Strange situation

"Hahaha! Was it painful?" The man just laughed at her outburst. To make matters worse, he massaged her buttocks. To make the situation awkward and annoying, he was so good at it!

"Stop it! Take your hands off me!" Gao Lan Mei hissed. She squirmed in her current position, trying to get out of his grip. Pounding on his broad back, demanding release.

With another laugh, "I am just trying to ease the pain." He said. His stopped massaging and just keep his hand firmly holding her buttocks with a little pressure. Probably a warning that if she continued moving or resisting she would get spanked again.

Curling up her lips in annoyance, "Release me now!" she demanded indignantly hoping loud enough for him to cover his ears, but he just laughed it off again!

She felt him securing his other arm by hugging her thigh, shifting her further to his neck so he could lay his head on her hip. His long hair swaying, giving her the desire to pull it fiercely or just burn it.

"Behave. You're dripping water all over the place." He reprimanded. As if it's her fault that the dripping water from her dress was now on the marble floor.

"I do not care! Put me down!" Gao Lan Me hissed, but her demands were just thrown to the wind as the man finds it more entertaining by laughing at her. 

It would be good if he accidentally slid on the marbled floor since it was slippery. She could only glare at his perky behind to vent some frustration.

She already stopped pounding since realizing that her efforts were just going to be wasted, no choice but to just get comfortable in her position. Knowing that this was a dream was an advantage. Asking why the prince was part of it, who would help her understand? It's not a good idea to waste time looking for answers.

What a bad dream! At least it's not a nightmare. Not. She still preferred to not encounter unnecessary hurdles that would make her confused.

"This is a dream. Will he get mad if I grope his buttocks?" Gao Lan Mei subconsciously whispered to herself, then went against the idea. If he were not wearing armor, she would make sure to also take a bite. Her fangs were already itching for fresh meat, despite this being a dream. 'What a very strange situation.' she thought to herself unhappily.

Laughing loudly, his shoulders shook, "Hahaha! You can try, I do not mind." Which was sadly heard by the man.

Instead of being embarrassed like it would normally happen in real life if he was really in front of her, she felt otherwise. "Where are you bringing me?" she asked. Deciding to ignore her annoyance and bewilderment at the current flow of events.

"You will see," he said, not giving away anything with his tone. For some reason, she could feel the man was in a very good mood. Though she could not see his face in her current position, she had a feeling that he was grinning at that moment.

His walking pace was so slow! This was deliberately done, he also sometimes rubbed his head like on her hip like a cat, his hand on her buttocks sometimes caressed her, making her ticklish, the feeling was uncomfortable but was only steadied by his strong arm covered by the armor.

The armor was soft to touch but was still sturdy. She tried to knock on it earlier and heard him snicker at her probably feeling what she did.

"I am getting dizzy. Put me down." She said helplessly. Partly true, since blood was already rushing to her head. For some strange reason, being on her original body should make her capable enough to fight for escape, but that is not the case.