The Sun Dims

Apollo and Horus rise higher and higher in the sky. This is dictated by Apollo who tries to bring Horus further away from Olympus.

The weird thing is that Horus follows.

Right now, these two gods of light, is clashing at the peak of the Heaven, the peak of sky, the clouds scatter and the stars burns bright and explode around these two gods.

The earth, the mortal world filled with mortal beings is now cast in shadows and light as these two gods pushes their powers to the limit

Apollo began channelling the power of the Sun.

And not only the Sun in the Olympian home world, every Sun in the realm of the Olympian galaxy is now providing energy to Apollo.

The Sun dims in an acerated rate and some of these Sun dies

Even Helios who is now in recuperation held out his hands and send his energy to Apollo



There is humming around Apollo like the sound of a black hole. A radiant sphere appears around him.
