Underwater Temple

Gao Lan Mei never liked the chain around her foot even from her previous life. Of course that would be the case still even if the place that was at that moment was not reality.

She crouched down and tugged it forcefully trying to remove it if possible. She was more than aware that wouldn't work.

How many times had she tried before? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Forcing herself to learn a lot of things to look for ways to remove the despicable chain that bound her to that place.

She also tried to use the hardest iron, the coldest or hottest material but it did not work.

The chain was not heavy, in fact, it was light in weight like her dress but it's a constant reminder of her limits.

Tugging the chain strongly, trying to see if it was connected to somewhere. The chain's other end was unseen, under the water.

After it halted, she tried again, but the recoil of the action probably upset whatever was on the end pulling her under.

She tried to resist, fight back harder but to no avail, she was still continuously being pulled deeper and deeper into the ocean, struggling against the water that was drowning her.

Her eyes were burning, throat felt painful, she almost lost consciousness. Before that happened, she arrived at a place that's like a temple.

Dropping to the cold marble floor, trying to catch her breath, heaving due to the salty water she accidentally drank.

The temple had huge windows making the place bright despite its being underwater. There were massive pillars set against the engraved walls that were heavily designed by runes.

Even the marble floor and the tall pillar was also encrypted by different runes. In a different time, she would have liked to look closely at each rune trying to decipher what they meant.

There's an elevated golden throne at the end of the temple. Every step to reach it was very high. Emerald Stone dragon sculptures that were as high as the throne surrounded it.

The tied majestic curtains hanging from the ceiling to the floor created a division from the throne to the area she was currently at.

It was so bright in the temple, and she was unsure if this was because of a spell or it was from the sunlight. Also, despite being underwater, the smell of the ocean was not present.

Gao Lan Mei had a very bad feeling about the place, her first instinct was to leave but due to the chain connected to the temple, there was no way she could do so.

"What do we have here?" The voice was cold as the sound of footsteps got nearer, "a woman." Then the voice sounded next to her ear, the warm breathing next to her like she is being sniffed.

Gao Lan Mei resisted to waste her energy to looked at the being. She was technically trespassing. Dealing with this type of things were her worst points.

Even though she felt weak to move, she endured and could only wait for the next action of whoever was speaking. She felt her hair being touched or probably being played with. The person's smell was so masculine, but there was also a hint of blood.

Cold fingers touched the chain around her ankle, "You cannot leave," then silence, "You cannot run away." he added firmly.

Gao Lan Mei wrinkled her brows, bowing her head, she did not speak. Who was he to tell her that?

She was trying to conserve her energy and think of ways to look for the orb and get this illusion over with.

It's a good thing that from the things she saw and experienced so far, it's not a good dream, else she might forget reality.

She just read about the Eye of Meng before. Never expecting the experience to be so real that even the feeling of being drowned was surprisingly just like in real life.