Sacrificial Pits

--- Shurym's Castle

Just like before, all of the ten lords of the Shurym Plane were gathered here on orders of the War God, Shurym. All of them were currently kneeling down in front of Shurym.

"One week, one fucking week! Why is the human still not brought here to my castle!!! You useless fools!" Shurym shouted furiously and stomped his right foot, causing large cracks to appear on the floor of the castle.

"Forgive us for our incompetence sir. We have already searched the whole plane for a human and saw no traces. We also searched for bald headed Shurymites that might be the human in disguise, but..."

"But what?"

"Most of the bald heads are old men."

Shurym frowned but was still very angry at the fact that the human was still wandering around freely.

"Balkor, Morrok, gather all of the bald heads at the sacrificial pit! All of them!" Shurym said and ordered the two lords.

After those two lords left, Shurym ordered the rest of the lords to continue their search. Then just as all of the lords were about to leave...

"Juro, stay."

The Shurymite lord who was asked to stay was the one in charge of Shurym's Archives.

"Sir? Is there anything I can help you with?" Juro tried his best not to reveal anything that happened at the archives. If Shurym knew that 50% of the books and scrolls in the archives became blank, he did not know what tragic fate will await him.

"Burn the archives. If the human is snooping around, I believe he will first gather information about us. The best thing to do is to burn everything in the archives. I can just replicate all of the books after this human is dealt with." Shurym said before dismissing Juro.


Meanwhile, back to where Jay is...

--- Mind Room

"Woah. My whole body feels so light, weightless..." Jay thought to himself as he moved around. He was currently in his full chicken form.

But unlike the usual, his feathers had red patterns all over and was a bit grayish in color. His eyes had even a gleam of red light.

'Vampire Chicken Form'

Jay tried using his chicken skills together with blood magic and found out that as long as he was under the effects of blood magic, his chicken skills were still the same.

"Strange..." Jay did not know the reason why. When he tried using 'Blood Dart,' it still had the same effects and did not change. But when he used 'Featherstorm' or 'Egg Bomb' and blood magic, nothing changed with its effects.

"Hey skully, what do you think is the problem here?" Jay asked the red skull.

"Master, I think that the blood in your body increased when you transformed into that form of yours. In order to gain the full effects of blood magic, you need to go through the excruciating process of combining magicka with your blood in that form again."

Jay was surprised with what the red skull said. Not wasting any more time since he wanted to start looting the Shurym Plane sooner, he started fusing magicka with his blood in his current form.


After a few hours later...

'Blood Egg!'

Jay shouted as a gray colored egg appeared on his hand and tossed it.


A disgusting stench suddenly filled the mind room the moment the 'Blood Egg' exploded. There was even a pool of blood where the egg exploded.

"Okay. So the upgrade of the egg bomb when fused with blood magic is this... I should just call it 'Stink Bomb' or something..." Jay thought to himself before returning back to his human form since he wanted to rest for a while.

"Hey skully, how do I proceed into the stage of Sacred Blood Magic?" Jay immediately asked the red skull.

"I know master is running out of time, so I suggest that you just drink the blood of a practitioner of Sacred Blood Magic."

Jay decided to screw it all and just go for it when he had the chance. He was pretty confident in defeating people who knows Sacred Blood Magic.

"If I fight Toran or someone as strong as him in my current state, it will probably be an easy win for me as long as I use blood magic to counter their blood magic."Jay thought to himself before exiting the mind room.


The moment Jay exited the mind room, he suddenly heard a lot of crying shouts outside the tavern he was in.

"No! Let go of my grandpa!"

"Help me!"

"Shut up and move!"

Jay was confused and was wondering if some kind of planar invader suddenly attacked the Shurym Plane so he asked a random Shurymite who was peacefully drinking in the tavern.

"Hey, what's going on out there?"

"All of the bald headed people are being gathered at the Sacrificial Pits. Who knows what the hell those two lords are thinking... I wish I can see those two bastards die sooner."

Jay was surprised with the hateful response he got from the gray-skinned Shurymite.

"Damn. Don't tell me those old men are going to die because of me..." Jay thought to himself as he rushed out of the tavern and used Shadow Phase Rush to follow the soldiers who were dragging the bald-headed old men somewhere.


--- Sacrificial Pits

This place was located at the deeper areas of Underbelly City. Just like how its name sounds like, there were many holes in the area with varying sizes. As for how deep the holes are, no one knows.

Around 10,000 bald headed Shurymites were currently tied up and was seated near the walls of the place while the two Shurymite lords, Balkor and Morrok, were currently looking at each one of them carefully.

"All of you might have heard about the human that is currently disguised as one of us. The reason why we gathered you all of here is simple. Since we cannot find the human, we will just kill all of the bald headed Shurymites. Who knows, the human might be among the thousands of you gathered here."

Almost everyone went into an uproar and was fuming with rage. Just because these two lords could not find the human, they were going to depend everything on luck and kill all of the bald headed Shurymites. Even the gray-skinned soldiers that rounded up these bald headed Shurymites were against this.

"Shit. Just how cruel are these guys to their enemies? For them to even sacrifice thousands of their people just to find me..." Jay thought to himself as he hid in a corner. The reason why he was not seen by anyone else is because he was using 'Chicken Mimicry' and 'Vampire Chicken Form' together.

In truth is, the Shurymites already saw him but just ignored him since they did not give a crap about a chicken. They all thought that a wealthy Shurymite sent this chicken here as a sacrifice.

One of the lords, Balkor, did not even bothered to speak before grabbing a random old man and pushed him, making him fall down one of the bottomless holes.

"Men, push them down the holes." Morrok shouted as he also started grabbing random bald headed Shurymites and pushing them down the hole.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, some kind of projectile suddenly pierced through the necks of the gray-skinned soldiers.

"Hahaha!!! So you finally decided to come out..." The two lords looked at where the projectiles came from and saw Jay.

Jay was now in his partial chicken form.

"What a coincidence. So its you all along." Balkor grinned evilly as he looked at Jay and remembered about their 'chicken problem' back at the Fatelord Plane.

Suddenly, a black fluid came out all over his body and covered him, turning into a jet black armor. On his back, there were tentacles that slithered around. There were even spikes on his shoulders and boots.

"Morrok, continue the sacrifice. The War God won't be pleased if we stop sacrificing these pieces of trash." Balkor said as he suddenly rushed towards Jay and his two hands suddenly transformed into jet black swords.

"So it was their equipment that made them strong. And by using blood magic, they can amplify their body and become even stronger." Jay thought to himself as he observed Balkor who was already a few steps away from him.

"DIE!" Balkor shouted as he slashed down his two swords on Jay.

But just as he thought he won...

"Eat shit asshole."

Jay said softly and used 'Blood Egg' and forced it down Balkor's mouth that was wide open from all the shouting. After doing so, he kicked Balkor on his crotch.

"What is this?!!" Balkor thought to himself as he felt his stomach burning and his sense of smell vanishing. He did not even feel his balls getting crushed as he dropped to the ground on one knee before getting punched by Jay in the face, pushing him away at a small distance, just near one of the holes.

"BALKOR!!!" Morrok tried to help Balkor but he was too late. Jay already pushed Balkor down the hole.

Morrok suddenly started to grow in size and his skin started to turn black. His veins, arteries, and three hearts suddenly glowed brightly and could be seen through his skin.

"That idiot underestimated you. But let's see how you deal with this one." Morrok said as he suddenly vanished and appeared at Jay's back.

"Sacred Blood Magic huh? And I suppose that thing you're doing where your innards starts to glow brightly is something called as a blood well?" Jay said in hopes of creating a moment of distraction.

"What?!! How the hell do you know..." Morrok was shocked that Jay knew about this. Before he could even attack Jay, he noticed that Jay already moved away from him.

'Vampire Chicken!'

Jay suddenly changed form. But unlike the first time he used this form, he now had jet black feathers and the red patterns on the feathers were glowing brightly.

"Blood Magic! But how?!!" Morrok was shocked again when he saw Jay using blood magic.

"Let's see if you can last until my experiments are over..." Jay thought to himself as he looked at Morrok.