Shower? Together?

I opened my eyes to find myself in the same old bedroom of mine. Although a warm blanket was covering me, the room still felt cold and chilly. I stretched out my arms and looked around to see if Hyungwon was still here. The room was empty and there was only me. What did I expect?

I sat up and looked around the room. Everything was still the same as last night. The couple anime cup was still in the same place as yesterday. The hairdryer was still on the table and the wires were still scattered on the floor in front of me. Everything was the same. Nothing had changed. Does that mean, I was not dreaming?

I moved my hands through my hair and yawned. I don't know how today will turn out to be, but I hope it will be an amazing day. I smiled to myself at the thought of unexpected events that waited for me for today. I got up while groaning in pain from sleeping on the floor. Well, that is what you get from sleeping on the floor! I walked towards the window and looked out on the streets.

The snow had piled up a lot from last night. I don't think anyone can drive in this weather. It is considered a huge luck if it snows on Christmas Day. Now that I think about it, I think I had enough luck since yesterday. I picked up the blanket from the floor and folded it. The whole flat was quiet and there was no sound. It felt awkward to find my apartment quiet, although that's how it used to be before. I did think of adopting a pet once, but my work had always kept me busy and there will no one to look after the pet.

I wonder if Hyungwon had left or Is there going to be another member appearing? So far everything was silent and if somebody was going to appear, then they would have appeared already. Monsta X has 7 members, so I am sure other members will appear as well. I mean, it's impossible for only 3 members to appear. Am I not being selfish? I know I am being selfish like this but for some reason, I don't want to be alone anymore. I used to be okay with being by myself so why am I being self-centred? As I thought, Love can only bring you trouble.

Love? Did I love them? My heart did beat fast when I was with the members. I am sure it is normal for this to happen. They are an absolute handsome talented man, it will be no surprise if my heart had a run of a marathon. Without realising, I had already reached the bathroom door. I need to stop staying in my little bubble thought.

I reached out to turn the bathroom handle but as I touched, I found it turning it at the same time as I was turning it. Like someone was turning the bathroom handle from the inside. I could feel my heartbeat starting to get faster again. I don't let go of the handle and hold it tightly. If it is another member, I don't want them to see me like this. My hair was a mess and most importantly, I have not brushed my teeth yet.

The door flung opened and I get pulled inwards. I travel forward in the direction the door was opening. My head smacks on a chest of someone. I open my eyes slowly to find a bare chest of the member. I swiftly step backwards in shock.

Wonho of Monsta X was stood in my bathroom; and not just that, he was shirtless. I looked over at his face, but my eyes quickly diverted to look at his body. Droplets of water were still dripping from his chest. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... The whole 6 packs were plastered on his stomach. They were real, oh yes, they were. I have only seen Wonho's fit body in pictures, but I never thought I would get to see his naked body with my own eyes and on top of that, I would see it all from such a close distance.

A hand suddenly grabs my arm and I am pulled out of my thoughts bubble. I looked down at my hands and see them being super close to touching Wonho's body. When did my hand reach there? I feel the blood rushing to my head and my cheeks turning red. My eyes slowly move to look at Wonho's expression. Surprisingly, I find him grinning at me. After seeing his face, I could feel my cheeks turning the same colour as a tomato. Why did I do that?

"Hold your carrots their bunny head" Wonho's words ringed like a bell in my head. I felt like I was hypnotized upon seeing his body. What is wrong with me? What does he mean by hold my carrots? Doesn't the saying go something like: ' Hold your horses'!

I swiftly try to step backwards but Wonho doesn't let go of my hands. Instead, he pulls me forward and into his arms. I couldn't believe it. I was being embraced by Wonho, while he was topless. Everything around me was spinning and I thought I was in another universe.

"Why were you hesitating to hug me, Doe? This body is for your touch and to embrace it as many time as you like! Everything of mine belongs to you." Wonho's words sounded distant and I felt like I was riding a roller coaster.

Wonho pulls me out of his embrace and looks at my face. There was an expression of panic on his face. I looked at him even more confused, I finally could see properly and thankfully there was no longer any spinning motion.

Wonho pulls me inside the bathroom and makes me sit on the toilets closed seat. He looked panicked and I looked confused at him. What is he doing? Wonho quickly rushes and grabs some tissue paper from the shelf. He then sits down in front of me and starts wiping the area below my nose. Wait. Was my nose dripping? No way! That's impossible. Wonho removes the tissue away from my nose and I find it covered with blood. Did I just have a nosebleed?

"How many times have I told you to not overwork yourself, Doe? Look at you now. First thing in the morning, you get a nosebleed" I looked at Wonho's worried expression. Does he think I had the nosebleed from overworking myself? I wish I did, but that's not the case over here. I cover my mouth before speaking.

"It's okay Wonho, I can clean myself up. Don't worry..." I nod my head to assure him.

"What do you mean you are okay? Look at you. Don't worry, I will help you clean up. Are you going to take a shower first? If yes then I will help you with that and don't argue with me on that, Doe. Plus, move your hand away from your mouth" Wonho speaks fast and says everything in one breath. I look at him surprised and shocked.

What does he mean help me with the shower? I don't know if this is real or not, but he cannot be serious with the shower thing. I move my hands away from my mouth and smile at Wonho. He looked confused for a second but then smiles back to me. I get up and he stands up with me as well. I grab Wonho's arms and start walking towards the bathroom door.

Surprisingly, Wonho just walks with me. Although he does look a bit confused. I walk Wonho out of the bathroom and when we are outside, I let go of his hand and walk back inside the toilet. Wonho turns around and looks confusingly at me. I smile at Wonho and give him a thumbs up before closing the door and locking it.

"Oh, come on, Doe. We are going to get married in a few days. Don't be shy." I felt my cheeks turning red again and thankfully Wonho wasn't around this time to see my facial expressions.

"Fine, I will let it off this time Doe, but next time it's a no. Hurry up and get ready, we are going to go out later" Wonho leaves quietly. He sounded a bit upset. I didn't mean to hurt him, but he didn't expect me to take a shower with... Stop thinking about it!!

I am sure he meant it as a joke beside I did see that grin he had on his face clearly. I walk towards the sink and start brushing my teeth. While I was washing up, I could hear the dishes clanking in the kitchen. I wonder what Wonho is going to cook? but then again, the only thing he loves is the noodles. I am sure we are not having that for breakfast. Are we?

After washing up, I walked out of the bathroom while I was still in my pyjamas. All my clothes were in my bedroom cupboard. I quietly try to sneak towards my bedroom, but the smell of a delicious breakfast grabbed my nose attention.

I walk towards the kitchen and don't bother changing out of my pyjamas. I wonder what Wonho cooked? I walk into my kitchen to find a breakfast prepared, it was like a feast for me and a new member as well.

This time again, a new member prepared the breakfast for me.

Although I wished to talk more to Wonho, I couldn't without brushing my teeth. A voice drags me out of my thoughts river and I walk towards him smiling.

Moments with Monsta X members are short, I might as well enjoy the little time I have with them. I know I am selfish but just let me be a little more selfish this time.