An Unforseen Event

--- Greengarden

Outside, near the city's walls...

There were a lot of tents placed around which served as the living quarters of the kings, queens, and other folk of Wildergreene that evacuated from their cities and were ordered to set up camp here.


Jay was currently sitting on top of a rock as he observed the city from a distance. He took out his guild emblem since he remembered that Princess Auriel has a guild emblem of her own.

"Princess, how you doing? It's me, Jay."

Jay waited for a few seconds but there was no reply. Just as he was about to head to the Graycastle, a familiar voice replied to him.

"Jay! Help..." There was some kind of slapping sound when message was suddenly cut off. Then a deep and rugged voice spoke.

"Interesting trinket. So this is how you people communicate with each other... interesting indeed."

When Jay heard this voice, he started sweating. This voice was just too familiar... it was the same voice that the Shurym Demons had.

"Impossible... how the hell did Izumi not notice a Shurym Demon's existence here in Greengarden..."

Jay thought in his mind and tried to speak to the demon.

"Who are you? What did you do to my friend?" Jay tried to speak calmly as he started rushing towards the Graycastle using Shadow Phase Rush.

"You are coming here anyways, so why bother asking me now? And don't worry, your friends are still alive for the time being." After this, Jay heard a cracking sound which probably came from the guild emblem being crushed and pulverized.

The moment Jay reached the front gates, he noticed something very strange. Everyone around him was still acting normally, as if nothing happened.

He then saw King Balor and King Xavier approaching him.

"Jay! Welcome back! I never thought I will see you again!" King Balor said as he tapped Jay by his shoulder.

"Sorry, I have other matters to attend to. Nice meeting the both of you again." Jay said as he used Shadow Phase Rush again to arrive at the Graycastle quickly.


--- Graycastle

After a few seconds, Jay arrived at the Graycastle. He was losing his mind right now since everyone in the city was still acting normally, as if nothing happened to the royal family and knew nothing about the demons.

The moment he tried to enter the castle, the guards suddenly blocked him by using their spears to block the entrance.

"Halt. No one is allowed to go inside the castle for the meantime. Queen's orders."

"Fuck off." Jay said softly before using Shadow Phase Rush to bypass the guards.


The moment Jay arrived at the throne room, the door he just entered was slammed shut and everything around him started to turn into a bloody red color.

The stone walls, the carpet, the banners of Wildergreene, and everything else in the room. Jay suddenly felt chills all over his body and knew it was his instinct telling him to run away fast. He felt some kind of ominous danger.

Then suddenly, black chains suddenly appeared on the ground and constricted Jay's arms and dragged him to the floor until he was in some kind of kneeling position.

"What the hell is this..." Jay thought to himself and raised his head. He then saw the royal family.

Queen Auburn in her normal form and looked like a 30-year old person. She still had the same features; short purplish hair, a cute face, and a petite figure.

Together with her was Prince Frederick, Prince Alfred, Princess Auriel, and Princess Hailey.

All of them were chained at the walls of the throne room; with the male at the left side and the female at the right side. They were all naked. Drops of blood flowed down their bodies. At first, Jay thought they were dead, but when he saw their eyes looking at him with an unknown expression and looked as if they were saying something, he knew they were still alive.

"Impressive artwork isn't it?" A rugged and deep voice spoke.

Jay looked at the one who was speaking right now, who was seated on the throne.

It was indeed a Shurym Demon. But this one had very different features than its fellowmen.

He was larger in size. He had brown skin and all his veins and arteries can be seen through his skin. Even his heart that was circular in shape can be seen. As for the usual tentacle-like hair or the octopus head the Shurym Demons had, this guy instead had a tentacle-like tail that wrapped around his waist. He had a pair of rounded horns on his head. He also wore a black cape that was made out of feathers and some armored trousers that were gray in color.

Jay shuddered in fear not because of how the demon looked like, but because of the abnormal and terrifying aura coming from the demon. It was as if the demon can just snap his fingers and kill everyone in Greengarden.

"So, why have you come here boy? Do you want to beg for your life and serve us? I know it must be rough knowing that doom has come for this continent. Too bad we can't say the same for this entire plane, but that is none of your business." The demon said as he stood up and suddenly went towards Queen Auburn, who was chained up on the wall.

Jay tried to say something but the demon continued speaking.

"Or are you here because of your duties, Fatelord???" The demon said as he laughed and used his finger to poke Queen Auburn's face. The moment the demon did so, Queen Auburn shouted loudly.

"What a waste of beauty. Too bad I already have a wife..." The demon said as he formed a grin on his face and moved his finger across Queen Auburn's face slowly. Queen Auburn still shouted loudly and just wanted it to end. It was just too painful.

"Stop!" Not wanting to watch the demon toy with the queen further, Jay shouted.

The demon stopped when he heard Jay. And for some reason, he suddenly released Jay from the black chains binding his arms.

"Fine. If you can kill me within 10 seconds, I will tell everyone of my fellowmen to retreat. If you fail to do so, I suppose I can offer you to the War God." The demon said and beckoned Jay to come at him.

The moment Jay stood up, it was as if time stopped. Thought after thought popped out of his mind.

"Am I going to die?"

"10 seconds... what can I do in 10 seconds..."

"Should I run away? But how..."

"Why does things have to end up this way..."

Jay knew he had no chance at all. Since this was the case, the best thing Jay could think of was to try and talk things out. The worst thing that could happen was him getting killed or everyone else getting killed.

"Wait. Why do we have to fight? Even though I am a Fatelord, I do not belong to this plane, thus, I have no obligation to defend it from you guys." Jay said and hoped this would work.

The moment the demon heard this, he got intrigued and gestured Jay to continue speaking.

"I am what you may call as a Foreigner. Besides me, there are thousands of people in this plane that are also Foreigners."

Then suddenly, Hellson shouted at Jay angrily.

"How could you betray us Jay?!! After everything we've been through, WHY!??"

"Just shut up! This is my only way out of this mess! I haven't forgot my promise to defend the Fatelord Plane, but things are just getting way out of hand. Just trust me for now!" Jay told Hellson and awaited the reaction of the demon.

"Hmm... I haven't heard my fellowmen say anything about this..." The demon frowned and snapped his fingers. The moment he did so, the royal family who was chained up in the walls were released and slumped down to the ground.

'Blood Well'

The demon exclaimed and the royal family started to get healed from whatever wounds the demon caused. After doing so, he grabbed Jay by his shoulder and a rainbow-colored light covered the area around him.


--- An unknown place

Jay did not know where he was right now. After the demon teleported him, he was now in some kind of barren wasteland.

The ground was cracked and looked as if it was made out of clay. The sun was high up in the sky and the place was abnormally hot. It was as if he was in a desert.

When Jay looked around, he saw a lot of withered trees, burnt houses, and a lot of craters and holes on the ground. And he also saw some mountains on the horizon.

"Terrible, isn't it?" The demon said as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Welcome to the Shurym Plane foreigner."