Forging Legends

The sun was being the proud jewel of the sky when Stanis finally reached the village, its rays shining light onto all beings. From first glance, he could tell that the village was far more busy and lively than before, but nevertheless gave caution to the wind as he strode in, sprinting through the crowds towards the Smithy.

Some people recognised him, in fact, most people recognised him but there were a few extra people who had just returned from the front-lines that recognised him. They were shocked and confused at the same time; this was the Stanis everyone had been talking about? This one? Despite their confusion and disbelief, none challenged or stopped him in his path, instead giving him a wide berth across the streets, allowing him to reach the Smithy at lightning speed.

He bolted in, Ruun sidestepping away from the gate in order to avoid being barrelled into. The Forgery was already running hot, the usual crew and Kevin working hard. They simultaneously stopped their work when they saw Stanis charge in, a myriad of emotions going through their heads. But Stanis had no time for an explanation, instead he walked over to the foundry and told Rikkey to help. There was no room for argument in his voice…

"AAAAAIIII. Duuunn tarrrk to mii wife lika that maaaan!" bellowed Kevin. All faces turned to Kevin, different expressions on each face. In particular, Rikkey had the most unsightly face she could make, clearly in contest of this wedding that they had never had, whereas Stanis had a sombre expression, half-awakened from his excitement.

"He-heargh. I'll leet uuu get avay this time, buut only this tiiimmme, 'kayy?" finished Kevin as he stumbled to the ground, falling asleep. The countless bottles next to him told Stanis exactly how Kevin had spent his morning.

Stanis took one second to recompose himself before looking at Rikkey, who nodded before bursting into action. She set up the foundry and began pouring the necessary fuel into it, most of it being mana from her own body. Stanis took out the Rashkar bones and boulder-fists and organised them, taking the weakest bones first.

It was as he did this that he looked over at the rest of the blacksmithing squad who were staring at him with wonder.

"Calu, Valentina, get the quenching tank ready. Giang and Duong, get the forge running." Once again there was no question in his voice, instead what he had said were straight commands. And the rest of them followed, rushing to get to their places like actors in a play just minutes from starting.

Stanis brought the bones and dropped them into the foundry that was already running hot. In order to break up the bones a little faster and satisfy his excitement a little quicker, he added his own mana into the fuel-mix, the foundry bursting up in flames.

It was a few short seconds later, after Stanis had been clothed with the proper equipment, that he poured the mixture out into a rectangular mould. The heat from the bones knocked Rikkey aside, Stanis himself struggling to keep control. It was an unbearable, stuffy-type of heat that seemed to have the desire to devour everything. Stanis prepared a few ice crystals after he was done in order to cool the place, but even they melted in about a minute's time.

And yet despite the heat, he carried on. He took the cast metal and placed it into the forge, waiting till it was cooked raw before taking it out. He placed it on the anvil and picked out a hammer from the side. This was the moment of truth…

He focused inwards, the mana rushing to his fingertips and a lightning bolt being born. He didn't push himself to his limits, no, that would cause utter destruction to the Smithy if he failed. Instead, the lightning was nothing more than a glimmer, a glimmer that instantly rushed into the hammer he was holding, lightning now crackling through the hammer with little bolts jumping out like dolphins.

He took one second to breathe in and stabilise his body before he struck, the hammer ringing true and loud as it hit.


The sound resonated through the Smithy and echoed back, Stanis continuing his tempo and striking again. Lightning sparks jumped out during the clashes alongside the hot metal flecks, the whole scene one of danger and idiocy but also one that inspired the people around him.

Stanis went in for another strike, only this time his mana flow into the hammer slightly higher than last time. By accident...

He noticed this in the nick of time but had none of said time to stop himself in, instead reacting instinctively to create a strong mana shield around the anvil he was using. He also bent both of his knees inwards, ready to collapse the inevitable force that would come his way.


Before it had been sparkles and glitters of lightning, now it was a fully grown bolt that escaped the clash point, Stanis buckling inwards in an attempt to collapse the force but failing royally as his body was thrown against the anvil like a ragdoll. It was lucky that he had prepared the mana shield as it absorbed and stopped the lightning bolt from doing any further damage, the only hurt one Stanis.

Stanis ignored the blood flowing from his head and got up, only to see the sword cracked down the middle. And yet despite his failings, there was a wide grin plastered across his face, one which could even be considered manic. But this was no surprise, after all, it was his control that had failed this time, not the material.

His smile broke out into maniac laughter as Stanis realised the potential he had from this. No longer were his ideas meant to be fleeting dreams but actual reality!

Thus, it was no surprise that the people standing near him were thoroughly disconcerted by his actions. He had just violently failed, his body thrown against an anvil and bloody, the sword he had been working on cracked beyond repair, and yet he was laughing?!

Stanis didn't cut short his laughter though, in fact, he didn't even look at their reactions. Instead, he was so self-absorbed by his success that he madly cheered, only ending the others' nightmare about a minute later when he regained his composure.

"Rikkey, will you follow me and take me as your leader?"

Rikkey was beyond star-struck at these words coming out of the blue, her brain failing to absorb the words fast enough as she stood there blankly. It was after a few seconds had passed that she nodded, her face gaunt as if she had seen a ghost but with tears rolling down at the same time.

Stanis nodded before turning to the others.

"Calu, will…."

Another nod.

"Valentina, will…."

Another nod.

"Giang, will…"

Another nod.

"Duong, will…"

One last nod.

Stanis allowed them one second to regain themselves before he made his move.

He moved towards Rikkey and gave her the circuits he had given Orena, Caleb and Sil, before moving towards the other 4 and giving them their due.

"Start practising these right now. I want to see some progress once I'm back" announced Stanis as he left, Ruun more star-stricken than not as he watched the slender man leave the Smithy.

This was perfect for Stanis. There was success hiding in the Rashkar's bodies, but at the same time, he knew he would not be able to extract said success due to his desires being split. So why not give some good luck to the other blacksmiths and benefit himself at the same time?

He had given them their own good luck that they could take advantage of in order to get to the top, and yet at the same time he had put his collar around their talent and drive for blacksmithing.

In the future, he would have Caleb, Orena and Sil as his front-line fighters and Rikkey, Calu, Valentina, Duong and Niang as his blacksmiths who made all the equipment for his troops. Of course, he had no troops right now but he basically half-owned the Yora Village already. Once he had crossed the bridge to tier-four, he would spend more time cultivating it but that didn't mean he couldn't sow some good seeds now.

It was also this thought that reminded him of his front-line fighters he had largely neglected after arriving at the village. He would have to make sure that they had made good progress in the time he had left them to their own devices, and then provide some pointers in order to speed up that growth.

Stanis was zipping through the village as he thought this, ignoring the crowd but the crowd failing to ignore him. Well, how could they considering that not only was he strongest person in the village but also the one who was currently rushing through the streets with half-burnt clothes, smoky-black, wet skin and a mad grin to wrap up the whole act. But just as before, no one dared to stop him and so Stanis passed by the village quickly, his speed picking up as he ran towards the stream.

This wasn't because he wanted to take a quick dive and clean himself up. No no no, it was because he was about to kill two birds with one stone…

Author's note:

I've recently started posting a fiction called The Pale Orphan on Webnovel. It is a million billion times better than this in terms of planning, writing style, action, relationships, and all. It's an improved story in every possible way!

I would truly appreciate it if you guys checked it out. I guarantee you'll be impressed, I absolutely do! ;)

You can either search 'The Pale Orphan', click my username and navigate to it, or use this link:

Thank you so much, and god bless!