6.3 Doubts

Realized that they already wasted a bunch of time doing basically nothing, the three of them quickly walked towards the North gate in search for the berries.

People all around them still were panicking sometimes, others found themselves some groups and tried to start getting some plans for themselves. The surrealism of the situation put them in what felt like a psychological horror film. A film where no one knew what was going on and everybody tried to find their way at first.

The walk to get to the gate was shorter than expected and they started to search instantly. A few bushes there. A few bushes here. But not really anything looking like berries.

"I think this may be the wrong gate." Complained Shizu, who was headfirst inside a bush, pushing everything to left and right so that she could see anything.

"Yeah, I think you're right!" Yelled Itaka over to her. He was a few meters away and just fell inside one of the bushes, getting his whole clothes full of small green leaves.

"Didn't he say something about that it was too dangerous for him to go alone?" Said Kyaga all of the sudden. He was the only one not covered in leaves now, as Shizu, who pulled her head out of the bush now had more green than blue hair, which made Kyaga burst out laughing.

"Hey! Why are you laughing at me? Wha-" She touched her own hair, feeling the hundred of small little leaves inside of it and her face instantly turned red from embarrassment. "Hey, don't laugh! At least I'm doing my job!"

Kyaga finally calmed down and had to take a few breaths. "No, no it's cute. It wasn't meant to be rude." He said, still out of breath and smiling.

Itaka, who just spectated the two also had a wide grin on his face. "Guys, guys." He said calming. "Kyaga please say what you wanted to say. We shouldn't waste to much time now."

"Yeah. You're right sorry. So, what I wanted to say was that this old guy said that it was too dangerous for him, right?" Asked Kyag whereupon Shizuka and Itaka nodded. "Yeah, so that means it probably isn't right in front of the gates. maybe we have to walk a bit away from the city first." He suggested.

"That may be right, yeah." Agreed Itaka and Shizu nodded again.

"Alright, but are we sure that we can do it?" Doubted Shizu.

"Don't Question it Shizu!" Kyaga threw his arm around her shoulders like she was some kind of buddy. "First, it's a beginner quest, so easy peasy, and if we won't do an easy quest like this, we will never advance."

"... You're probably right. Maybe I'm just a bit too scared of beginning because I got helped at my AOS start and after that, I always helped other beginners as a beginner recruiter." She admitted.

"That may be, but what do you think the very first players did?" Asked Itaka ironically. "And it really wasn't that hard starting out, trust me!"