The Side of Ryuji No One Wants to See

Asuya and I quickly ate breakfast, rushing into the courtyard to start our training.

As we rushed, I couldn't help but think back to when I just woke up.

The window was open, yet the wound on my hand was gone. Just what does that mean? Did that meeting really happen?

We opened the door to the courtyard, "Sensei, I hope we aren't late."

"No, you're just in time for the lesson. Sit."

All of us gathered around Ryuji. He sat on the porch, while we sat in the grass around him.

"Yesterday we went over chakra and how it is two different energies. We learned how to direct it to different parts of our body and how you can increase the two individual energies to increase your chakra. We learned about the Rope Unbinding jutsu, and performed it on our own. Today, we are going to learn about chakra control, and how we can improve it. By the end of this lesson, I expect you to be able to perform the Rope Unbinding jutsu seal-less; or at the very least, one handed."

Asuya and Jun's mouths dropped and eyes widened, "Ehhh?!"

They shouted out, "Sensei, how are we supposed to do something as hard as seal-less jutsu by the end of today? That's not possible!"

He corrected, "I'll prove to you it is possible. Normally, seal less techniques are not possible for beginners like yourselves. However, you must understand. This is E-rank jutsu, not d or c rank. You can do this, if not simply just because it is possible. Rope Unbinding jutsu without seals is not hard, and it is normal for young shinobi like yourself to learn how to do perform it without them. You CAN do it! Show me what you're made of!"

They mumbled, "Alright."

He began, "First things first, we must practice our control. Once we have that done, we will move on to practicing the technique. Afterwards we will all finish with it either seal-less or one-handed. First, what is chakra control? Do any of you know?"

Asuya raised her hand, "Chakra control is the ability of ours to maintain our chakra, and to guide it to a certain designated spot in our body."

"Good, good. That's correct. Chakra control is the ability to use just the right amount of chakra for a technique. When we perform a technique, we expend chakra. We can either provide too much, too little, or just the right amount. Chakra control is about using just the right amount for our techniques, so we can save chakra. As a ninja, we rely on chakra heavily, almost everything we do uses chakra, except for taijutsu. So running out of it in the middle of a fight is deadly and may very well cost your life. Therefore chakra control is important."

Jun raised his hand, "What happens if we provide too much or too little chakra to a technique?"

Ryuji took a contemplative stance as he answered, "Good question. If you provide too much chakra, the technique will work like normal, however the extra chakra will be wasted. Contrary, if you provide too little, the technique will fail or will lack in quality. Therefore, chakra control is the most important skill to have. After all, those who only posses large chakra reserves and have bad control can't compare to someone who has great control and average chakra reserves. Because of this, since chakra takes a long time to increase in amount and is limited by genetics, we don't rely on the amount of chakra, but rather, rely on our control of it."

Ryuji walked over towards a nearby tree, and took three leaves from it, bringing them over to us.

We stood up from our spot.

Ryuji explained, "We will be using the leaf concentration practice to increase our control. You put the leaf on your head and direct all your chakra towards the leaf, inserting it into it."

He placed one on each of our heads, "You must constantly maintain your concentration and focus on the leaf."

I focused on the leaf on my head, and directed my chakra to it without any trouble. I felt my chakra slowly gather towards the leaf.

'This is easy, no problem at all!'

I directed my eyes towards the other two near my side. They were staring up at the leaf, concentrating on it.

'How long do we have to do this for?'

I expected to be waiting a while for this to end, I focused on the leaf, worried that my wandering mind might make it's appearance again. I erased all thoughts and focused.


Thirty minutes later...

My eyes were drooping and my drool falling from the side of my mouth. The warm sun bathed me in it's warm and hazy light.

'So... Sleepy....'

My eyes dangerously drooped down slowly...

*Clap, Clap*

My eyes snapped open, and I was wide awake.

"Don't be dozing off now. You might excel in most regards, but that is no reason to slack off."

My invisible ears drooped down, 'This is so boring. Even when I trained with my uncle it wasn't this boring.'

I had been constantly maintaining my supply of chakra into the leaf, yet the enemy called sleepiness slowly crept up on me.

Looking toward my side, I see Asuya and Jun still concentrating.

I felt conviction and clenched my fist, 'If they can do it, then so can I! Alright! I won't be dozing off anymore!'


One hour later...

'So bored~ How can anyone do this?'

I looked towards Sensei. He was laying down and relaxing, enjoying himself on the porch. I felt upset, and with upturned puppy eyes I begged, 'Sensei~, don't you see my plight? Please, let's move on...'

As if sensing my gaze his head turned towards me, and seeing my puppy eyes with the leaf on my head, he formed a disgruntled expression.

He turned his head away and no longer looked towards me, avoiding eye contact.

A single tear slid down my cheek, 'Sensei... You abandoned me.'

How on earth am I supposed to do this for hours?! It's literally just a leaf on the head and a supply of chakra to it, not hard at all. At least give me a challenge~, Sensei...

Thirty minutes later...

"Alright, let's move on to the next practice."

My droopy eyes perked up and widened.

Finally, finally are we done?! YES!!!

He clapped his hands together and looked at us in turns, "Let's start. You still remember how to spin your chakra, right?"

All three us stood alert, the leaves on our heads falling off.

"Yes, Sensei!"

Amused, he smiled, "Good. You will be practicing it for several hours, and by the end of practice I expect each and every one of you to be able to cast it without seals."

He went into the house, soon coming back out with three long pieces of rope in hand.

"For now, we'll begin by tying your legs. Once you can perform this jutsu quickly and effortlessly with seals, we will then start moving onto tying your hands and performing this jutsu without them."

He walked up to each of us individually and showed us how to tie the rope on to our own legs.

Standing up, he lectured a final time, "Every time you successfully perform it with seals, you will tie it on your legs and begin again. Do this till you can perform this jutsu effortlessly with seals. Afterwards we will take a small amount of time for a break, and then move onto binding our hands and performing this jutsu without seals."

All of our legs were now bound, we were tasked to free ourselves as fast as possible and get to the point where it was done effortlessly.

Needless to say, I felt highly confident in myself.

I directed the chakra to my legs and un-bound my rope, within minutes I was freed.

I turn my head towards Asuya and Jun, they were both still bound in the ropes.

Ryuji spoke, "Was it not hard enough for you?"

I looked towards Ryuji, "Well, it WAS rather easy."

He sighed, 'Okay. Let's assign you something different...'

He smirked, "Alright, let's have you begin with the seal-less jutsu first."

Laughing creepily to himself, he thought, 'Then I can assign you something more... Suitable, for you...'

I felt creeped out, he was laughing! Laughing I tell you! What on earth is he planning?!


*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

...My legs feel like jelly.

Because I finished before everyone else, I was assigned physical practice instead.

I shouldn't have provoked him. I regret it seriously, Sensei~


A feminine sounding yell came from inside the kitchen, thank goodness! I thought I would die...

Ryuji looked towards me and smiled sweetly, "You've all exceeded my expectations. Well done. Let's stop training for today. "


Early morning the next day in the courtyard...

"You all did very well yesterday. So much so, that I decided we would focus on practicing chakra control and expanding our maximum chakra today..."

...No! Why Sensei?!

"But Sensei, yesterday we did that too!"

"Rin, that's only because you finished. Just do it again, it'll be beneficial for both your body and mind."

I pouted.

...That sure is easy for you to say.


Time passes slowly as I focus on the leaf...

Finally, a voice rang out, "Alright, now let's move on to expanding our chakra."

Thank goodness. At least spinning my chakra in a spiral is a little less boring.

We crossed our legs and started meditating.

Though, this teacher... Does he not realize? I think normal four year old's would probably quit at this point.

I guess having Asuya as a daughter warped his sense of normal.

Speaking of which, isn't Jun four too? But Jun never did once complain... He didn't even reincarnate like Asuya and I, and yet... Wait.

Did he?

I looked towards Jun, his eyes were closed and his legs crossed.

I stared at him.

Why does he never complain? I don't think it'd be very weird for him to start crying, especially since Ryuji's excessive training never involved any fun.

He slowly opened his eyes, and was met with mine.

Speaking of which... Wasn't he like a girl? I just noticed, but it seems his hair has grown out over these two years. He now has long black hair that went to his shoulders and black eyes, almost like one of those pretty Japanese dolls.

I stared into his beautiful black eyes.

He awkwardly scratches his face, and his eyes dart away from mine.

My mouth lifts up into a slight curve, 'His eyes are very beautiful. Honestly speaking, I think his face is actually a little like a girl's too... A little chubby with baby fat. Pretty cute. Definitely just like a girl's.'

His cheeks started to redden and his eyes became slightly watery, he pursed his lips.

'Now that he is blushing... He really does look like a girl. Almost unbelievably so. Was he maybe hiding his true female gender from us for some reason?'

My mind conjured ridiculous thoughts as I continued my practice...

Off to the side...

Ryuji was watching the two with an unreadable expression, he laid his body down on the porch as he lazed about.


A little while later...

I feel myself growing numb. My heart is numb, my body is numb, everything is numb. I've never been through something so boring in my life...

It's now the third day of our training, yesterday we practiced our chakra control and expanded our chakra for twelve hours straight. Horrible, I know.

Afterwards the only way to finish, was to run five laps around the house. Easy right? Then I got assigned five extra laps, and I couldn't even complain. If I complained, wouldn't this monster assign me extra laps? So I sucked it up and didn't bother doing anything more to stop him.

Today we were focusing on the Cloak of Invisibility jutsu. He expected us to cast this jutsu by the end of today with no hand seals.


Three days later...

Gradually, I am becoming more used to Ryuji and his evil training.

I don't even complain anymore and I am now able to stay awake without sleeping during the leaf concentration practice.

We had already learned Cloak of Invisibility, and were now moving onto pure practice.

He said that, "Without enough control and chakra, you will not be able to perform the future jutsu we will be doing." And thus, we had to practice our control and spin our chakra for the next several days. After each day of practice, we had to do physical exercise. He slowly increased the amount we had to do, each day.


One week later...

My soul has died.

I don't even want to live anymore...

"Alright, that's all for today."

Angels sing and the heavens open up! My savior! Finally!

I threw my hands into the air and jumped around with a bright smile on my face, "Yes! YES! Finally!"

Ryuji, drawn by my actions, looked towards me.

Ryuji's eyes opened, 'What... What... Are those flowers floating by her sides? I can see this bubbly pink happy atmosphere floating around her...'

He looked to Asuya. She shook her head and sighed with an expression that said she had given up...

He looked back towards Rin. He felt confused, how could someone be so happy? Just for training to end?

'Sadly for her...'

He smirked evilly and his eyes became crescents, '...Training has just begun.'

Rin looked back over over to Ryuji, and felt creeped out.

'Why, why is he smiling to himself?'

Her smile slowly disappeared and her face paled, turning to dread and trepidation.

'I don't think this means anything good...'


...In the end, she was right.


Rin was currently carrying a weight on her back as she climbed a mountain.

"Haaah, haaaah... That..."

That monster...

What's that? You want to know what happened and why I'm on a mountain?

Well... I guess I can tell you.

We had just finished training for the day...


We all ran inside to escape from the demon's clutches, as we saw his evil smile.

I'm telling you, I'll tattle if you go overboard Ryuji...

That way, Shinko will kick your butt.


I held in my laughter.

I remembered, 'He's just behind me, if he heard me...'

I looked back, and standing behind me was...


My face paled and my smile faded.

He smiled sweetly towards my pale unsmiling face.

I turned away and quickly ran inside, running into Shinko's figure.

Seeing her figure, I couldn't help but feel relief.

'Thank goodness...'

Her face showed puzzlement, "What's wrong? You look pale..."

Her gaze was directed to behind me, and her face also paled.

She put her arm around me and slowly brought me into the kitchen, whispering next to my ear quietly, "Did something happen during training? You seem to have... activated, a side of Ryuji no one wants to see."

My face paled further, was it my outburst of happiness since our training ended?

She looked at me with worry, "Since you got on his training maniac side, he might be planning something... Special, for you."