Prison Break

--- Grayrock Mountains, Ironblood Prison

Just at the same time Jay arrived at this place, Roasted Boar's message to everyone in the guild was passed on to everyone, including Jay.

"Hey, what's this Plan A and B you guys are talking about?" Jay asked everyone through his guild emblem. As for Holtheim finally making its move, Jay was a bit surprised since it was supposed to happen two days from now.

"Jay, after you left, all of us discussed on what we are going to do about the incoming war you were talking about. We managed to form three plans. Plan A is us trying to convince Wildergreene and Holtheim in having a peace talk. Plan B is where we take it a step further and get involved in the war, and in the process, capturing the lords or important people from the different kingdoms involved in the war. As for Plan C, it is making everyone our enemy and making them submit to us since you told us we needed to recruit NPCs or players all over the continent." Hot Buns said as he answered Jay's question.

"Everyone, be careful then. I will be back at the guild hall as soon as possible." Jay said through his guild emblem before storing it away and focusing on the matter at hand.


Ironblood Prison was built on top of one of the mountains located in this place. It is where the most notorious criminals of the continent were locked up. Some even say that a demon-like creature is locked up in this place.

Its walls were made out of Ironblood Crystals, an iron-like material that is harder than steel and is dark red in color. The place had no windows but only had a single large door. The reason why the prisoners in this place are still breathing even without any windows to let the air in, it is due to the mechanisms built by the dwarves.

Ironblood Prison had 50 floors on it. And for every ascending floor, the more dangerous the prisoners are. The only way in and out of the prison was the front door which was guarded by two large gargoyles, 100 dwarves that has a very thick steel armor set on them, and some beasts tamed by the dwarves. And the only way to get prisoners out peacefully was if someone paid for them.


Jay approached one of the dwarves guarding the place. The moment he did, he was immediately blocked by five of these dwarves.

"Halt! No one is allowed beyond this point. Go back citizen." One of the dwarves said resolutely.

"I want some prisoners freed. After that I will leave." Jay said as he took out a large bag of gold coins which probably had around 200 gold coins on it.

"Come. We will bring you to our warden." One of the dwarves said as he took the large bag from Jay and led him inside the Ironblood Prison.


--- 1st Floor, Ironblood Prison

"Young man! Help us!"

"Get me the f*ck out of here!"

The moment Jay and the dwarf entered, the hundreds of prisoners locked up on their cells suddenly shouted like crazy people. Some asked Jay to help them, some cursed the dwarf, and some did both.


One of the dwarves patrolling the first floor shouted and activated a mechanism placed on the walls. The moment he did so, all of the prisoners suddenly stopped shouting as they started coughing out blood.

"Damn you..." One of the prisoners tried to curse the dwarf before getting smacked with an iron rod on his head.

"Ignore it kid. This happens every time we have a visitor." The dwarf who was leading Jay said as he continued walking towards the far end of the room, where a large wooden door was located.

The dwarf knocked three times.

"Let the boy in and get back to your post." Someone from inside the room shouted.


--- Warden's Office

The warden of Ironblood Prison was smaller than the average dwarf. He had brown hair and a rugged beard. At the moment, he was currently half naked, and only had some cloth wrapped around his lower body.

The warden of Ironblood Prison was currently flipping through some of the records of the prisoners. His office was filled with books, papers, scrolls, and projections from an archive formation.

The moment Jay entered, he did not even care to clean up the mess and just gestured Jay to sit down somewhere.

"I heard from the guards you want to release some prisoners. The payment you gave will allow you to release 100 prisoners. So, who are these lucky fellas you want?" The warden said while continuing to flip through some records.

"I don't know their names. But they are players that are part of a guild called Flaming Spears and Crimson Valkyrie."

When the warden heard this, he tossed the book he was flipping through at his back and looked at Jay.

"You need to pay more. These people you've mentioned, there are 500 of them. Two of these people are even marked as 'Type A' criminals by the king, which means that they are locked up somewhere between the 40th and the 50th floor. If you really want to get all of these people out, then the price is around 3 Gold Crystals." The warden said as he tossed back the large bag of gold coins Jay had earlier.

"Alright then." Jay just shrugged it off, stored the large bag, and handed over three Gold Crystals.

The warden was surprised when Jay just casually handed over three Gold Crystals to him but did not question Jay about it. After storing it away, the warden took out a red crystal orb and commanded some of his men to release the prisoners Jay wanted.

Just as the warden was about to store the red orb away, a maniacal laugh came from it and spoke.

"Oh come on. I had a very annoying and hard time thinking of how to escape this sh*thole. Don't be like that mister warden. Don't worry, everyone you want to be released in prison are with me, together with everyone else you locked up..."

The one speaking through the red orb did not even finish speaking before the warden suddenly equipped a full set of thick steel armor and placed the entire prison into a lockdown.

"Kid, get lost for now." The warden said as he pushed Jay away and kicked the door of his office open.


After the warden left his office...

"Goddamn it... this f**king curse players have..." Jay cursed within himself.

"It looks like it is impossible for me to recruit everyone in the Grayrock Mountains then. If I help the players in their prison break, then the dwarves will have some kind of enmity with the guild in the future." Jay was lost in thought for a while before deciding to just disguise himself and help the prisoners to break out of the place.


--- 49th Floor

"Young man, you're the one they call Aaron right?" An old man with a muscular physique and long white hair said as he opened a prison cell.

Inside this prison cell was a guy who had short, dark-red hair and had a flame tattoo on his right cheek.

This guy was Aaron, the guild master of Flaming Spears.

"That's me." Aaron said as he left he prison cell.

The moment he did, the old man shattered the anti-magic handcuffs he had.

"Everyone else is at the 30th floor. Good luck." The old man said as he patted Aaron's back and vanished from sight.

"I wonder how many of us in Flaming Spears will survive though..." Aaron thought to himself before heading towards the lower floors.


--- 37th Floor

"Lady Roxanne, should we really trust these men?" A young girl with blond hair asked the tall lady in front of her.

"No. But this is the best chance we have in breaking out of prison so we will follow them for now." The tall lady, Roxanne, replied. Roxanne had long green hair and a charming appearance. She was the guild master of the Crimson Valkyrie.

"Do you know where our sisters are locked up?" Roxanne asked the young girl behind her.

"I think they are at the mining area at the 30th floor." The young girl replied before the both of them proceeded to the lower floors.


--- 1st Floor, Warden's Office

"Nuggets, how do I look?" Jay asked Nuggets who was sitting at the warden's desk.

Bawk? ("You look... very different?") Nuggets said as she tilted her head sideways.

Jay was currently in a disguise. He was wearing an assassin's outfit, the usual black hooded robes and black mask.

"Okay. You can go back to the storage orb now and play with your fellow chickens." Jay said to Nuggets as he patted her back and stored her away in the storage orb.



The moment Jay left the warden's office, he was immediately greeted by 2 dwarves guarding the area.

"Intruder! Stop!"

The dwarves took out their weapons; a war hammer and a shield. After doing so, they rushed towards Jay, trying to apprehend him.

'Shadow Phase Rush'

Jay did not even give a crap about these two and immediately went towards the upper floors of the prison.