Free Meal

Yin Fu released a heavy breath due to frustration. For now, he could only clench his fist, trying not to physically lash out.

Their proud clan was reduced to amateurs when compared to this woman. In better circumstances, he would consider scouting her to the Immortal domain despite her not having spiritual cultivation.

'We were never good at killing while still keeping our emotions alive.' He comforted himself. An assassin should kill without mercy and for one to do that, he needs to be emotionless. However, his clan men were never like that. 

Aside from that,  Yin Fu could also not blame them, experience-wise, they were lacking. Do not mention the brain, they seemed to also lack that. So combine that with overconfidence that sums up to a quick death, suicidal mission.

If they had faced an opponent from the Immortal Realm, no one would be left to live. The strong ruled over the weak. That was the knowledge of any universe.