Chicken Lord's Storytelling (Part 1)

--- Golden Phoenix Kingdom

It has been a week since the alliance between the different kingdoms and the Fatelords was formed. It has been a week since Jay was brought to the Shurym Plane.

This place which used to be Izumi's Garden was now turned into the capital city of the Golden Phoenix Kingdom, Golden Bird. As for the guild hall of the Golden Phoenix, it was beside the donut-shaped castle at the central area of the city.


Somewhere inside the castle's courtyard...

Bawk Bawk!!!


Bawk Bawk!!!

Nuggets was currently training with the Chicken Lord. As for what she was exactly doing at the moment, she was asked to keep kicking a wooden puppet that was about her size.

"Big bro, how much longer do I have to do this?" Nuggets complained as she continued to kick the wooden puppet.

"Until you destroy it by only using your kicks. Normal kicks. No clawing or that fancy lightning magic of yours." The Chicken Lord said as he sat at a corner and checked the situation with his clones, who were training the others at some other place.

"I wonder what Jay is doing right now?" Nuggets asked herself while she continued her training with the Chicken Lord.


--- Flowery Hill, Golden Phoenix Kingdom

This place was the small hill where the Chicken Lord brought everyone during their first training session. Due to Izumi complaining about the flowers getting ruined, the Chicken Lord asked the five Ratmen to construct a large tower in this area.

"Hey Joel, what do you think is happening inside the tower?" One of the ratmen asked his companion as they were doing their daily routine of checking the tower for any damages.

"That chicken guy told us it was for training purposes..."

"Then can you explain the large hole over there?" One of the three ratmen present pointed at a hole near the door of the tower.


Inside the unnamed stone tower...

~bang, bang, bang

Roselia was currently dual wielding two silver pistols. She was currently firing at the feathers flying around her.

"Do not rely only on what you see or your prediction. Try to feel the motions around you. As a Demon Hunter, I recommend you use some kind of skill that enhances your speed and eyesight if you ever want to hit a thousand of my feathers." The Chicken Lord's clone said as he kept tossing out feathers.

"I know! But what does this have to do with my class promotion?" Roselia shouted as she continued to fire at the feathers. Some of her bullets managed to hit the feathers, some didn't.

"This is just the same as that class promotion thing of yours. Once you manage to complete this training session, go and head to that Golden Moon Academy and complete your class promotion there."

Then after a few minutes later...

"Switch!" The Chicken Lord shouted, signalling Roselia to unequip her pistols and swap it with her two silver shortswords.


In another room in the tower...

"Chicken Lord, what's up with Boar and Horace? He has been sleeping for the past two days." Abyssal Angel asked the Chicken Lord's clone who was beside Roasted Boar's and Horace's unconscious body.

"They are forming their Origin Core. If nothing bad happens and interrupts them, after a few more hours, they will successfully become a Divine Being." The Chicken Lord said with a trace of excitement in his voice. In just a week, these two worked really hard in forming their Origin Cores. In fact, he was even surprised with the speed of these two.

"What about you? I thought the rest of you are heading over to the Golden Moon Academy to get your class promotion." The Chicken Lord asked Abyssal Angel.

"Well, some stuff happened when Lord Tygon met us three days ago. He actually gave us the 9th tier emblems of our classes. He also ordered the Elders of the academy to give us some books to read." After saying this, Abyssal Angel took out five circular emblems from her spatial inventory.

The first emblem had an eye engraved on it and around the eye was nine small stars. This was her 9th tier emblem for her Duelist class. The second emblem had a fork and knife that formed an 'X'. This was her 9th Tier emblem for her Chef class.

As for the rest of her emblems, they were only for the 8th tier of her other classes; Alchemist, Scrollmaker, and Potionmaker.

"That guy sure moves fast, just like old times..."

"Wait, you two know each other?" Abyssal Angel immediately asked the moment she heard some kind of nostalgia from the voice of the Chicken Lord.

"Yup. Some events happened to me before and I ended up in the Fatelord Plane. Back then, I knew nothing about how things work around here. Then I met Tygon, who was still around his forties at that time."

"Huh? You ended up in the Fatelord Plane?" Abyssal Angel quickly got interested and very curious about what the Chicken Lord was saying.

"Indeed. Well, I was supposed to tell Jay about it but he never asked me. But anyways, once these two wakes up, I will gather all of the core members may it be the old or the new ones. I will tell you about my adventures with Tygon while we feast tonight." The Chicken Lord's clone said and wished deep within himself that Jay was doing well in the Shurym Plane.


--- Golden Moon Academy, the Floating Island

All of the Elders of the academy were currently near the Lunarwood Giant, the gigantic tree at the center of the island.

They were having some kind of picnic. Everyone had to attend on Lord Tygon's orders. Even Jill who was in charge of the teleportation tower was invited.

"Lord Tygon, why did you let those youngsters skip the class promotion trials?" Elder Jericho, an Elder who specialized in Light Magic and things related to the Sage class asked as he sat beside Lord Tygon who was sitting and leaning beside the gigantic tree.

"Forgive me my lord, but I accidentally checked the records of one of them. The one known as Boras. He once went under the class promotion trial for the Gunner Class but only showed his potential as a 4th tier. For him to immediately gain the 9th tier emblem and 9th tier skill books regarding the Gunner Class..." Elder Alessandra, an Elder who was a 9th Tier Sniper, an advanced class gained form the Gunner Class, asked Lord Tygon.

"Because a friend of mine trained them. I trust his training methods can immediately push the youngsters potential, no matter what tier they are in their respective classes. Besides, I have to do my part as a Divine Being of this plane." Lord Tygon said and removed his blindfold.

"The Chicken Lord, Muscles. Unfitting name huh?" Lord Tygon said with a bit of nostalgia in his voice.

"You have some history with that chicken guy my lord?" Elder Magnus asked the moment he approached the three with a basket of sandwiches in his hand.

Lord Tygon nodded as he grabbed a sandwich.

"I suppose I can tell you all a story about my past later on after I tell everyone about my plans for the upcoming war we need to participate in." Lord Tygon said as he took out the emblem of the Golden Moon Academy and asked everyone to gather around him.


After some hours later, around midnight...

--- Flowery Hill, beside the stone tower

There was a large bonfire in the center. Around the bonfire were the 19 core members of the Golden Phoenix Kingdom. Due to the passing of time and due to the training sessions from the Chicken Lord,

a lot of new people became core members.

The core members were: Roasted Boar, Abyssal Angel, Hot Buns, Bloody Harvest, Roselia, Boras, Annie, Abby, Nuggets, Heda, Laelette, Kokori, Lydia, Horace, Philson, Roxanne, Aaron, Bobby Roose, and the Chicken Lord.

"First of all, let us toast for Roasted Boar and Horace's success in becoming a Divine Being. Cheers!" The Chicken Lord said as he raised a mug of beer.


Everyone chugged down their own drinks.

"A toast for the finished construction of our kingdom! Cheers!" Roasted Boar shouted as he used a spell to refill everyone's mug.


"What about the rest of the people though?" Boras asked, a bit concerned for the thousands of citizens of the Golden Phoenix Kingdom.

"Hahaha... don't worry about them. I made sure to give everyone a gold coin and a lot of food to enjoy." The Chicken Lord said before gesturing everyone that he will start his storytelling now.


Probably some hundreds of years ago...

--- Whitesand Beach

This place was just near the Lost Dryad Forest, the easternmost area of Izumi's Abode. This place was just a white sandy beach that is crawling with a lot of monsters that usually looks like the animals seen in a normal beach.


~Pak, pak...

A gigantic crab that had a blue-colored shell and gigantic claws was currently fighting some kind of monster that looked like a round stone.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a large object crashed down onto the two poor monsters and crushed them to death.

This object was the Chicken Lord who was curled up and had blood all over him. Most of his feathers were missing and looked as if he just escaped death.

Bawk... ("Brother... sister...")

The Chicken Lord slowly tried to stand up but dropped to the ground. He was just too weak.

"Goddammit! I just bought that Rockshell Critter." A man in his forties suddenly came out of the nearby rocks and approached the Chicken Lord, curious to what killed his tamed beast. This man was wearing a gray robe and a black cape. This man was Tygon.

Bawk... ("Damn... too weak to move...")

The Chicken Lord tried to lift his head as he looked at the man who just approached him.

"The hell is this? A guy in a chicken costume?" Just as Tygon was about to shout at the Chicken Lord, he suddenly realized that there was a lot of blood around him. When Tygon looked at the Chicken Lord's eyes, he saw something very familiar. The cold gaze of a dying person.

"Drink." Tygon did not even hesitate one bit and took out a large healing potion from his storage ring and forced the healing juice down the Chicken Lord's mouth.


After that happened, the Chicken Lord recovered. He now looked like a muscular guy wearing a chicken suit. He had six-pack abs. His wings were attached to his human-like arms. His feet had an enlarged version of chicken claws. He had a long, red, and fleshy comb that ran down his head up to his back.

"Thank you human."

The Chicken Lord tried his best to speak in human tongue as he looked at Tygon.

"You're welcome. Now, let's talk about your payment."

"Payment?" The Chicken Lord did not know what Tygon was talking about and tilted his head sideways.

"100 gold coins for my Rockshell Critter that you just killed. Another 100 gold coins for the healing potion. And since I saved your life, why not thrown in another hundred. All in all, you owe me 300 gold coins." Tygon said as he held out his right hand. In truth is, he actually knew that the Chicken Lord did not have money with him at the moment but wanted to use this debt as an excuse so he can force the Chicken Lord to work under him.

"Hold on." The Chicken Lord thought it was just normal for humans to always ask for something in return. But what he did was a bit...unexpected.

He suddenly turned his back on Tygon and raised his butt. After a few seconds, a large golden egg came out from his butt.

"This should get you a hefty amount of money if you sell it. I hope I meet you again human." The Chicken Lord said as he quickly activated a skill called 'Chicken Sprint' and ran away.

"What the fuck? Just what the actual fuck..." Tygon was speechless and did not know what to say. He just saw a very strange and disturbing scene with his eyes. A golden egg came out from the ass of a muscular guy... in a chicken suit...

Tygon picked up the large golden egg that was as large as an ostrich's egg. After storing it in his storage ring, he left the area and hoped he would forget what he just saw and move on. But sadly though, this was just the first of the many times he will encounter the Chicken Lord.