Python Chimeras

Espers lined up in front of Ed, waiting their turns for the chimera transformation. Tai chose to wait to the side, hoping for a stronger python mutant to be captured.

Oh, right." Ed slapped his forehead before starting. "Tai, what percentage of mutant flesh do you want me to give them?"

"Percentage?" Tai questioned.

"Right." He nodded. "The higher the percent, the greater the abilities. But the trade-off is the effect on your emotional state. From my experience with the crocodile chimeras, 50 percent will typically leave a chimera with a nice balance where they can utilize scales with emotions heightened to a manageable degree. 80 percent results in additional changes, such as claws, tails, and strong healing abilities, but it also causes issues for holding onto your sanity. 90 percent is even more extreme and allows the body to bulk up, grow fangs, and experience extreme levels of rage."

"That..." Tai hesitated, unsure of which level to select. "What do you suggest?" He asked.