You are too naive!

The class continued for another half an hour. Harry didn't say anything else and waited for the class to get over. It was really boring for him as he already knew everything Snape was teaching.

Even during the practical session, he finished up quickly. It was a simple potion meant to make you fall asleep. It was a watered down version of the Draught of Living Death. Pretty straightforward for someone of his standard.

After almost half an hour the class ended and everyone shuffled out one by one. Harry stayed behind and walked up to Snape who was a little surprised at Harry's actions.

"Something I can help you with, Mr. Potter?"

"Yes Professor, in fact, you can. I wanted to talk to you about something important and need a few minutes. It would be best if we could talk now, but if you are otherwise engaged we can converse later" replied Harry in a courteous tone.

Snape was a little perturbed by Harry's tone. He had expected Harry to lash out at him or something but he talked to him in a very matured and polite tone. It threw Snape a little off-balance. But soon snapped out of it and said, "We can talk now. So, please spit it out fast."

He used floatation charm to get a nearby stool and waved his hand to transfigure it into a chair and then sat down in front of Snape.

"Professor, that was just a small glimpse of what I can do when it comes to magic. You may think of me as a normal eleven-year-old brat or you could treat me as a prodigy. Either way, it makes no difference to me. But, if you treat me as a qualified wizard, then it will help both of us in the long run. I have a lot of plans for the future, plans which may get easier due to your assistance. So, before I tell you anything further, I would like to get your assurance that our discussion is going to be limited to this room only" said Harry to a surprised Snape.

"Mr. Potter, I have no idea what you are trying to do here but I would still entertain you for now. I also want to see what exactly are you playing at", replied Snape curtly.

"So, do I have your assurance, Professor?"

"I thought that was implied, Mr. Potter. I suggest you stop wasting my time and directly get to the point."

"Alright then.

Professor, I know who I am and what the scar on my forehead signifies. The day Voldemort tried to kill me, he gave me something along with the scar. It somehow made me more intelligent and aware of my surroundings and of the magic power running inside me. Being the son of two of the most gifted wizards in Hogwarts, I was already blessed with pretty good talent, but Voldemort's curse magnified it to a whole new level. Also, as he was hit with the rebound curse, he lost his physical body. That made all the magic power inside his body spread out into the surroundings. All of that eventually ended up inside me or at least a part of it did. That's the reason, I had a higher magic capacity and greater control over my magic as compared to the others from a very young age.

Now, this may feel a little far-fetched, but I am already as strong as any seventh-year student at Hogwarts. In favorable conditions, I can even go a few rounds with a grown wizard. What I lack is practical experience and Professor Flitwick is going to help me with that. As a result, in a few years, I would be more than ready to face what's coming. And I think you know very well what's coming Professor. The dark lord isn't dead. I can feel it. He is alive and is growing stronger. The backlash of the previous curse is already fading and in a few years, he would be back. This time he would not make the same mistake he did previously and there would be no one to stop him since the first thing he would do after his resurrection is to take care of Dumbledore. The old man might be strong but he is still getting older by the day. There is only so much he can do by himself. As such, its almost guaranteed that Voldemort would succeed in removing Dumbledore from his way. Which is where you and I come in.

I know you have Dumbledore's trust and that's the reason I am telling you all of this. I don't plan to hide or run from the dark forces. Instead, I plan to get Voldemort once and for all.

But I can't do that in my present condition. Thus, I have already made a deal with Dumbledore to get the Professors' assistance with my advanced training. I would continue to attend classes like normal but I would also be taking lessons from you and other Professors in private if you agree to do so. I have already earned Dumbledore's trust Professor, which means you can trust me too. I don't know what happened between you and my parents and I have no interest in knowing that either. That's all water under the bridge and that's how I would like to keep it. If you are willing to help me with my lessons, it can save me a lot of twists and turns and I would be able to better prepare myself. You have been wanting to teach DADA for a very long time and this might be one way for you to do so. I know you are one of the greatest experts in the field of potions but I also know that you are extremely talented when it comes to dark spells. I have Dumbledore's permission to go through any book in the restricted section of the library. I also got a few books from other sources that deal with the dark arts. But I need someone who actually knows about the dark spells intimately. Someone who has embraced the darkness and yet still lives in the light. You are the perfect person for that. It might be a little troublesome for you, but I promise you, Professor, I am not like one of those so-called 'dunderheads' you have to teach every year. I know my stuff and am ready to go the extra mile to learn everything you can teach.

I can obviously find someone else outside but not one of them has Dumbledore's trust as you do.

So, what do you think Professor? Are you willing to take me as your student?" asked Harry and leaned back in his chair to give Snape some time to think.

Snape didn't know what to say at that time. He was beyond surprised at this point.

Harry's magical talent was truly exceptional. He had heard rumors from other students in Slytherin as to how great his performance was during other classes.

So, to see him display his strength now wasn't that surprising. Although he didn't completely believe the reasons that Harry gave regarding his talents, eventually he came to the same conclusion that Dumbledore did.

It was that his talent was real and how he got it isn't relevant.

Then comes Harry's request to become his personal student. He has never taught any student personally before and to think that the son of his biggest tormentor was asking for it was definitely something he never expected.

But he knew that Harry was right. He had some inside information which told him that Harry was spot on in his guess regarding the dark lord's resurrection. And the fact that he is willing to stand and fight was truly commendable. But he didn't know the real situation.

"Mr. Potter, I think you are underestimating the dark lord too much. You don't have the slightest idea just how powerful he truly is and to think that you plan to defeat him in a few years with your pitiful strength is nothing short of laughable. He is like an invisible fog that surrounds you and waits patiently. He will strike at your most vulnerable moment and by the time you realize what happened, it is already too late. He would be able to control you in his palms and there is nothing you can do to stop him. He is a true master of the dark arts and he enjoys the evil aspect of it completely. He isn't bound by the notions of morality or emotions and can utilize your worst fears against you. He would use any and every means possible to break you and just when you think the sweet release of death is coming, he would pull you back. Killing him isn't something that can be done just by being strong. If that was possible, Dumbledore would have done that already. The real reason is that he can't be killed through normal means. His knowledge of death and soul is far beyond your imagination. He is as close to immortality as you can possibly be and he is willing to pay any price for it. He is the very definition of evil Mr. Potter and it will take nothing short of a miracle for you to even pose a threat to him, let alone kill him.

So, do you still think you can win Mr. Potter?" asked Snape seriously with a slightly mocking tone.

Harry was surprised at Snape's rant.

'This must be the longest he must have ever spoken in one go', thought Harry.

Although Snape was right, Harry already knew all of this. He remembered what kind of terror Voldemort had caused in the original story. Just that was enough to make anyone lose all hope of victory. Now in this real world, he is only going to be worse.

However, he didn't have a choice. The day Voldemort chose him over Neville for the child of prophecy, he made himself his eternal rival.

So, neither could live while the other survives and Harry accepted this.

"Professor, I am well aware of the difference between me and Voldemort. Please don't think I am some naive kid with illusions of grandeur who dreams of saving the world or anything. Yes, initially I might have been motivated by that, but as I kept getting stronger and discovered how far I still have to travel to stand on equal footing with him, I stopped thinking of being the savior. I will help as much as I can but now my top priority is to win the war headed our way.

Voldemort lost everything because of me and I doubt he is going to let me go when he resurrects. So, I have no choice but to fight and if I just let things go as it is, I might as well keel over and die. I don't know if I will survive this or not Professor but I know for a fact that I am not going to die a meaningless and helpless death.

Besides, who knows. I just might surprise you in the end" answered Harry with a slight smile.

Snape couldn't come up with a retort this time. He understood the gravity of the situation and was now slightly leaning in favor of this brat sitting in front of him. It didn't make any sense as all analysis would tell you that it was hopeless for Harry to even attempt this. But, he too couldn't help but feel a little hope looking at him. His eyes were resolute and he was in complete control of his emotions. This was a very necessary trait if you wanted to be a powerful wizard, especially someone who wants to master the dark arts. So, despite the protest of his inner self, he decided to take him as his student for now.

"Alright, Mr. Potter. Since you are so full of yourself, I would help you so that it might at least help you delay your death.

I would guide you in the dark arts so that you could understand just what kind of an uphill battle you would be facing.

Go and read this book in the library and next week I expect you to have achieved a basic proficiency in the spells listed. As to how you would find the original book, that's your concern. If you can't even find this book then please don't bother me again" said Snape as he rushed out of the dungeon in his usual brisk pace.

Harry was left standing there with a slip in his hand. It contained the name of the book Snape wanted him to read - 'Advanced Guide to Dark Spells'.

It was a straightforward name with no mention of who the author was.

Harry couldn't process what exactly happened right now but he knew that Snape just agreed to become his teacher and now he had all three Professors he needed to guide him towards the peak of magic.

So, it was time for some serious magical training and getting stronger.