Scratching his head, "I apologize. I was so excited to go home, I kind of forgot that I am not alone." Grinning at his senior sheepishly. "Here is my brother, Gao Qi, his wife Li Mao and my niece Gao Lan Mei." He then introduced the family.
Wang Li nodded, "Very well." Then glancing at the family that gazing at them curiously. Except for Gao Lan Mei whose eyes seemed bored, making his lips twitch with amusement or feeling insulted.
He was very much used to beings from lower domains gushing at them with all hospitality, adoration, and envy for just being able to pass the gates of Immortal Domain.
"Minister Gao, we apologize for the intrusion. We are here for the Bai Hu sect's official business that I would like to discuss with you later in private." He said seriously.
With a snort, "Geez Wang Li! You're so uptight! Let's do business later! What do you say Junior Apprentice Gao?" Fa Li grinning as he said this while moving his brows up and down emphasizing his point of wanting to get a backup.
Gao Shen's eyes brightened, "Totally agreeing on that senior!" Happily doing a two-finger salute with mock respect.
Raising his brow with annoyance, "We are not here to play!" then glaring at Fa Li, "You! Do not teach the juniors to slack off!" he roared directly to Fa Li who just feigned disbelief placing his hand over his chest as if Wang Li's words wounded him.
That action confirmed Gao Lan Mei that Gao Shen hung around Fa Li a lot.
"I cannot believe that you are accusing me of being a bad senior." He said with a pout, "Let's join their bet then! My money goes to Gao Shen!" he said challengingly.
Folding his arms over his chest, "Why would I join a bratty bet? Especially a bet I would surely lose." He said flatly.
Shaking his head, "Aha! Senior please do not underestimate our Mei'er!" Gao Shen jumped to her defense.
Smirking at the black face of Wang Li, "Right! You know luck is also a strength, you should give Gao Lan Mei a chance." Fa Li encouraged positively.
Raising a brow with their banter. The three talked about her like she is not around. "Just talk to me if you are finished wasting time." She said, "Father, I will be going back to my courtyard now."
"Mei'er wait! What about the bet?" Gao Shen was eager to know more about his niece's new capabilities.
Facing Wang Li, "Senior, are you chickening out? It's just a fun bet come on!" his tone playful and full of enthusiasm.
"Why you! Who is chickening out?" pressing the tips of his fingers to his forehead massaging it gently due to a headache he feels for dealing with two grown-up kids. "Fine!" he agreed reluctantly.
Adding, "But we will do this the Bai Hu sect way. Rules of the challenge arena." He said sternly. "Are you fine with that?" he asked Gao Lan Mei where his money will go.
"Hmmm, tell me the Bai Hu sect's way." Saying this instead of answering Wang Li.
Gao Shen delightedly explained, "It consists of three rounds. First will be the spiritual beast round. The participants will have their beast fight regardless of the type of contract." He said with a smile on the face.
In all honesty, Gao Shen was trying to cheat on Gao Lan Mei first rule. He did not really care if she would have a beast or not, even if she managed to tame one using a bought Tamer's Talisman. He was so confident that her beast could not be compared to his.
Then Gao Shen continued, "Second is the Brain game, its like question, and answer for a certain theme or any diversion using the participants' knowledge. Then lastly the physical strength, it's just considered a brawl fight. The first one to admit defeat wins or depending on the rules agreed before the game started." Smiling at Gao Lan Mei.
Tilting her head, "Are you fine with that third uncle? You're not going to cry if you lose, are you?" she asked curiously.
Pouting at that, "Of course!" The Gao blood strived to challenge, surely even though defeat hurts he would not cry!
Chucking to her uncle's childish expression, "Then I accept."