Li Huan, surprised with the effect of her words, awkwardly smiled, and stood up to apologize, "I am sorry for offending the experts. It was an honest mistake.
"Please allow me to serve you all some tea, to show my sincerity," she said as she had no choice, but to compromise.
These beings should not be offended. With the way, Chen Yun Ming reacted confirmed that especially with the person whose gender you couldn't determine.
The scar on her neck changed the impression on her delicate face, it created a dangerous impact to those who looked.
Some wrinkled their brow to her 'honest mistake' if Xi Jun was not an expert, they were pretty sure that he would've been thrown out for his current action, without even knowing why he fell unconscious in the first place.
No one wanted to come near the woman or accept any wine from her. What if it was poisoned? Perhaps laced with enchantment spell?