Odin and the Monkey look at Yu Wang entering Interium and they both sighed. The shield that protects Interium from outside interference is shimmering
The aura coming out of that shield is very...not inviting. To be more accurate it is full of killing intent
"Why not try break it?" The Monkey ask
Odin shakes his head
"There is no need to make enemies" Odin eyes however glinted for a second. It is clear that he does have that intention.
And he has that thought.
After all, Odin is not a meek being. He is also a being accustomed to power, accustomed to people saying yes to him.
But reason prevails.
Wargod is not some lower-level beings that he could play around with or trick.
Once he breaks relation with Wargod, what would follow would be a very persistent and night invincible enemy.
Odin has many knowledge and he knows many secret.