When the Destroyer first open His eyes and began sailing the stars, it was the Overseer of Life that tries to restrict the Destroyer aura from entering other important start system
Since then, he has saved countless of galaxies. The merit of life falls onto him and he is about to breakthrough to reach Grand Supremacy realm
But that thin line separating that realm is like an abyss for many lifeforms. The awakening of the Destroyer is a curse to some beings but to some other beings, it is also an opportunity
As for the matter of the debate it is none other than about the Life Aura and the Life Command that is weakening all over the Omniverse
The Elder of the Universe wanted to convince the Overseer of Life to do a favour for him. To meddle in the already murky waters.
Elder of the Universe wanted to save the Universe. The Omniverse at large. He try to do it the last time. And he tries to do it again