Bon Voyage

As Ed opened his eyes, he spotted Tao cowering in a corner of the room. It seemed the stench was so bad that not even the mighty Tao could handle it.

"Are you alright?" He questioned while covering his mouth, attempting to move closer to the pet crocodile.

As Ed got closer, Tao's whines grew greater. In desperation, it finally resorted to shooting flames towards the wall and scratching at it. It quickly broke through the steel plating and dived straight into the ocean, its skin turning blue as it did so.

'The hell was that about?' He wondered as he grew increasingly nauseous from the smell. Looking around, he spotted nothing unusual at all. Determined to leave and complain to Captain Eiden, he hurriedly left the cabin and walked down the hallway towards the stairs leading to the deck.

Many sailors were going about their duties in the hallway, but they all stopped and stared in shock at Ed, disgust visible in their eyes.