeated that routine for 3 minutes, the Plague King was enraged and decided to use it's skill, Plague.

Plague was a skill that allowed the Plague King to release a toxic gas around him. The toxic gas released grants poison and two other random debuffs to anyone who comes in contact with it.

"Can't use Lunar Wind Armor to blow it away. The others might get affected." Jay thought in his mind but decided to use it anyways. But he first reminded everyone to prepare themselves.


'Light's Bastion!'

Annie and Abby immediately used their spells to protect everyone, besides Jay who was now clad in the Lunar Wind Armor. But besides protecting everyone, the spell Annie used, Light's Bastion, it also dissipated the toxic gas around them.

Light's Bastion is a Tier 3 Blessing spell that creates a dome of light around the caster. It heals a small amount of health to anyone inside the light dome, removes debuffs, and dispels any kind of spell that hits it. The spell lasts for 5 seconds.


The Plague King was pissed off the moment it saw that his Plague skill was just countered, just like that. It was so furious that it tried to attack the others, but Jay would just not allow it to do what is wants.

"Hahaha. Just in time..." Jay chuckled as he activated 'Tree of Life.' Due to this, his stats were now amplified by 7x and he immediately used the five skills he used earlier to attack the Plague King. And of course, since this legendary spell had an area of effect, Bloody Harvest and the rest was also affected with the buffs the spell gave.

The Plague King tried to defend against this relentless barrage of attacks from Jay with its claws, teeth, and tail. The Plague King blocked some of the sword slashes, but sadly, due to Jay's stat increase, more and more wounds appeared on its body no matter how many it tried to block.


The Plague King's health was around 70% after another three minutes of getting slashed. Not having any other choice, the Plague King immediately used Rat Wave. This skill allowed the Plague King to summon thousands of rats that devoured everything they see and explodes into a toxic gas if they are killed. The same type of rats that Roselia fought against earlier.

'Frozen Eclipse; Mist Form!'

Jay immediately used this skill and thousands of white threads appeared around him. The white threads were obviously made of magicka and had a freezing property applied on it. The mist form of the skill made these thousands of white threads float around in a random pattern around Jay. If seen far away, it will look like as if Jay was being protected by a windy mist.

The moment the rats the Plague King summoned came near Jay and the white freezing threads, they were immediately frozen and shattered.

"Hey, what's wrong? That all you can do?" Jay taunted the Plague King and continued his barrage of attacks. But even though he was dominating the fight, he was actually trying his best not to mess up because if he did, with the fast speed and great strength of the Plague King, he will immediately be beaten into a lump of flesh.


After another three minutes of slashing continuously, the Plague King's health dropped to 60%. The Plague King just cannot keep up with Jay's speed. But due to its health dropping at a really fast rate, its passive skill, Greater Regeneration, started doing its work.

The countless wounds Jay created on its body suddenly healed at a very fast speed.

"S*it! I need to do this faster or it will just heal all of its health back!" Jay thought to himself and used his chicken form.

'Chicken Storm!'

'Chicken Commander'

'Chicken's Fury!'

'Burning Featherstorm'

'Egg Bomb'

The moment Jay used these chicken skills in succession, the Plague King was in a pitiful state. As for Bloody Harvest and the others who were watching Jay...

"What the f*ck!? Just how strong is Jay when he turns into a chicken?!"


"Whew. I'm guessing its health is around 40% by now." Jay told himself as he looked at the Plague King that had a lot of scorch marks on its brown fur. Together with it was the wounds he caused with Night Sky.

The reason why the Plague King's health dropped at a drastic rate was because after summoning hundreds of chickens with Chicken Storm and controlling them with Chicken Commander, Chicken's Fury increased Jay's stats and skill power depending on how many chickens were around him. And by using these three skills together with Burning Featherstorm and Egg Bomb, it was just utter destruction.

It was a good thing that the area's walls and ceilings was frozen by Abby earlier or the explosions from the hundreds of eggs might have collapsed the area already.


The Plague King did not know what to do anymore. Everything it has up its sleeve was counteracted by the weird humanoid chicken in front of him. Even with Demonic Vision, which allowed it to see through Jay's vital points and weaknesses, it was useless if it cannot even hit Jay with its attacks.

"I just want to die. How the hell am I supposed to fight this... monster..."

The Plague King thought to itself before activating Self-Destruct.


"WHAT?! It already used self destruct at 40% health?!" Jay was shocked when he saw the Plague King's body suddenly jolting and expanding in a fast rate.

"Well, suit yourself." Jay sighed since he and everyone else was still under the effects of Tree of Life. Everyone was still invulnerable so besides the Plague King dying a pitiful death, no one else will die.


The Plague King's body exploded into a thousand pieces with its guts flying around in random directions. The toxic gas in its body scattered across the whole room. Its extremely hard bones flew towards Jay and the rest, in hopes that it would kill them. Sadly though, nothing happened to Jay and the rest.


After that, Jay turned the hundreds of chickens that was still in the area into Monster Essence. After that, he returned to his human form and started trying to catch his breath.

"Huff... huff... you guys start grabbing the Azurite Crystals you see and loot the stuff around. I need to take a break..." Jay told everyone and thought, "Too bad I did not have the chance to use the Moon Warrior form." He then walked away and went back to the entrance of the abandoned mines to rest for a while.

As for Bloody Harvest and the rest who just watched him solo a lord-ranked monster for only 20 minutes or something...

"Too strong... he is just too strong..."

After thinking of this, they started looting the smelting room of Section V.