Divison Leaders

"Yuki?" Ed said aloud while cautiously eyeing OP Baldy.

"Relax brat." Mr. Sai lazily glanced at him. "I'll keep my word. I didn't even interfere with your little terrorist attack on Steam Work Academy."

"I prefer the term liberation effort." He responded while smiling.

"Ed!" Yuki cut in-between the two. "Your life is in danger. You can't go back to Florida!"

"Obviously." He crossed his arms and frowned. "That governor seemed hellbent on killing me. I planned to start working from the shadows to avoid him."

"That's not what I meant!" She shook her head. "My new powers. I can see bits of life, death, and fate. There's a counter above your head. You only have 358 days until you die if nothing changes, but there's still a chance of you surviving."

"358 days? That's an oddly specific number. I'm surprised your powers would allow you to see the potential deaths of people that far in the future. Are you sure it's accurate?"

"It is!" She nodded gravely. "Don't stay here. You don't need Harmony. You can come to China with us instead and you'll be safe."

"Excuse me?!" OP Baldy interrupted with wide eyes. "There's no way in hell I'm taking that brat with us!"

"But dad!" She protested.

"No buts. He isn't coming with us." He looked at Ed. "Listen up. It'll take roughly a year for Governor Bustion to recover. It just so happens to coincide with your supposed death date. He'll likely send some goons after you if you return to Florida, but you'll probably be able to handle it."

"I see." Ed nodded. "Thank you for the information. I don't suppose you're willing to tell me how to beat the golden energy of the esper?"

"There is indeed a way to beat it, but I won't be sharing it." He replied. "Figure it out on your own." He grabbed Yuki by the collar and flashed away.

"What was that all about?!" Ray looked at Ed and asked.

"Harmony's first major enemy is the governor." Ed replied. "He doesn't like us rising within his state. We'll likely be having a life and death battle with him in the future. In the meantime, we'll have to deal with his troops. He may also call in some assistance from the Hunter Association. I hope you end up being as good a general as you want to be."

"Hah!" Ray laughed while pounding his chest. "Just watch and see! The bastards won't know what hit them."

"Good." Ed nodded and glanced at World Walker. "Let's return to Reef city. No point dragging it out and the governor can't even attack me personally for now."

"Alright." Bolin nodded while creating a new portal. The group stepped through it and appeared outside the Harmony base within Reef city.

'Good. Looks like the damage has already been repaired. I need to get these guys situated and meet with Dupe.' Ed led the group to his office and called for one of Dupe's clones. He sat behind the desk while the others stood on the opposite side. The small office was a bit cramped with this many people in it. "Nick. Give me our current status."

Dupe stood forward. "We had a few casualties during the attack and suffered major damage to one of our skyscrapers. The building has since been razed for safety concerns. I pinned the blame on the government trying to suppress us while also spreading rumors that the governor attempted assassinating you to eliminate competition for his position."

"I see." He nodded. "I'd be surprised if the governor really was worried about me running against him legally. State elections are all rigged, though the people don't necessarily know that."

While the United States and most other big countries remained after the worst of the apocalypse, the laws themselves had changed drastically in most nations. Several big changes in the United States included the complete removal of term-limits for elected officials, the removal of age-limits for elected officials, and most importantly, the right to private forces. All troops were owned and operated by the federal government before the apocalypse. States would only have police forces at best while being able to borrow parts of the national guard. Now, that was no longer the case. Each state had their own private militia that served only the governor. Overall, states had taken back far more power from the federal government than what they had in the past. The elections were pretty much a sham since the governors controlled everything and possessed military force. Education was used to downplay the issue and most people were left unaware. It's not like the public had a way to tally the votes themselves.

"Other than that." Dupe continued. "We have slowly been expanding our ranks with new members. To handle the influx of these new members, I have been promoting earlier members that show promising leading capabilities. So far, it's going well. However, we're beginning to run into problems. We lack proper food supplies, military equipment, and training. New members are starting to become disillusioned from the ideals of Harmony as a result of the organizations lack of such things."

"Hmm." Ed rubbed his chin while thinking. "The food supply issue should be fixed relatively easily if we can strike up some deals with neighboring cities. The farmlands outside of Reef City have yet to be repaired from the nightmare attack and won't be ready anytime soon."

"Mm." Dupe nodded. "I have sent some of my best men to attempt negotiating, but all have failed. It seems the governor is suppressing us through the mayors of each city."

"Got it." He nodded. "I'll take care of that issue personally."

Dupe continued, "For the military equipment issue, we simply need more time. We have a well-trained engineering staff and a capable leader has just been promoted within that branch. However, we'll likely continue having shortages until our supplies catch up with new demand."

"There isn't much I can do about that for now." Ed sighed. "I'll try to negotiate some weapons contracts once I get the food secured." He glanced at Flair and pointed at her. "She shall be put directly under our lead engineer. She is to have any resources she requests. If demands cannot be met, then provide what you can and meet with me to solve the problem."

"Sure." Dupe nodded while looking at Flair. "It feels like it was just yesterday when I last saw you."

She smiled. "You still have that lame sense of humor. I had a feeling you might be hanging around some other organizations."

He grinned and looked back at Ed. "Last is training. I've promoted some people that have prior military training, but we lack a strong military overhead. Someone that can reel in the troops to make them train properly."

Ed glanced at Ray. "Think you're up for it?"

"Of course!" Ray replied without hesitation. "Just watch me whip those puny bastards into shape. A good general needs to be both feared and respected." Lightning crackled around his eyes. "I have a feeling I'm going to be really good at the fear part."

"Alright." Ed nodded. "I'll leave it to you. As of now, the entire military branch is under your direct control. If you fail, then I'll throw you into the kitchen. If you betray me, I'll execute you and your entire family."

"Such a harsh dictator!" He laughed in reply, seemingly unbothered by such a threat.

'Let's see.' Ed closed his eyes to think. 'It's good that power is being divided up within a small number of key members. Too many keys makes it too hard to manage. Much easier to kill a few traitors than dozens or hundreds. The political and spy divisions fall under Dupe. The military is underneath Ray. Engineering falls under the engineer Dupe appointed, so I'll need to check them out. Flair can't replace them unfortunately. She's not leadership material.'

"One last thing." Dupe interrupted Ed's thoughts. "We still need to manage the most troublesome division. Commerce and supply. Those with prior business experience are already fighting for power of that division and dividing the power amongst themselves. This division is arguably the most important of them all."

Ed frowned. 'Not good. It'll become impossible to manage them if they divide up that division amongst multiple key stakeholders. I need a single man in charge for a clear line of command.'

"Ooo!" Husky rose his chubby hand excitedly. "Pick me! I can lead that division!"

He looked at the fatty that was jumping around excitedly. "What experience do you have?" He was hesitant to appoint a young fatty with no qualifications. Dupe was a special exception, as he had proven himself time and time again already. Ray was a calculated risk and easily replaced if he failed. The commerce and supply division was too important to mess up though. Starvation and death of troops lacking supplies could end up as the final result if he wasn't careful.

Husky proudly lifted his chest up. "I come from one of the richest families in history!"

"Oh?" Ed replied while thinking back to the book's information on the fatty. "Wait, you're from the Rockefeller family?"

"Right!" The fatty yelled enthusiastically.

The Rockefeller family. The richest family in American history. There wasn't a single type of business they weren't involved in. The Mana Apocalypse only ended up making them richer. Most rich families fell out of power around that time. However, the Rockefellers just continued to rocket to even greater heights. Rumors say that a powerful esper awoke within their descendants and took over the family, but no outsiders knew the real truth.

Ed couldn't help but question, "Is it true that your family is led by a powerful esper within the shadows?"

"I don't know..." The fatty smiled awkwardly while shaking his head. "I'm just a tiny branch member of no significance. Our family has over a thousand members. I'm nobody important yet even if I am a new esper."

"I see." He nodded. "Have you run any family businesses before? Been involved in any of the higher-up management of the group?"

"Yup!" Husky beamed proudly once more. "Every Rockefeller is required to be taught business management and finance. I was learning it before I even knew how to talk. I helped my grandfather run the biggest chain of restaurants in the country!"

"That is surprisingly expected and unexpected..." Ed replied. 'So, the fatty is unexpectedly useful. He's also unusually loyal to me. How convenient. Is the restaurant chain the reason he's so fat? It's inappropriate for our military image. Others will derive dissatisfaction from it in addition to his age.' He spoke, "Husky. Why are you so fat?"

"Huh?!" The fatty's eyes widened in shock at the unexpected question. He rubbed his sweaty hands together nervously. "I, uhh, just... like to eat." His cheeks turned pink from embarrassment.

"I'm just making sure, but no relationship to your powers, right?"

"Mm." Husky nodded in agreement.

"Good. My information on you was correct then. From now on, you're in charge of the commerce and supply division." Ed looked towards Ray. "I want you to whip him into shape. A fat leader within a militaristic organization like Harmony won't be respected."

"You got it!" Ray smiled.

"No!" Husky knelt down while tears appeared in his eyes. "Not even OP Baldy's training made me lose weight! It won't work!"

"I saw the way you ate at the academy." Ed replied. "Food restrictions too. Your diet will be strictly controlled."

"I can't do it!!! I'll make you tons of money! I'll lead great supply chains! Please just don't take my food away!" He begged while sobbing.

Ed frowned. 'Annoying. I hope Ray turns him into a real man. I refuse to melt the fat off his body. It wouldn't teach him any discipline. I guess I can help a different way though.' He stood up and walked out from behind his desk. "Husky." He spoke while placing a hand on the fatty's shoulder.

"For-Forge?" The fatty questioned nervously while standing up.

"This may hurt a bit." Ed replied while activating his power.

"UGH!!!" Husky groaned in pain and fell to the ground.

"I've just shrunk your stomach capacity. Now you'll lose weight even if I don't limit your food intake. You'll thank me for this someday." He turned to Dupe. "Anything else we need to discuss?"

"That should be all for now." Dupe replied.

"Alright." Ed nodded. "You're all dismissed. Dupe, introduce them to their respective divisions and pass down orders. Also, bring the head engineer you appointed to me later. I need to approve of him."

"Sure." He agreed. "I'll bring him after getting Flair sorted over there." The group left the office, leaving just Ed and Bolin behind.

"What do you want me to do?" Bolin questioned. He had been expecting an assignment just like the rest of them.

"I have no plans to delegate you to others permanently." He replied. "I can't have the organization become overly reliant on your powers. You'll only be acting under my own orders for now. I may lend you out to the division leads at certain times, but only if absolutely necessary. I suppose I should assign you a job though." He rubbed his chin while thinking. "How about esper recruitment? You should be familiar with it since you ran a sinner group. Your powers are also the most ideal of any I can think of for such a job."

"I can do that." World Walker nodded. "Where do you want me to start?"

"For now, head to Georgia. There should be plenty of new espers there that have yet to be recruited. They're likely the weaker ones, but I hope to soon have a method to change that. In the future, I will leave recruitment to your discretion, but do not use force or blackmail. You're dismissed for now."

"Alright then." Bolin nodded while leaving the office. He needed to recover mana before he could start searching for new recruits.

Ed now sat alone within the dimly lit office. He let out a long sigh. 'Leading is exhausting. I hate giving Bolin such an important position, but it's the best option for long-term growth.' He had debated heavily on how to structure the hierarchy of Harmony when creating it. He ultimately decided on a strong centralized power. The benefit was a strong chain of command and an easily managed court. The disadvantage was the need to keep those within his court happy. If Bolin, Dupe, Husky, or Ray betrayed him, then they would be taking an entire branch with them. Fortunately, that also meant he just had to cut off the head to retake control. However, Dupe would be nearly impossible to kill. Bolin would likely escape and try to find an esper that could remove the mana-collar. Nothing in this chaotic world was full-proof.

He turned and looked out the window at the bright sky. 'I still need to get in contact with Nexus. It's of vital importance. But first, I need to visit other cities for food contracts and start on our new headquarters. This small fort within the city is far too cramped.' He grinned. 'I naturally need to build something that lives up to my great image.'