Gao Shen eyes bugged out, not understanding what's going on. He could feel that Riyan was getting weaker by the minute! The originally bright blazing fur was now also getting weaker for some reason.
The rest were also surprised when the flaming leopard slumped on the ground. Who else knows what's going on? Gao Lan Mei of course.
¨Mei´er! What's the meaning of this?" Gao Shen asked, more astonished.
Raising a brow, "How would I know? If you admit defeat, I might figure something out." then glancing at the beasts. One beast weakly laying on the ground, the other still standing on top of the other's head.
Grinning with confidence, "Tsk. Tsk. The seniors will not side declare you a winner, unless you explained how I lost." Folding his arms over his chest.
Wang Li knit his brows, "Miss Gao, your spiritual beast, it devours?" he was pretty sure that's the answer, but he still wanted to hear the confirmation.
"After I'm declared the winner of this round, I can answer some of your questions." She said instead of answering.
Shaking his head, Fa Li glanced at the unconscious fire leopard, "There is really no way for Gao Shen's beast to continue fighting." the fire on the leopard was almost extinguished. Yellow fur was already noticeable from just a quick glance.
Fa Li nodded to Wang Li to agree with the decision, "You won the first round, Miss Gao." Wang Li declared, smiling fully. The handsome face brightened. "Now, I am correct with your spiritual beast, right?"
Her eyes indifferently looked at Wang Li, "Sometimes yes. Sometimes not. Feng Ji can only devour a certain element of magic. Which we are lucky that my little sparrow fought with a fire type beast."
If given more chances to encounter this type of beast in the future, Feng Ji could increase its rank.
Appearing interested, "There is such thing?" he asked.
Devour was an ancient technique. It was developed by an unknown master. No one was aware if the master was a being or a beast. The use of this though could not be used by just anyone.
With the word itself, 'devour' allows the user to steal other creatures' capabilities. How wonderful was it to have the ability to enhance one's strength by devouring others effortlessly?
Wang Li eyed the little sparrow thoughtfully. It would be nice to have one of these types of beast despite it looking weak and skills being limited.
If the little sparrow had a mortal form in the future, the beast could help its master learn the technique.
Wang Li could only think this, anyway it's despicable to envy a mortal who was just lucky to have acquired a unique spiritual beast.
Wang Li was already thinking about this while he only believed that Feng Ji could only devour fire element. He was already very much interested in the sparrow despite it looking too weak.
What then would he think if he found out the little sparrow could turn into a mortal child, eat inedible objects then could intentionally choke on it to spill out.
"You are lucky Mei'er!" If Gao Lan Mei had a companion that could help her a lot, Gao Shen was satisfied. Sadly, the beast was small. Making anyone want to bully it.
With a cough, "I lost this time, but the next round is my win!" Gao Shen confidently exclaimed.
"Are you sure your brain can think too much third uncle? Did you change that much after staying at the Immortal Domain?" Gao Lan Mei mocked, remembering that he was not good with studying since before.