Good luck

When the head of the snake appeared from his mouth, some moved back, while some gagged at the sight. Who would dare to ask what a snake was doing inside Yin Bai's body? 

Chen Yun Ming looked petrified. He would never want anything to live inside his body. What were these people? 

He eyed Merchant Lan who seemed to own the snake. He wanted them all to leave as soon as possible. 'What was taking them so long? They should leave now, immediately.' 

He wanted Wei Jiayi to take the merchant away, despite the benefits Chen Yun Ming would be able to get for keeping the mysterious man. However, compared with the benefits he would rather avoid ghastly possibilities of a snake or a bug getting into his body! 

"Xi Snake. Eat." Hai Hai asked innocently. A very childlike expression on his face that did not really match with his tall and bulky figure. He also wanted to eat the snake but wondered why it came out from Yin Bai's mouth.