Spirit Power Form

"So, what kind of deal do you want?" Jay asked the four women surrounding him.

"I am afraid this is not the place to talk about this and we really do not have that much time left using this astral projection form. Talk to us again at the 'Sacred Mountain' if you want to know more about the deal. For the meantime, we will grant you this." The blue colored lady said as she released Jay.

Then suddenly, the four women vanished.


Jay was speechless. It was as if his entire trip to the village temple was useless!

Then suddenly, a blue ball of light descended in front of him.

"Wait, don't tell me I actually succeeded?" Jay tried touching the ball of light and suddenly, he started seeing thousands of illusory images around him.

There were illusory images of animals, beasts, and the like. There were illusory images of humans, giants, dwarfs, and a lot more. There were also a lot of weird looking images and the usual items like swords, shields, and so on.

"My gaming instincts tell me that I need to select one of these." Jay thought to himself but was starting to have a headache since there was just too many to choose from.

Jay spent a couple of hours looking and exploring his choices from the illusory images. While he was doing so, he did not know that he was cut off from the physical world and right now.

All of the villagers from Zena's village were currently encircled around the village temple. There was one simple reason why; the blue-robed granny told Zena about the events that transpired when Jay stepped into the temple and caused Zena to be infuriated. As for the villagers, they were led here by Zena and commanded them to watch her deal with Jay.

"Village leader, is it true? Did the druidess really show disrespect to the Goddesses?" Talia asked Zena.

"Ask the sage. She was the one who saw everything happened with her own eyes. I am just here to apprehend this fake druidess." Zena said while she clenched her fists. They have been waiting for hours but Jay was still in a trance inside the stone circle of the temple.

The reason why they haven't made a move on Jay was because the temple was a sacred place and no one was allowed inside when one was using it. They believed it was too disrespectful to their goddesses if they interrupt someone's meditation in the temple.

"Sis, don't be fooled by her. There is just no way someone can become a druidess if she disrespects tradition and the goddesses." Tania said as she held Talia's hand.


Still oblivious to the happenings around, Jay finally found an illusory image that he believed was very compatible with him.

An illusory image of a chicken.

"Damn. It took me forever to find this guy. Good thing I found you or else I might have been tempted to select the feather image I saw." Jay said as he tapped the illusory chicken image.

The moment he did, it suddenly turned more realistic and jumped straight onto his body.

"Wait, that's it? I have a Spirit Power form now?" Jay asked himself. The rest of the illusory images then disappeared and Jay woke up from his trance and saw the villagers around him.

"Hi?" Jay stood up and approached Zena. The moment he did, all of the villagers suddenly took out their swords, knives, pitchforks, and anything else they can use to stab Jay with.

"Explain yourself! Was it true that you disrespected the goddesses?" Zena said to Jay furiously and clenched her fists. The reason why she was really furious was because she knew that Jay was a man, unlike the rest of the villagers.

"Who knows? By the way, do you guys know where I can find the 'Sacred Mountain?'" Jay immediately asked, not minding the unfriendly gazes all around. He was just focused on finding a way back to the Fatelord Plane.

"How the hell would I know?! Answer my question! Did you disrespect our goddesses?" Zena shouted at Jay again.

"Not really. But I spoke to the four of them! Amazing right?" Jay said as he faked a smile. He knew he had no chance at all if the villagers suddenly attacked him.

"Th-th-they spoke to you? They did not punish you?" The one who spoke was the blue-robed granny.

"Yes. They gave me my Spirit Power form and asked me to go to the Sacred Mountain." Jay said and tried to do the concentration process he learned from Tania.

He clapped his hands and closed his eyes. The moment he did, a bluish smoke covered his body like armor. There were even tiny sparks of blue lightning around him. But sadly though, there was no illusory image behind him, which was weird.

"Believe me now?" Jay said as he opened his eyes and smiled at Zena.

"How... Just how is this possible..." Zena's eyes widened in shock. This was the first time she saw a man having Spirit Power. It was supposed to be only possible for women.

"So, are we good now or are you still going to doubt me?" Jay said as he stopped concentrating.

"Everyone, false alarm. Just go back to whatever you were doing." Zena said and dispersed the villagers.


After a few moments later...

--- Zena's House

"So, what's this about again?" Jay asked Zena who suddenly dragged him here.

"Just sit down." Zena said impatiently and started searching for something in the wooden shelves and chests in her house.

"Jay, forgive me for acting impulsively." The blue-robed granny said to Jay as she bowed her head in front of him.

"It's fine."

Jay and the blue-robed granny waited for a while since Zena was still searching for something. It was a bit awkward so Jay tried to start a conversation with the granny.

"Granny, is it true that Ashnakara was named after the four goddesses?" Jay asked.

"That's a really wild imagination you have there. Our world's name was coined from ancient artifacts that holds our world together. I am really not sure about these ancient artifacts, but I've heard tales that there are three of them.

An orb that allows you to create anything that comes to mind.

An orb that allows you to store anything. May it be living things, time, space, and so on.

An orb that grants you vision and allows you to alter the past, present, and the future."

When Jay heard about the three ancient artifacts, he started to wonder why it all sounds familiar.

"Storage orb. Creation Orb. Viewing Orb... holy shit..." Jay's imagination run wild and immediately asked Hellson what he thinks of this.

"I doubt Goldwisp's orbs are that powerful. I think the orbs in your mind room are different from the one she is talking about."

Then suddenly, Zena finished her search and gave Jay a stack of Rubies.

"That right there is a hundred Rubies. If the goddesses really asked you to go to a place called the Sacred Mountain, you should first head to Bevelona City."


"I haven't heard about a place called the Sacred Mountain. If you need to gather information, Bevelona City is the best place to go to." Zena said to Jay and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Alright then. Bye."

Jay decided to say farewell and start his journey to Bevelona City. But first, he wanted to look for Talia and thank her for assisting him the past day.