
Everyone turned and attacked the spot Keith indicated. He was never wrong when looking for the presence of a person nearby. They figured since he was psychic he's able to feel the thoughts of people around him.

The dust settled to reveal a destroyed wood and metal knobs. The bottom of the cabinet was still intact but the rest was turned to sawdust under the brunt on their attacks. There wasn't a body or blood splatters on the adjacent wall.

Keith: "Stay focused! You lot missed him. Come out! We know you're there, there's no point in hiding!"

Broken wood shot out in response. The shards of wood were covered in electricity as they shot towards them. The shards weren't fast so they were able to dodge in time. The shards stabbed into the ground instead.

Bart and Bobby aimed at the bottom half of the cabinet and attacked once again. A figure zipped out from the cabinet. This time bolts of pure lightning came out much faster. The lightning stunned half of the remaining members but the other half were untouched. Misha ran up to David who dodged his initial lightning. Crouching down to avoid his target's line of sight, he slid beneath him and grabbed the head on both sides from behind. He ran a strong current between his hands, effectively frying the brain within the skull.

As the body fell to the floor, they finally saw the face of the mysterious owner. The first thing they noticed was how young he was. The boy looked to be around 13 years old with a small and thin stature. The second thing they noticed was how dangerously imposing he was. The surrounding electricity circled around him protectively as though they were guards defending their king. The aura he gave off was as if they had a tip of a dagger pointed at their eyes.

Misha stomped on the face at his feet, liquefied brain oozed through the eyes, ears, and nose. He scanned the faces of the remaining survivors until he stopped to stare at Keith.

Misha: "Leave."

Keith: "You can't honestly expect us to leave after killing our precious comrades can you?"

(His ranged attacks are weak. The ones who were hit by his lightning earlier were only stunned and he needed to get up close before he could kill someone with his ability. As long as we avoid close combat we'll be able to kill him easily. He thinks he can scare us away because he can't fight us all.)

Misha: "I don't want to but if you don't leave, I'll kill you all."

Keith: (There it is. He's bluffing. But just in case, Joe you'll be the vanguard and use your heat to push him back. Bobby, you will continue to fire you pebbles from a distance. Be sure to aim for the joints. Ignore Bart he's already a loose cannon. Now that he's too distracted to take orders, use him as bait and a meat shield if you have to. I'll just destroy all his inhibitions so he will be able to bring out his full power. The three of us will be able to keep out the rats once we take over.)

Keith was secretly signaled orders through hands signs he taught the group while fighting out on the road. Bart on the other hand was so angry he completely missed the signs as ground his teeth at Misha's words. Flames sprouted over his body as his emotions ran wild.

Bart: "LIES! You killed my wife, you killed Julia, Steve, Nicki and now David! You're a killing machine

who only want murder now that the world has come to an end!"

Misha calmly watched Bart with a blank expression as Wyatt translated the hand signs for him. When Bart charged at him while covered in flames, he had Wyatt control the surrounding electricity to cover his blind spots as Bobby snuck a few shots in from the side. He tried to dodge to the side but Joe shot a long plume of flames on either side of him. With no other way, he decided to jump over Bart instead of moving towards the back like they wanted. He was just about to make it over when the flames suddenly shot upwards. He tried to use his electricity to scatter the energy of the flames but the elemental compatibly was just too bad. He shielded his face with his arm, unfortunately his hand suffered mild burns from the attack.

[Misha are you alright?!]

Misha: "Yeah just a scratch. I'm fine."

[Misha please. Don't get hurt anymore. I know you're projecting an image of weakness to create openings for a final attack but it doesn't mean you have to be injured to do so.]

Misha grimaced. To the attackers it looked as though it was from the pain in his arm but in reality it was because Misha didn't want to hear that sad tone in Wyatt's voice.

Misha: "Got it."

Misha sprinted towards Joe. Seeing what happened to David, Joe created a blazing armor and brought his arm back in a pitcher's stance. Bobby tried to trip him by laying out larger rocks in his path but Misha had armor of his own. He wore a black long coat to cover the bullet proof vest, shin and arm guards, he made out of carbon fiber and epoxy resin he got at a nearby crafts store. To top it off he wore steel toed shoes he found at one of the many fisheries. It was exactly these steel toed boots that allowed him to be unaffected by the rocks.

Misha's strides quickly ate up the distance between them. Joe panicked and hurriedly pitched the fireball. Although Joe panicked he fought a fair number of zombies so his aim was still able to make Misha duck out of the way. Using the momentum of the dodge, he rolled forward as the fireball flew overhead. Just as it was about to completely pass him a streak of fire coming from behind consumed the fireball and shot straight at Joe. Joe wasn't affected from the intensity of the flames since he was a fire user as well but the opposing flames consumed all the oxygen around him which destroyed his flame armor. Left defenseless to his lightning, Misha reached out to grab a hold of Joe.

Misha didn't want to reveal himself just yet so he didn't kill Joe immediately since he wasn't holding onto his head. Instead Misha sent the same amount of electricity through Joe's body through the hand he was holding. Joe couldn't move as his muscles locked up rather, he held on to Misha harder due to the involuntary contraction of his muscles.

Bobby and Bart started to attack them with as much firepower their ability would allow. Keith even brought out a gun he was holding on to and shot a few rounds at Misha but from the inaccuracy of his hits it was obvious he wasn't very good with the weapon.

Misha ran around the room using the furniture as cover while towing along his burden. He held on as blood spurted out of the pores in his victim's skin and splattered onto the side of his neck and clothes. The crimson stains weren't very noticeable on his dark clothes but the sharp contrast on Misha's skin made the blood shine like a single flame in on a moonless night. It was a haunting yet beautiful sight.