Tai and Rubi

While Ed had been caught in his battle with Camazotz, Tai was preoccupied with his own deadly battle against Prime Minister Souma. Sweat dripped down his face as he glared at his opponent, but he still retained his poise as he gently waved his fan against his face. "Do you really think this is enough to beat me?" He scoffed. "Frankly, the American president was far more powerful. I guess Japan just doesn't measure up!"

"Humph!" Souma snorted, not even bothering to debate him. All he wanted was the blood of the man that had caused his granddaughter harm. His body covered completely in golden faith energy, he quickly vanished again as he prepared to attack.

'Damn.' Tai frowned as he hurriedly looked around. 'Is his power pure speed? Or is it some type of invisibility? Or has he stepped into the same realm as the American president but along a weaker path?'