Time Lord

Odin then asked again

"You are not worried about Wargod attacking the Child of the End?"

Yu Wang shakes his head.

"Unlike you, I don't like to take risk"

"Then cut the cause and effect. Right now, it is still not too late" But Yu Wang only shakes his head.

" I have a habit of not suffering a loss. Since it is already like this, I guess I just have to increase the investment that I put in"

Hearing this Odin was shocked for a second before he laughs.


"You don't want to suffer a loss" Odin pretend he believes that word. All three of them is now floating above Interium.

Asgard has make it moves. Jade Emperor had also been forced to make a move.

A monkey of merit also comes out from his lonely peak and appear here.

An old witch that is as old as time itself also appear in this grand story.