There is a huge planet at the edge of the Universe
This planet has a huge Sea, and is called the Great Sea in this planet. It separates large vast continent and huge tall mountains that reached the blue clouds.
On top of the sky is a purple sun shining over the glowing cities of this world.
This is Orvan galaxy and this planet that have purple sun is Orvan, the home planet of Orvanians.
Orvan race is bluish green in colour.
Though they have mastered the way of disguise and could appear like any beings they wished when in Orvan they revert to their skin colours so that they could absorb the purple energy from their sun
They are ancient beings of great knowledge.
They stored the knowledge of the ancient past and knows the knowledge of the current world
Right now, there is someone looking through and gigantic telescope.
It is the Galaxy Scope of Orvan.