
Bu-bump. Bu-bump. Bu-bump. The sea of blood seemed to ebb and flow with the beat of Ed's own heart. He felt an innate connection with the blood, feeling it to mostly be connected to water and light. The blood near the surface of the sea occasionally formed the shapes of various animals and monsters. The creatures lived their entire lives in just a few seconds, growing and aging before collapsing back into the sea.

Instinctively, Ed reached his hand towards the sea. The bloody sea moved towards him, swirling like a tremendous whirlpool. Little by little, the sea was being absorbed by him, and with it came knowledge of how to use it. However, there were bits and pieces that seemed to be incomplete or missing entirely. Perhaps Bai had not fully mastered the law, or maybe the transfer process caused parts to be lost. He would need to work to fill in these areas himself in the future.