What of it?

Wei Jiayi asked Hai Hai, but not really caring much if the muscled man answered or not. He took a quick glance atHai Hai who tried to look for Lan.

"Where?", Hai Hai asked no one in particular and the big man tilted his head in wonder.

The experts wanted to answer him, but they preferred to shut up, to avoid them making a mistake of giving a hint to Wei Jiayi that, they did not do their task immediately.

Right now the 'Lan' he was looking for was hiding at the back of Liqi clan members. Which was a good thing, they had decided to walk at the end of the group.

Still holding the leash, the hound followed with Wei Jiayi. When he got in front of them, he pulled out the hanging cloth that was inside his robe, from his chest then placed it across the hound's nose. It was folded neatly with an embroidered flower stitched to some part of what they could see.