Zombie Queen has the Biggest Thigh of All (18)

While Yin Mei left Ming Wei to consider her offer, she looked up Lei Han's location with the system surveillance. She had to say, despite how glitchy the system was in calculating missions, it at least had its uses.

Lei Han currently appeared to be resting at home. Wow, and here she thought he would be outside hunting 24/7. But for her that was lucky, she wouldn't have to wait for him to get back. "Now where is he?" Yin Mei had the system zoom out, and checked the room number and apartment building. "It's a little hard to tell..." She zoomed out more, but to her, everything looked the same. Plus, this city was pretty big...

"Damn, should've asked for a map or something." In the end, she could only check the street names and go ask someone else for directions.

Half an hour later, after fifteen minutes of meandering around lost, she arrived in front of Lei Han's apartment door. Lei Han was on the eighteenth floor, which Yin Mei was not sure why, because such an apartment, though cheaper, would require the resident to walk up all eighteen flights of stairs. Though Yin Mei had no problem, because she lived on the twenty-fifth floor of their building, she thought that Lei Han, being in the special forces, would be granted privileges that would include living on lower level floors, especially since it would allow the soldiers to respond more quickly in an emergency.

Well, maybe he did it as some sort of training? She knocked on his door, waiting for a moment. There wasn't a reply. She checked the system's screen, and she could see that he was glancing toward the door with an indescribable expression. What the hell? Is he ignoring her? She knocked again, louder this time. At this moment, he finally got up and came over to the door, opening it.

His face alternated between surprise and disgust before he finally got his expressions under control and put on a mask of cool, asking, "What in the world are you doing here?"

"What's up with the tone of voice?" Yin Mei said, raising an eyebrow at him. Shouldn't she be the one who wanted to be disgusted? "I just came to visit an old member of my father's regiment."

Lei Han snorted. Who would believe that? "What do you want?" She appeared again in this city for the first time in over two years and visits him, he was really curious what she wanted. He still hadn't forgot his suspicions over her time traveling like himself... and her relationship with that b*stard Ming Wei... though she had also ended up stealing some research samples from him or something, if he recalled, so he had no idea what relationship the two of them had in the end.

"I haven't seen you in more than two years and you're so cold? I wonder what my father would say." Yin Mei ruthlessly said, poking at Lei Han's sore spot. Too bad these male lead's specialized in being shameless, so he quickly dismissed the small amount of guilt he felt without even a blink of his eyes.

"Lu Mei, even now you're still bringing up your father, don't you have any shame?" Lei Han said, frowning.

"Shame?? Shameee???" Yin Mei was flabbergasted. She was so angry that she was practically shaking. She may not be Lu Mei, but anyone would be angry if they heard Lei Han's words. "You dare talk to me about shame? If not for you, my father would still be alive right now, yet you have no remorse or respect for the dead, you dare actually talk to me about shame?"

At these words, even Lei Han had to pause. So... Lu Mei actually thought like this? Could it be in the past life as well... He shook his head. Even if she did, he still couldn't forgive her.

Yin Mei snorted, seeing that he was still unrepentant. F*ck, Lu Mei, don't worry, I'll definitely get revenge for you against this shameless motherf*cker. "Let's go hunting for zombies." She then added on before Lei Han could reject her, "you owe me for my father. And don't say you don't, because you definitely do." She sneered at him, and in the end, he nodded.

Would she take this chance to try and kill him? Lei Han thought. But, he had confidence in himself. If she did attack him, he could kill her in self defense. And... he would go along with her for this one last time, as a last favor to her father.

Lei Han closed the door, opening it five minutes later dressed in a black military vest and a backpack slung over the shoulder. The two of them walked in silence to outside the city, going in a direction opposite of H City, since everyone knew that the zombies between H and B City had almost been completely cleaned out. They walked, as taking a car would require a large number of energy stones (which Lei Han was unwilling to spend, and Yin Mei didn't have).

They walked several miles away from B City before settling down on a spot that had some zombies. Most of the areas in the vicinity of B City were constantly being cleared, so they needed to walk quite some time before they actually encountered any.

Yin Mei unsheathed her sword, hacking away at the zombies mindlessly as she considered what would be a good time to kill off Lei Han.

She glanced at him, and he was fighting with a knife and pistol. These were only rank 2 zombies, and still susceptible to bullets.

"Lei Han, I've always wanted to ask you, but why do you seem to have a grudge against the doctor?" Yin Mei suddenly said, startling Lei Han and causing him to fumble, though he quickly corrected himself and killed off the zombie he was fighting.

"... why are you asking something like that?" Lei Han said, his face dark. He didn't like thinking of Ming Wei, because it would remind him of everything he had gone through in his past life.

"No, well, I was just thinking, why would anyone hate the doctor? In C Country, no, in perhaps the entire world, he is the only one who even has a chance of creating the cure." Yin Mei said, absentmindedly slashing down another zombie as she spoke.

The thing that she always disdained Lei Han for the most was killing off the doctor, the person who came closest to creating the cure in the past timeline.

So she really wanted him to regret it, before he even got a chance to do so this time.

"That man? The cure? Don't joke around. A mass murderer like him has no right to be talking about saving humanity." Lei Han said with a sneer, dispatching the last of the group of zombies they were fighting.

"Are you talking about the people he experiments on? A little sacrifice for the greater good is necessary, I don't see why you're so worked up about it. He's simply sacrificing one man for a hundred, ten for a thousand, a hundred for ten thousand. In the end, they all die for the sake of the rest of humanity. Unless... you can't accept that for some reason?" Yin Mei glanced at him, who was glaring at her with dark eyes. If looks could kill, then she would already be dead. Too bad they couldn't!

Lei Han sneered, but didn't reply. What, still stubbornly believing that he isn't creating a cure even though you can't even retort? Yin Mei mocked him in her head, but also didn't say anything. This sort of person wouldn't listen to reason. After all, the correct decision was to quickly get rid of him before he becomes a problem.

"Sorry, Lei Han, but I can't let you kill the doctor. He's our hope for a better world," Yin Mei said, turning around to face the man.

"So what, you're going to kill me?" Lei Han raised an eyebrow, clearly not taking her seriously.

Yin Mei calmly nodded. "Did you know that the doctor only needed done last ingredient to complete the cure when you killed him last time? You doomed all of humanity with your selfishness." Yin Mei said, taking out a vial of the ability enhancing drug and downing it before throwing it onto the ground, the sound of the glass shattering sending doubts into Lei Han's mind.

"What're you talking about?" Lei Han was confused. He thought that Yin Mei might have come from the same timeline as he had, but he had never killed Ming Wei in his past life?

"You come from some past timeline, yeah? Well so do I. But I come from this timeline's future... in other words, a future where you had already time traveled." Yin Mei explained. She didn't really need to explain, and though she had always wondered before why villains or other characters always liked explaining themselves before trying to kill someone, she now realized why. Because their expressions were too good!

"And in that future, you kill the doctor right before he can complete the cure. Tell me, wouldn't that make you the enemy of humanity?" Yin Mei asked, tilting her head as Lei Han's expression grew ugly. She launched herself forward, bringing her sword down as Lei Han quickly blocked her blade with his gun and knife.

"I don't believe you. That monster creating the cure? Come up with a better lie!" Lei Han growled, using his strength to push Yin Mei back, and she flew threw the air, landing lightly a few feet a way.

"I don't get why you insist that the doctor isn't working toward the creation of the cure. That's been his goal all along. Or, could it be, that your guilt prevents you from thinking that way? Because if it's true, then you can't achieve your revenge?" Yin Mei launched herself again, her sword clashing against Lei Han's knife again and again, her speed so fast that the sword turned into a silver blur.

At the edge of her vision, she saw Lei Han holster his gun, a crackling ball of purple lightning appearing in the palm of his hand. Yin Mei leapt away, summoning a thin shield of pure water in front of her. The lightning hit it, dispersing away harmlessly, barely even making a ripple in the water.

"Wha- how?" Lei Han was truly confused, unable to comprehend how Yin Mei was able to take his attack without even a single blink of the eye.

Yin Mei laughed heartily. "You didn't expect that?" She shot forward again, stabbing her sword at him, but he slipped his hand in and grabbed her arm as he twisted his waist, the blade just missing his side. He swung his knife down at the girl, who blocked it with her hand, hissing in pain as it went clean through her palm, blood spurting out. "You never would have expected me to have an ability that combats yours right? How hilarious is that? And after you killed me oh so happily in the last life!" She forced a grin as she snarled at him through the sharp pain in her hand. It didn't hurt as much as she had hurt in her previous world! It couldn't compare to the pain she felt when she watched her second older brother die, or the demon king fall from inner demons!

"Weak, weak, weak!" Yin Mei muttered, twisting her hand with the knife still in it, causing Lei Han to lose his grip on it. He let it and her arm go, and Yin Mei retreated back again. She used her teeth to bite down on the hilt, pulling the knife out with one sharp jerking motion. She let the knife drop onto the ground with a clatter as blood spilled out from her hand, and she grabbed a handful of energy cores from the pouch hanging on her waist, stuffing it into her mouth. As the energy cores melted on her tongue, the injury on her hand began to stop bleeding and slowly heal itself. It wasn't as good as someone with a healing ability, but was better than nothing, and would guarantee that she didn't end up bleeding to death.

She pointed her sword at Lei Han as she pulled her scarf off, letting it flutter to the ground. "You're too weak! You won't even acknowledge the possibility that the doctor would create the cure, lest it interfere with your desire for revenge! You stubbornly insist that you're right, even when you're wrong! And most of all, even after my father sacrificed himself for you, you still had the guts to repay his kindness with spite!"

She didn't know where all this pent up anger came from. Though she felt disgusted by Lei Han, after all, she wasn't really Lu Mei. But it was if at this moment, Lu Mei's emotions came flooding in, rage filling her body. She felt rage, rage that he had killed her. She felt rage, rage that he took her father's life.

Lei Han glared at her, and she glared back.

There was silence between them, until both threw themselves at each other, Lei Han unsheathing the other knife attached to his waist, the two clashing and then retreating like some rhythmic dance.

Occasionally, Lei Han would call down strikes of lightning or throw a few bolts at her, which Yin Mei would always skillfully block with a perfectly timed shield of water.

But, the problem was that Yin Mei simply didn't have Lei Han's stamina. Though their experience and skill could be considered roughly matched, Yin Mei's physical capabilities were a notch lower than Lei Han's.

In the end, he had her pinned on the ground, sitting on top of her with a knife pointed at her neck.

D*mmit, d*mmit, d*mmit! Yin Mei admitted that after so easily killing the male leads in her former world, she had gotten cocky. But she still wasn't resigned! Why is it that in every world, it's only b*stards like these that get everything? They had the woman, the power, the luck to achieve everything they desired?

She refused to accept it!

She refused to allow it!

Just as Lei Han was about to swing his knife down, he was suddenly blown away by an unknown force, tumbling a few times before regaining his footing. He immediately put his knife up in a defensive stance as he looked at who had attacked him.

From a distance walked a figure with long hair and pale white skin.

His normally leisurely expression was replaced with a murderous air, his blood red eyes looking down at Lei Han like one would a bug.

"Y-your Majesty???" Yin Mei was so shocked that she let slip the term she used to call the demon king.

The man paused, a blank expression replacing his former dark one. From his memories, something seemed to surface, though it was just there, as if covered by a thin mist. He could almost remember...

A voice like hers, calling out those same words.

A red robe and luxurious palace.

White hair and jade eyes.

Who was she?

But, just as he was about to recall, a bolt of lightning interrupted his thoughts, hitting the arm he raised up to block it. Arcs of purple lightning jumped around his pale skin, and his eyes moved toward the man who had caused him to lose the memory that he had been trying so hard to recall all this time.

The expression he wore was enough to make children wet their pants.

"What are you doing here?" But he was interrupted by Yin Mei's voice, as she struggled to get up, but failed, unable to gather enough energy into her body.

"Picking you up," The zombie emperor replied in that seductive voice of his, walking over and lifting Yin Mei up easily into a princess carry.


Yin Mei's brain short circuited.

Please wait one moment as the computer restarts.

The zombie emperor sent a disdainful glance toward Lei Han, whose body shivered. That was the zombie emperor! What in the world was Yin Mei doing together with him!? Before he could do anything though, a heavy pressure flattened him onto the ground, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Only when the zombie emperor left satisfied was he finally able to get up again.

"Lu Mei is actually together with the zombie emperor... like I thought, I can't believe a word she says." Lei Han muttered to himself, wincing as he clutched his stomach. He had probably broken a rib or two. He also had a number of wounds from battling with Yin Mei, who had been much stronger than he had expected.

Meanwhile, in B City...

Ming Wei: ... I never should have expected her to come back!

Yin Mei: QwQ It's not my fault thoughhhhh!!

A/N: Ugh, sh*tty fight scenes being sh*tty... I gotta come up with some fancy moves or something to use in fight scenes so it's not just all like them jumping toward and away each other.