The World Court

League of Freedom

Their leader is still Narleod, his right-hand man is still Warp, and the capital of their force is still Storm Tide.

That turtle seems to be growing. But when it is not moving it looks like a large island.

It is just around the coast of the new South American continent.

In the past it is called the South American continent but a few years ago, League of Freedom changes the name of the continent, calling it the Shining Continent.

Because they are surrounded by the Sea of Light they changed the name of the continent to the Shining Continent.

Narleod has been quite low profile.

And unlike some other faction and forces he did not eagerly encourage people to come.

Who wanted to come and who did not want to come, he did not force them as much.

Those who wanted to leave could leave and those who wanted to come, League of Freedom treats them with indifferences.