Shurym Plane's Crisis (Part 1)

--- Underbelly City, Shurym Plane


Thousands of wolves with varying size and color wrecked havoc on the streets, killing every Shurymite they came across.

"Run! Go to the castle or the archives! Hurry up!" A Shurymite General shouted as he fought against 3 wolves with red fur.

The Shurymites who were running for their lives knew that they can only go to those two places if they want to survive. Everyone ran as fast as they could while thousands of Shurymite Generals fought against the wolves.


--- Shurym's Castle

"Annoying dogs!"

Shurym shouted furiously as he tore apart a red wolf in half with his hands. Scattered around him were corpses of wolves he dealt with.

"Deroth, Ashara, hurry up and repair the seal!" Shurym said hurriedly as he held a communication orb in his hand.

"Father, we need backup here! These Darkkonian bastards are preventing us from reaching the seal."

"Sir, bad news. The wolves are starting to tear the seal apart! We also confirmed that Balkor, Morrok, Seros, and the other two newbie lords are already dead."

Shurym was so furious when he heard this. Ashara and Deroth was the strongest lords in the Shurym Plane and were the only ones in the Vampiric Blood Magic stage. For them to be asking for backup, Shurym knew that they were in a desperate and grim situation.

"Deroth, what about your brother and sister? And where is Keron?"

Shurym asked about the three remaining lords who were missing in action.

"Derothis and Dero are currently fighting the Darkkonians above ground. As for Keron, he is still at the Darkkonia Plane. Lady Ashara already tried to send Keron back but the moment she contacted him, Keron was currently fighting against something and we haven't heard from him since then."

"AAAHH!!!" Shurym shouted on the top of his lungs, conflicted with what he should do. If he leaves the castle, the thousands of Shurymites who were evacuated here are going to get killed by the wolves. If he stays, he will just play into the hands of the Darkkonians.

"Those bastards. The moment I go to the 'Divinity Seal Chamber,' I am pretty sure they have already set up an ambush, waiting for me to take the bait."

Shurym tried to calm himself down and try to think of his next course of action. After a few seconds, he decided to call back Toran's forces back.

"Toran, hurry up and retreat! Immediately head to my castle with your forces!"

Just as Shurym was about to leave the castle and head towards the Divinity Seal Chamber he was talking about...

"War God? Is that you? Please help us!"

An unfamiliar voice spoke to Shurym.

"Who are you? Where is Toran?!!" Shurym shouted furiously.

"Lord Toran abandoned us and returned by himself! He even shattered his communication orb! Everyone went bonkers and left camp, I do not know where they went. They are probably slaughtering some humans or something. Even my fellow generals left me alone."

Shurym was so furious when he heard this. He was so furious that he crushed the communication orb into dust.

"Those fools!"


--- Toran's House

"Torvani! Where are you?"

Toran shouted as he entered his house which was still in perfect shape for some reason. But no matter where he looked, may it be in the kitchen, the bedrooms, or the storage room, he did not see anyone.

Just as he was about to give up and look somewhere else, he heard a clattering sound outside his house, near one of the windows of the kitchen.

He immediately checked it out and had a ghastly expression when he saw what it was. It was his wife, Torvani, being eaten by two large wolves with gray fur.

Toran did not even utter a single word as he turned his right arm into a saber. A saber which was made out of his own blood.

~Slash, slash...

Toran decapitated the wolves with a simple slash. After doing so, he kicked their corpses away from Torvani.


Toran tried to cry but his tears won't come out. Everything he worked for and everything he had was now gone. His family is dead and he did not even had a chance to protect them.


A gigantic gray wolf suddenly appeared on his back and pounced on Toran who was standing still like a statue.

"They're all gone."

Toran said softly as he turned his head and looked at the gray wolf with a calm expression on his face.

He was too busy trying to calm himself down but the wolves just won't let him. He immediately punched the gray wolf's head and tackled it. After doing so, he pinned it on the ground and Toran bit its neck and kept devouring the wolf until only the bones were left.

"No matter what you are, I will drag you down to hell with me!" Toran shouted before a black fluid covered his body and turned into a shiny jet black armor. Together with it, black tentacles suddenly grew from his head, his back, and his chin.

After doing so, Toran activated his blood well and rushed to the streets of Underbelly City.


Meanwhile, somewhere else in Underbelly City, Jay was currently using Shadow's Embrace to hide as he observed the chaotic situation the city was in.

"Damn... even though I did not want to bring innocents into this war... this happened." Jay gritted his teeth and lightly punched a nearby wall.

"Jay, it's better if we return back to the Fatelord Plane now." Hellson knew that the Shurym Plane is already doomed the moment he saw the chaos happening around.

"Innocents are dying out there you know. Even though they are Shurymites..." Jay said before getting a harsh response from Hellson.

"You almost got killed by one of them! Why are you feeling pity for them now?"

"We are at war. It is normal for enemies to kill each other. But dragging innocent people who had nothing to do with the war... it just feels wrong."

Before Hellson could even say something...


A majestic shout was heard all over the city and and Shurym suddenly appeared in front of Jay, and in the process, Shurym accidentally destroyed the stalagmite houses around him.

"Shit, shit, shit."

Jay cursed loudly in his mind before two bloody chains coiled around his body.

"You think you can deceive me with your petty disguise?" Shurym shouted loudly as he looked at Jay who was now in his grasp.


Just as Shurym was about to thrust his right hand into Jay's head...

"Do you really have that much time to waste?" Jay said and tried his best to stay calm.

Before Shurym could even stop his hand or say something, a wolf with golden fur pounced on him. The golden wolf had a cross shaped scar on its left eye and had a pair of short horns on its head.

Shurym smirked as he turned into a large ball of blood, causing the golden wolf to pass through him.

The moment Shurym did this, the blood chains on Jay disappeared.

"Shit. I should run now." Jay told himself as he quickly used Shadow Phase Rush and disappeared from his spot.

"Damn you."

Shurym said in a grumbling voice as he looked at the large golden wolf who tried to attack him.

"Pathetic. To even attack your own kin... this plan should really be purged." The golden wolf said as it looked at Shurym with disdain.


--- Shurym's Archives

Jay did not even bother sneaking around this time since everyone was in panic due to the chaos that was happening. The reason he came back here was to look for a way to return to the Fatelord Plane. But the moment he entered the archives, he was shocked with what he saw.

There were piles of books that were scorched all around the place.


When Jay looked around, besides the scorched books, he also saw a lot of Shurymites who were in hiding. Among these Shurymites was Juro, the Shurymite lord in charge of the archives.


Juro immediately shouted as he rushed towards Jay and turned his two hands into jet black swords.

Jay easily dodged this and moved away from Juro.

"I just want a way back home. I am not your enemy." Jay tried his best to talk things out but suddenly, an enormous black lizard crashed down from the ceilings.

The black lizard had bony spikes all over its body and had a club-like tail. It even had three heads, with each having a pair of curved horns.

"What the hell is it now?" Juro said loudly as he was almost crushed by the black lizard.

The black lizard's three heads looked around the room, and the moment it saw the thousands of Shurymites gathered here, it started salivating.

Before the black lizard could even crawl towards the Shurymites, Juro suddenly rushed towards it and started slashing its three heads furiously.

As for Jay, for some reason, he decided to help out to gain the trust of the Shurymites in order to find a way back to the Fatelord Plane.

He immediately went to his Vampire Chicken form and used 'Blood Darts', targeting the black lizard's body.

The moment the blood-trailed feathers that Jay threw hit the black lizard, it pierced through its body, puncturing some of its innards.

Due to this, the black lizard weakened and its three heads suffered from Juro's assault even more. Then after a few seconds, Juro decapitated the black lizard's three heads and licked his swords clean.

"Human, what was that for?"

Juro immediately turned his head and asked Jay. He knew that if Jay did not help, there might have been a lot of casualties that occurred since he was not sure how long he needed to kill the black lizard by himself.

"My ticket back to the Fatelord Plane."

Juro started laughing as he heard Jay's reply, but he immediately dispelled his swords and his hands turned back to normal.

"Then, you might have to wait until this disaster is over. Only the War God can send someone over to other planes."

Jay frowned when he heard this. If this was the case, then how the hell would he get back to the Fatelord Plane now? Shurym was obviously targeting him for who knows what reason.

"Hahaha... that look on your face is just priceless. If you are really in a hurry, just use the 'Planar Gate' above ground."

Jay did not know why Juro said this important piece of information for free but he thanked him and immediately left.

"The 'Planar Gate.' I wonder if he will reach it or get burnt to a crisp?" Juro thought to himself as he laughed and laughed.