5.3 On track

But while going there they still marveled at the NPCs. They really couldn't believe their eyes. It really seemed like they were living beings. Talking, laughing, walking and looking around.

You could still differentiate real Players from them, though. Not only from the obvious part, the clothing, but also because real Players all either had an unnatural worried look on their face or would occasionally run around, seemingly searching for any kind of hint on what is happening.

The NPCs seemed a bit more normal than them actually. The only calm Players around were still only the three, heading for answers in the Colosseum.

Once they arrived they quickly realized that fining anything would be harder than thought. There were actually a lot of people who came up with the same idea, as it was quite full inside.

"There are so many here?" Muttered Kyaga disappointed.

"Yeah, I also thought my idea was smarter." Said Itaka just as disappointed as him. "There are at least 100 people here, how are going to find anything or anyone?"

"Let's just go and watch out for either Kanagaki or someone without the beginner's equipment." Suggested Shizu.

The other two nodded and went on through the loud mass of people. You could still hear screams, crying and other things, but the trio tried to concentrate solely on the faces and clothing around them.

They quickly spotted a person that wasn't wearing the beginner's clothing so they approached him.

"Hello?" Asked Kyaga cautious, not having any kind of confirmation if he really was an NPC or not.

The man looked at him confused. "Hello, sir?"

Kyaga thought for a moment, not knowing what exactly to ask now or how to confirm that he really was an NPC. "NPC?" He muttered after the pause.

He quickly realized that what he just said didn't make any sense at all and the confusion on the man's face confirmed just that. "NP-what?"

"Are you an NPC?" Asked Kyaga, trying to save himself. He knew that either he would say no, or don't know what an NPC is, so: win, win!

"NPC?" You could see him getting even more confused. "You know, just a few minutes ago there were a man and woman here, asking me the exact same question... And now you three? Isn't that strange? And I still don't know what it means... Are you gonna tell me at least tha-"

"A man and a woman?" Shizu cut him off. "How did they look?"

The man was surprised by getting cut off, but it didn't seem to bother him too much and quickly inspect the trio from head to toe. "They had the same outfit as you. The man was a bit bulkier and had brown hair and the woman was slim and had purple hair."

They all looked at each other excited and knew they were thinking the same. Even though brown hair for men and purple hair for women weren't so uncommon for players in AOS, they still were sure that Rex and Toya were speaking with him just a few minutes okay.